Cobalt CVals
CVals are globally accessible, thread-safe, key-value pairs within Cobalt, which are primarily used for monitoring state and tracking performance and memory. Each CVal is defined with a unique key and registered with the global CValManager. The CValManager can subsequently be queried for the current value of the key, which is returned as a string. CVals come in two varieties:
- PublicCVals - active in all builds.
- DebugCVals - only enabled in non-Gold builds.
Debug Console
The debug console can be toggled between three modes (off, on, and hud) by pressing Ctrl-O. It displays the current values of registered CVals, updating them at 60 Hz. The initially displayed values are determined by DEFAULT_ACTIVE_SET
in debug_values/console_values.js
. However, this is modifiable in the debug console hud.
The registered CVals can be viewed by entering debug.cvalList()
into the debug console. Additional CVals can be registered via debug.cvalAdd(substringToMatch)
and can be removed via debug.cvalRemove(substringToMatch)
. The current registered list can be saved as a new set via debug.cvalSave(set_key)
. At that point, the saved set can later be loaded as the active set via the command, debug.cvalLoad(set_key)
A full list of the commands available via the debug console is shown by entering
CVals are exposed to JavaScript via the H5vccCVal object. This provides an interface for requesting all of the keys, which are returned as an array, and for retrieving a specific CVal value, which is returned as an optional string, via its CVal key. While the H5vccCVal object is usable in any build, only public CVals are queryable in Gold builds.
Here are examples of its usage:
> h5vcc.cVal.keys()
< H5vccCValKeyList[151]
> h5vcc.cVal.keys().length
< 151
> h5vcc.cVal.keys().item(8)
< "Count.MainWebModule.Layout.Box"
> h5vcc.cVal.getValue("Count.MainWebModule.Layout.Box")
< "463"
Tracking Categories
- Cobalt.Lifetime - The total number of milliseconds that Cobalt has been running.
- Cobalt.Server.DevTools - The IP address and port of the DevTools server, if it is running.
- Cobalt.Server.WebDriver - The IP address and port of the Webdriver server, if it is running.
- Count.WEB.EventListeners - The total number of EventListeners in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.DOM.Nodes - The total number of Nodes in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.MainWebModule.DOM.HtmlElement - The total number of HtmlElements in the MainWebModule. This includes elements that are not in the document and ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.MainWebModule.DOM.HtmlElement.Document - The total number of HtmlElements that are in the MainWebModule’s document.
- Count.MainWebModule.DOM.HtmlScriptElement.Execute - The total number of HtmlScriptElement executions that have run since Cobalt started.
- Count.MainWebModule.Layout.Box - The total number of Boxes that are in the MainWebModule’s current layout.
- Count.WEB.ActiveJavaScriptEvents - The number of JavaScript events that are currently running.
- Count.DOM.Attrs - The total number of Attrs in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.DOM.StringMaps - The total number of StringMaps in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.DOM.TokenLists - The total number of TokenLists in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.DOM.HtmlCollections - The total number of HtmlCollections in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.DOM.NodeLists - The total number of NodeLists in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.DOM.NodeMaps - The total number of NodeMaps in existence globally. This includes ones that are pending garbage collection.
- Count.MainWebModule.[RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE].PendingCallbacks - The number of loading completed resources that have pending callbacks.
- Count.MainWebModule.[RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE].Resource.Requested - The total number of resources that have ever been requested.
- Count.MainWebModule.[RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE].Resource.Loaded - The total number of resources that have ever been successfully loaded.
- Count.MainWebModule.[RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE].Resource.Loading - The number of resources that are currently loading.
- Count.Renderer.Rasterize.NewRenderTree - The total number of new render trees that have been rasterized.
- Count.VersionCompatibilityViolation - The total number of Cobalt version compatibility violations encountered.
- Count.XHR - The total number of xhr::XMLHttpRequest in existence globally.
- Count.MainWebModule.AnimatedImage.Active - The total number of currently active animated image decoders. Same image from a single URL source rendered multiple times across the content counts as one decoder.
- Count.MainWebModule.AnimatedImage.DecodedFrames - Total number of decoded frames across all active image decoders. This number resets only when WebModule gets re-created - e.g. page reload, navigation.
- Count.MainWebModule.AnimatedImage.DecodingUnderruns - Total number of frames when animated image decoding has fallen behind real-time, as defined by image frame exposure times. This indicates a CPU bottleneck.
- Count.MainWebModule.AnimatedImage.DecodingOverruns - Total number of frames when animated image decoding has been attempted too early, before next frame exposure time. This indicates a timing issue in platform.
The Event category currently consists of counts and durations (in microseconds) for input events, which are tracked from when the event is first injected into the window, until a render tree is generated from it. Each event type is tracked separately; current event types are: KeyDown, KeyUp, PointerDown, PointerUp.
- Event.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].ProducedRenderTree - Whether or not the event produced a render tree.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement - The total number of HTML elements after the event produces its first render tree.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.Created - The number of HTML elements created during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.Destroyed - The number of HTML elements destroyed during the event. NOTE: This number will only be non-zero if GC occurs during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.Document - The number of HTML elements in the document after the event produces its first render tree.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.Document.Added - The number of HTML elements added to the document during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.Document.Removed - The number of HTML elements removed from the document during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.UpdateMatchingRules - The number of HTML elements that had their matching rules updated during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.UpdateComputedStyle - The number of HTML elements that had their computed style updated during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.GenerateHtmlElementComputedStyle - The number of HTML elements that had their computed style fully generated during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.HtmlElement.GeneratePseudoElementComputedStyle - The number of pseudo elements that had their computed style fully generated during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.Box - The total number of Layout boxes after the event produces its first render tree.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.Box.Created - The number of Layout boxes that were created during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.Box.Destroyed - The number of Layout boxes that were destroyed during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.Box.UpdateSize - The number of times UpdateSize() is called during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.Box.RenderAndAnimate - The number of times RenderAndAnimate() is called during the event.
- Event.Count.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.Box.UpdateCrossReferences - The number of times UpdateCrossReferences() is called during the event.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE] - The total duration of the event from the keypress being injected until the first render tree is rendered. If the event does not trigger a re-layout, then it only includes the event injection time.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.InjectEvent - The time taken to inject the event into the window object. This mainly consists of JavaScript time.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.RunAnimationFrameCallbacks - The time taken to run animation frame callbacks during the event. This mainly consists of JavaScript time.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].DOM.UpdateComputedStyle - The time taken to update the computed styles of all HTML elements (which also includes updating their matching rules). This will track closely with the event DOM counts.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.BoxTree - The time taken to fully lay out the box tree.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.BoxTree.BoxGeneration - The time taken to generate the boxes within the box tree. This will track closely with the number of boxes created during the event. This is included within the BoxTree time.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.BoxTree.UpdateUsedSizes - The time taken to update the sizes of the boxes within the box tree, which is when all of the boxes are laid out. This is included within the BoxTree time.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Layout.RenderAndAnimate - The time taken to generate the render tree produced by the event.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Renderer.Rasterize - The time taken to rasterize the event’s render tree after it is submitted to the renderer.
- Event.Duration.MainWebModule.DOM.VideoStartDelay - The delay from the start of the event until the start of a video. NOTE1: This is not set until after the event completes, so it is not included in the value dictionary. NOTE2: This is not tracked by event type, so each new event will reset this value.
- Event.Time.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].Start - Time when the event started.
- Event.MainWebModule.IsProcessing - Whether or not an event is currently being processed.
- Event.MainWebModule.[EVENT_TYPE].ValueDictionary - All counts and durations for this event as a JSON string. This is used by the tv_testcase_event_recorder to minimize the number of CVal requests it makes to retrieve all of the data for an event.
- MainWebModule.IsRenderTreeRasterizationPending - Whether or not a render tree has been produced but not yet rasterized.
- MainWebModule.Layout.IsRenderTreePending - Whether or not the layout is scheduled to produce a new render tree.
We have various SbPlayer metrics available which need to be enabled first using: h5vcc.settings.set("Media.EnableMetrics", 1)
- Media.SbPlayerCreateTime.Minimum
- Media.SbPlayerCreateTime.Median
- Media.SbPlayerCreateTime.Maximum
- Media.SbPlayerDestructionTime.Minimum
- Media.SbPlayerDestructionTime.Median
- Media.SbPlayerDestructionTime.Maximum
- Media.SbPlayerWriteSamplesTime.Minimum
- Media.SbPlayerWriteSamplesTime.Median
- Media.SbPlayerWriteSamplesTime.Maximum
Media Pipeline exposes many State values, however we support multiple pipelines at once, so we have to query for the current pipeline number to access them. This can be done with h5vcc.cVal.keys().filter(key => key.startsWith("Media.Pipeline.") && key.endsWith("MaxVideoCapabilities") && h5vcc.cVal.getValue(key).length === 0)
(If a Pipeline has MaxVideoCapabilities, it implies that the Pipeline is a 10x player, i.e. a secondary small player, so if MaxVideoCapabilities.length is 0, then it must be the primary pipeline.) This will give back an answer like Media.Pipeline.3.MaxVideoCapabilities
so the main pipeline in this example is 3
. With the current pipeline number you can then access (Switching out pipeline for the one returned from previous query):
- Media.Pipeline.3.Started
- Media.Pipeline.3.Suspended
- Media.Pipeline.3.Stopped
- Media.Pipeline.3.Ended
- Media.Pipeline.3.PlayerState
- Media.Pipeline.3.Volume
- Media.Pipeline.3.PlaybackRate
- Media.Pipeline.3.Duration
- Media.Pipeline.3.LastMediaTime
- Media.Pipeline.3.MaxVideoCapabilities
- Media.Pipeline.3.SeekTime
- Media.Pipeline.3.FirstWrittenAudioTimestamp
- Media.Pipeline.3.FirstWrittenVideoTimestamp
- Media.Pipeline.3.LastWrittenAudioTimestamp
- Media.Pipeline.3.LastWrittenVideoTimestamp
- Media.Pipeline.3.VideoWidth
- Media.Pipeline.3.VideoHeight
- Media.Pipeline.3.IsAudioEosWritten
- Media.Pipeline.3.IsVideoEosWritten
- Media.Pipeline.3.PipelineStatus
- Media.Pipeline.3.CurrentCodec
- Media.Pipeline.3.ErrorMessage
- Memory.CPU.Free - The total CPU memory (in bytes) potentially available to this application minus the amount being used by the application.
- Memory.CPU.Used - The total physical CPU memory (in bytes) used by this application.
- Memory.GPU.Free - The total GPU memory (in bytes) potentially available to this application minus the amount being used by the application. NOTE: On many platforms, GPU memory information is unavailable.
- Memory.GPU.Used - The total physical CPU memory (in bytes) used by this application. NOTE: On many platforms, GPU memory information is unavailable.
- Memory.JS - The total memory being used by JavaScript.
- Memory.Font.LocalTypefaceCache.Capacity - The capacity in bytes of the font cache for use with local typefaces. This is a hard cap that can never be exceeded.
- Memory.Font.LocalTypefaceCache.Size - The current size in bytes of the font cache for use with local typefaces.
- Memory.MainWebModule.DOM.HtmlScriptElement.Execute - The total size in bytes of all scripts executed by HtmlScriptElements since Cobalt started.
- Memory.MainWebModule.[RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE].Capacity - The capacity in bytes of the resource cache specified by RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE. When the resource cache exceeds the capacity, unused resources being purged from it.
- Memory.MainWebModule.[RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE].Resource.Loaded - The total size in bytes of all resources ever loaded by the resource cache specified by RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE.
- Memory.MainWebModule.[RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE].Size - The total number of bytes currently used by the resource cache specified by RESOURCE_CACHE_TYPE.
- Memory.XHR - The total memory allocated to xhr::XMLHttpRequest objects.
- Memory.CachedSoftwareRasterizer.CacheUsage - Total memory occupied by cached software-rasterized surfaces.
- Memory.CachedSoftwareRasterizer.FrameCacheUsage - Total memory occupied by cache software-rasterizer surfaces that were referenced this frame.
- Renderer.HasActiveAnimations - Whether or not the current render tree has animations.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.* - Tracks the duration of intervals between rasterization calls during all animations and updates its stats with a new set of entries every 60 calls. Given that it only updates every 60 samples, it typically includes multiple animations. This provides an accurate view of the framerate over those samples and is the value used with the FPS overlay.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Cnt - The number of intervals included in the stats. Should always be 60.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Avg - The average duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Min - The minimum duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Max - The maximum duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Pct.25th - The 25th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Pct.50th - The 50th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Pct.75th - The 75th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Pct.95th - The 95th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.DurationInterval.Std - The standard deviation of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.* - Tracks the duration of intervals between rasterization calls during a single animation and updates its stats when the animation ends. The stats include all of the animation’s rasterization intervals. This provides an accurate view of the framerate during the animation.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Cnt - The number of intervals included in the stats. Accounts for all rasterizations that occurred during the animation.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Avg - The average duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Min - The minimum duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Max - The maximum duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Pct.25th - The 25th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Pct.50th - The 50th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Pct.75th - The 75th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Pct.95th - The 95th percentile duration of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.AnimationsInterval.Std - The standard deviation of the intervals between the animation rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.SubmissionQueueSize - The current size of the renderer submission queue. Each item in the queue contains a render tree and associated animations.
- Renderer.ToSubmissionTime - The current difference in milliseconds between the layout‘s clock and the renderer’s clock.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.* - Tracks the duration of each rasterization call during a single animation and updates its stats when the animation ends. The stats are drawn from all of the animation’s rasterizations. Given that this only tracks the time spent in the rasterizer, it does not provide as accurate a picture of the framerate as DurationInterval and AnimationsInterval.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Cnt - The number of rasterization durations included in the stats. Accounts for all rasterizations that occurred during the animation.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Avg - The average duration of the rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Min - The minimum duration of the rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Max - The maximum duration of the rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Pct.25th - The 25th percentile duration of the rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Pct.50th - The 50th percentile duration of the rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Pct.75th - The 75th percentile duration of the rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Pct.95th - The 95th percentile duration of the rasterizations included in the set.
- Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Std - The standard deviation of the rasterization durations included in the set.
- Time.Cobalt.Start - Time when Cobalt was launched.
- Time.Browser.Navigate - Time when the BrowserModule’s last Navigate occurred.
- Time.Browser.OnLoadEvent - Time when the BrowserModule’s last OnLoadEvent occurred.
- Time.MainWebModule.DOM.HtmlScriptElement.Execute - Time when an HtmlScriptElement was last executed.
- Time.Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.Start - Time when the Renderer last started playing animations.
- Time.Renderer.Rasterize.Animations.End - Time when the Renderer last stopped playing animations.
- Time.Renderer.Rasterize.NewRenderTree - Time when the most recent render tree was first rasterized.