blob: 7e5bb6e619921a9145c231a205882b15be13d29a [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef builtin_Eval_h
#define builtin_Eval_h
#include "vm/Stack.h"
namespace js {
// The C++ native for 'eval' (ES5 The function is named "indirect
// eval" because "direct eval" calls (as defined by the spec) will emit
// JSOP_EVAL which in turn calls DirectEval. Thus, even though IndirectEval is
// the callee function object for *all* calls to eval, it is by construction
// only ever called in the case indirect eval.
extern JSBool
IndirectEval(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
// Performs a direct eval for the given arguments, which must correspond to the
// currently-executing stack frame, which must be a script frame. On completion
// the result is returned in args.rval.
extern bool
DirectEval(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args);
// Performs a direct eval called from Ion code.
extern bool
DirectEvalFromIon(JSContext *cx,
HandleObject scopeObj, HandleScript callerScript,
HandleValue thisValue, HandleString str,
jsbytecode * pc, MutableHandleValue vp);
// True iff 'v' is the built-in eval function for the global object that
// corresponds to 'scopeChain'.
extern bool
IsBuiltinEvalForScope(JSObject *scopeChain, const Value &v);
// True iff fun is a built-in eval function.
extern bool
IsAnyBuiltinEval(JSFunction *fun);
// Return the principals to assign to code compiled for a call to
// eval or the Function constructor.
extern JSPrincipals *
PrincipalsForCompiledCode(const CallReceiver &call, JSContext *cx);
} // namespace js
#endif /* builtin_Eval_h */