blob: 39a00eeca2bebf6e5ed95e4081c9ee7a2a1f2448 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef ctypes_CTypes_h
#define ctypes_CTypes_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/TypeTraits.h"
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "prlink.h"
#include "ffi.h"
#include "js/HashTable.h"
namespace js {
namespace ctypes {
** Utility classes
// Class that takes ownership of a pointer T*, and calls cx->delete_() or
// cx->array_delete() upon destruction.
template<class T>
class AutoPtr {
typedef AutoPtr<T> self_type;
AutoPtr() : mPtr(NULL) { }
explicit AutoPtr(T* ptr) : mPtr(ptr) { }
~AutoPtr() { js_delete(mPtr); }
T* operator->() { return mPtr; }
bool operator!() { return mPtr == NULL; }
T& operator[](size_t i) { return *(mPtr + i); }
// Note: we cannot safely provide an 'operator T*()', since this would allow
// the compiler to perform implicit conversion from one AutoPtr to another
// via the constructor AutoPtr(T*).
T* get() { return mPtr; }
void set(T* other) { JS_ASSERT(mPtr == NULL); mPtr = other; }
T* forget() { T* result = mPtr; mPtr = NULL; return result; }
self_type& operator=(T* rhs) { mPtr = rhs; return *this; }
// Do not allow copy construction or assignment from another AutoPtr.
self_type& operator=(AutoPtr<T>& rhs);
T* mPtr;
// Container class for Vector, using SystemAllocPolicy.
template<class T, size_t N = 0>
class Array : public Vector<T, N, SystemAllocPolicy>
MOZ_STATIC_ASSERT((!mozilla::IsSame<T, JS::Value>::value),
"use JS::AutoValueVector instead");
// String and AutoString classes, based on Vector.
typedef Vector<jschar, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> String;
typedef Vector<jschar, 64, SystemAllocPolicy> AutoString;
typedef Vector<char, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> CString;
typedef Vector<char, 64, SystemAllocPolicy> AutoCString;
// Convenience functions to append, insert, and compare Strings.
template <class T, size_t N, class AP, size_t ArrayLength>
AppendString(Vector<T, N, AP> &v, const char (&array)[ArrayLength])
// Don't include the trailing '\0'.
size_t alen = ArrayLength - 1;
size_t vlen = v.length();
if (!v.resize(vlen + alen))
for (size_t i = 0; i < alen; ++i)
v[i + vlen] = array[i];
template <class T, size_t N, size_t M, class AP>
AppendString(Vector<T, N, AP> &v, Vector<T, M, AP> &w)
v.append(w.begin(), w.length());
template <size_t N, class AP>
AppendString(Vector<jschar, N, AP> &v, JSString* str)
const jschar *chars = str->getChars(NULL);
if (!chars)
v.append(chars, str->length());
template <size_t N, class AP>
AppendString(Vector<char, N, AP> &v, JSString* str)
size_t vlen = v.length();
size_t alen = str->length();
if (!v.resize(vlen + alen))
const jschar *chars = str->getChars(NULL);
if (!chars)
for (size_t i = 0; i < alen; ++i)
v[i + vlen] = char(chars[i]);
template <class T, size_t N, class AP, size_t ArrayLength>
PrependString(Vector<T, N, AP> &v, const char (&array)[ArrayLength])
// Don't include the trailing '\0'.
size_t alen = ArrayLength - 1;
size_t vlen = v.length();
if (!v.resize(vlen + alen))
// Move vector data forward. This is safe since we've already resized.
memmove(v.begin() + alen, v.begin(), vlen * sizeof(T));
// Copy data to insert.
for (size_t i = 0; i < alen; ++i)
v[i] = array[i];
template <size_t N, class AP>
PrependString(Vector<jschar, N, AP> &v, JSString* str)
size_t vlen = v.length();
size_t alen = str->length();
if (!v.resize(vlen + alen))
const jschar *chars = str->getChars(NULL);
if (!chars)
// Move vector data forward. This is safe since we've already resized.
memmove(v.begin() + alen, v.begin(), vlen * sizeof(jschar));
// Copy data to insert.
memcpy(v.begin(), chars, alen * sizeof(jschar));
extern size_t
GetDeflatedUTF8StringLength(JSContext *maybecx, const jschar *chars,
size_t charsLength);
DeflateStringToUTF8Buffer(JSContext *maybecx, const jschar *src, size_t srclen,
char *dst, size_t *dstlenp);
** Function and struct API definitions
// for JS error reporting
enum ErrorNum {
#define MSG_DEF(name, number, count, exception, format) \
name = number,
#include "ctypes.msg"
#undef MSG_DEF
const JSErrorFormatString*
GetErrorMessage(void* userRef, const char* locale, const unsigned errorNumber);
JSBool TypeError(JSContext* cx, const char* expected, jsval actual);
* ABI constants that specify the calling convention to use.
* ctypes.default_abi corresponds to the cdecl convention, and in almost all
* cases is the correct choice. ctypes.stdcall_abi is provided for calling
* stdcall functions on Win32, and implies stdcall symbol name decoration;
* ctypes.winapi_abi is just stdcall but without decoration.
enum ABICode {
enum TypeCode {
#define DEFINE_TYPE(name, type, ffiType) TYPE_##name,
#include "typedefs.h"
// Descriptor of one field in a StructType. The name of the field is stored
// as the key to the hash entry.
struct FieldInfo
JSObject* mType; // CType of the field
size_t mIndex; // index of the field in the struct (first is 0)
size_t mOffset; // offset of the field in the struct, in bytes
// Hash policy for FieldInfos.
struct FieldHashPolicy
typedef JSFlatString* Key;
typedef Key Lookup;
static uint32_t hash(const Lookup &l) {
const jschar* s = l->chars();
size_t n = l->length();
uint32_t hash = 0;
for (; n > 0; s++, n--)
hash = hash * 33 + *s;
return hash;
static JSBool match(const Key &k, const Lookup &l) {
if (k == l)
return true;
if (k->length() != l->length())
return false;
return memcmp(k->chars(), l->chars(), k->length() * sizeof(jschar)) == 0;
typedef HashMap<JSFlatString*, FieldInfo, FieldHashPolicy, SystemAllocPolicy> FieldInfoHash;
// Descriptor of ABI, return type, argument types, and variadicity for a
// FunctionType.
struct FunctionInfo
// Initialized in NewFunctionInfo when !mIsVariadic, but only later, in
// FunctionType::Call, when mIsVariadic. Not always consistent with
// mFFITypes, due to lazy initialization when mIsVariadic.
ffi_cif mCIF;
// Calling convention of the function. Convert to ffi_abi using GetABI
// and OBJECT_TO_JSVAL. Stored as a JSObject* for ease of tracing.
JSObject* mABI;
// The CType of the value returned by the function.
JSObject* mReturnType;
// A fixed array of known parameter types, excluding any variadic
// parameters (if mIsVariadic).
Array<JSObject*> mArgTypes;
// A variable array of ffi_type*s corresponding to both known parameter
// types and dynamic (variadic) parameter types. Longer than mArgTypes
// only if mIsVariadic.
Array<ffi_type*> mFFITypes;
// Flag indicating whether the function behaves like a C function with
// ... as the final formal parameter.
bool mIsVariadic;
// Parameters necessary for invoking a JS function from a C closure.
struct ClosureInfo
JSContext* cx; // JSContext to use
JSRuntime* rt; // Used in the destructor, where cx might have already
// been GCed.
JSObject* closureObj; // CClosure object
JSObject* typeObj; // FunctionType describing the C function
JSObject* thisObj; // 'this' object to use for the JS function call
JSObject* jsfnObj; // JS function
void* errResult; // Result that will be returned if the closure throws
ffi_closure* closure; // The C closure itself
// Anything conditionally freed in the destructor should be initialized to
// NULL here.
ClosureInfo(JSRuntime* runtime)
: rt(runtime)
, errResult(NULL)
, closure(NULL)
~ClosureInfo() {
if (closure)
if (errResult)
bool IsCTypesGlobal(JSObject* obj);
JSCTypesCallbacks* GetCallbacks(JSObject* obj);
JSBool InitTypeClasses(JSContext* cx, HandleObject parent);
JSBool ConvertToJS(JSContext* cx, HandleObject typeObj, HandleObject dataObj,
void* data, bool wantPrimitive, bool ownResult, jsval* result);
JSBool ImplicitConvert(JSContext* cx, HandleValue val, JSObject* targetType,
void* buffer, bool isArgument, bool* freePointer);
JSBool ExplicitConvert(JSContext* cx, HandleValue val, HandleObject targetType,
void* buffer);
** JSClass reserved slot definitions
enum CTypesGlobalSlot {
SLOT_CALLBACKS = 0, // pointer to JSCTypesCallbacks struct
SLOT_ERRNO = 1, // jsval for latest |errno|
SLOT_LASTERROR = 2, // jsval for latest |GetLastError|, used only with Windows
enum CABISlot {
SLOT_ABICODE = 0, // ABICode of the CABI object
enum CTypeProtoSlot {
SLOT_POINTERPROTO = 0, // ctypes.PointerType.prototype object
SLOT_ARRAYPROTO = 1, // ctypes.ArrayType.prototype object
SLOT_STRUCTPROTO = 2, // ctypes.StructType.prototype object
SLOT_FUNCTIONPROTO = 3, // ctypes.FunctionType.prototype object
SLOT_CDATAPROTO = 4, // ctypes.CData.prototype object
SLOT_POINTERDATAPROTO = 5, // common ancestor of all CData objects of PointerType
SLOT_ARRAYDATAPROTO = 6, // common ancestor of all CData objects of ArrayType
SLOT_STRUCTDATAPROTO = 7, // common ancestor of all CData objects of StructType
SLOT_FUNCTIONDATAPROTO = 8, // common ancestor of all CData objects of FunctionType
SLOT_INT64PROTO = 9, // ctypes.Int64.prototype object
SLOT_UINT64PROTO = 10, // ctypes.UInt64.prototype object
SLOT_CTYPES = 11, // ctypes object
SLOT_OURDATAPROTO = 12, // the data prototype corresponding to this object
SLOT_CLOSURECX = 13, // JSContext for use with FunctionType closures
enum CTypeSlot {
SLOT_PROTO = 0, // 'prototype' property of the CType object
SLOT_TYPECODE = 1, // TypeCode of the CType object
SLOT_FFITYPE = 2, // ffi_type representing the type
SLOT_NAME = 3, // name of the type
SLOT_SIZE = 4, // size of the type, in bytes
SLOT_ALIGN = 5, // alignment of the type, in bytes
SLOT_PTR = 6, // cached PointerType object for type.ptr
// Note that some of the slots below can overlap, since they're for
// mutually exclusive types.
SLOT_TARGET_T = 7, // (PointerTypes only) 'targetType' property
SLOT_ELEMENT_T = 7, // (ArrayTypes only) 'elementType' property
SLOT_LENGTH = 8, // (ArrayTypes only) 'length' property
SLOT_FIELDS = 7, // (StructTypes only) 'fields' property
SLOT_FIELDINFO = 8, // (StructTypes only) FieldInfoHash table
SLOT_FNINFO = 7, // (FunctionTypes only) FunctionInfo struct
SLOT_ARGS_T = 8, // (FunctionTypes only) 'argTypes' property (cached)
enum CDataSlot {
SLOT_CTYPE = 0, // CType object representing the underlying type
SLOT_REFERENT = 1, // JSObject this object must keep alive, if any
SLOT_DATA = 2, // pointer to a buffer containing the binary data
SLOT_OWNS = 3, // JSVAL_TRUE if this CData owns its own buffer
enum CClosureSlot {
SLOT_CLOSUREINFO = 0, // ClosureInfo struct
enum CDataFinalizerSlot {
// The type of the value (a CType JSObject).
// We hold it to permit ImplicitConvert and ToSource.
// The type of the function used at finalization (a CType JSObject).
// We hold it to permit |ToSource|.
enum TypeCtorSlot {
SLOT_FN_CTORPROTO = 0 // ctypes.{Pointer,Array,Struct}Type.prototype
// JSFunction objects always get exactly two slots.
enum Int64Slot {
SLOT_INT64 = 0, // pointer to a 64-bit buffer containing the integer
enum Int64FunctionSlot {
SLOT_FN_INT64PROTO = 0 // ctypes.{Int64,UInt64}.prototype object
// JSFunction objects always get exactly two slots.
** Object API definitions
namespace CType {
JSObject* Create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject typeProto, HandleObject dataProto,
TypeCode type, JSString* name, jsval size, jsval align, ffi_type* ffiType);
JSObject* DefineBuiltin(JSContext* cx, JSObject* parent, const char* propName,
JSObject* typeProto, JSObject* dataProto, const char* name, TypeCode type,
jsval size, jsval align, ffi_type* ffiType);
bool IsCType(JSObject* obj);
bool IsCTypeProto(JSObject* obj);
TypeCode GetTypeCode(JSObject* typeObj);
bool TypesEqual(JSObject* t1, JSObject* t2);
size_t GetSize(JSObject* obj);
bool GetSafeSize(JSObject* obj, size_t* result);
bool IsSizeDefined(JSObject* obj);
size_t GetAlignment(JSObject* obj);
ffi_type* GetFFIType(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);
JSString* GetName(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj);
JSObject* GetProtoFromCtor(JSObject* obj, CTypeProtoSlot slot);
JSObject* GetProtoFromType(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, CTypeProtoSlot slot);
JSCTypesCallbacks* GetCallbacksFromType(JSObject* obj);
namespace PointerType {
JSObject* CreateInternal(JSContext* cx, HandleObject baseType);
JSObject* GetBaseType(JSObject* obj);
namespace ArrayType {
JSObject* CreateInternal(JSContext* cx, HandleObject baseType, size_t length,
bool lengthDefined);
JSObject* GetBaseType(JSObject* obj);
size_t GetLength(JSObject* obj);
bool GetSafeLength(JSObject* obj, size_t* result);
ffi_type* BuildFFIType(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);
namespace StructType {
JSBool DefineInternal(JSContext* cx, JSObject* typeObj, JSObject* fieldsObj);
const FieldInfoHash* GetFieldInfo(JSObject* obj);
const FieldInfo* LookupField(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, JSFlatString *name);
JSObject* BuildFieldsArray(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);
ffi_type* BuildFFIType(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);
namespace FunctionType {
JSObject* CreateInternal(JSContext* cx, jsval abi, jsval rtype,
jsval* argtypes, unsigned arglen);
JSObject* ConstructWithObject(JSContext* cx, JSObject* typeObj,
JSObject* refObj, PRFuncPtr fnptr, JSObject* result);
FunctionInfo* GetFunctionInfo(JSObject* obj);
void BuildSymbolName(JSString* name, JSObject* typeObj,
AutoCString& result);
namespace CClosure {
JSObject* Create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject typeObj, HandleObject fnObj,
HandleObject thisObj, jsval errVal, PRFuncPtr* fnptr);
namespace CData {
JSObject* Create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject typeObj, HandleObject refObj,
void* data, bool ownResult);
JSObject* GetCType(JSObject* dataObj);
void* GetData(JSObject* dataObj);
bool IsCData(JSObject* obj);
bool IsCDataProto(JSObject* obj);
// Attached by JSAPI as the function 'ctypes.cast'
JSBool Cast(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, jsval* vp);
// Attached by JSAPI as the function 'ctypes.getRuntime'
JSBool GetRuntime(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, jsval* vp);
namespace Int64 {
bool IsInt64(JSObject* obj);
namespace UInt64 {
bool IsUInt64(JSObject* obj);
#endif /* ctypes_CTypes_h */