Defines an interface for condition variables.
Max size of the SbConditionVariable type.
Enumeration of possible results from waiting on a condvar.
The wait completed because the condition variable was signaled.
The wait completed because it timed out, and was not signaled.
The wait failed, either because a parameter wasn't valid, or the condition variable has already been destroyed, or something similar.
An opaque handle to a condition variable type with reserved memory buffer of size SB_CONDITION_VARIABLE_MAX_SIZE and aligned at void pointer type.
typedef union SbConditionVariable SbConditionVariable
Broadcasts to all current waiters of condition
to stop waiting. This function wakes all of the threads waiting on condition
while SbConditionVariableSignal wakes a single thread.
: The condition that should no longer be waited for.
bool SbConditionVariableBroadcast(SbConditionVariable *condition)
Creates a new condition variable to work with opt_mutex
, which may be null, placing the newly created condition variable in out_condition
The return value indicates whether the condition variable could be created.
bool SbConditionVariableCreate(SbConditionVariable *out_condition, SbMutex *opt_mutex)
Destroys the specified SbConditionVariable . The return value indicates whether the destruction was successful. The behavior is undefined if other threads are currently waiting on this condition variable.
: The SbConditionVariable to be destroyed. This invalidates the condition variable.
bool SbConditionVariableDestroy(SbConditionVariable *condition)
Returns whether the given result is a success.
static bool SbConditionVariableIsSignaled(SbConditionVariableResult result)
Signals the next waiter of condition
to stop waiting. This function wakes a single thread waiting on condition
while SbConditionVariableBroadcast wakes all threads waiting on it.
: The condition that the waiter should stop waiting for.
bool SbConditionVariableSignal(SbConditionVariable *condition)
Waits for condition
, releasing the held lock mutex
, blocking indefinitely, and returning the result. Behavior is undefined if mutex
is not held.
SbConditionVariableResult SbConditionVariableWait(SbConditionVariable *condition, SbMutex *mutex)
Waits for condition
, releasing the held lock mutex
, blocking up to timeout_duration
, and returning the acquisition result. Behavior is undefined if mutex
is not held.
: The maximum amount of time that function should wait for condition
. If the timeout_duration
value is less than or equal to zero, the function returns as quickly as possible with a kSbConditionVariableTimedOut result.
SbConditionVariableResult SbConditionVariableWaitTimed(SbConditionVariable *condition, SbMutex *mutex, SbTime timeout_duration)