blob: 03839c986d17b7b1af517f1ee9c62b293b706dc0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: Javascript; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
"use strict";
var sourceRoot = (environment['SOURCE_ROOT'] || '') + '/'
var functionName;
var functionBodies;
if (typeof arguments[0] != 'string' || typeof arguments[1] != 'string')
throw "Usage: analyzeRoots.js <gcFunctions.lst> <suppressedFunctions.lst> <gcTypes.txt> [start end [tmpfile]]";
var gcFunctionsFile = arguments[0];
var suppressedFunctionsFile = arguments[1];
var gcTypesFile = arguments[2];
var batch = (arguments[3]|0) || 1;
var numBatches = (arguments[4]|0) || 1;
var tmpfile = arguments[5] || "tmp.txt";
var gcFunctions = {};
var text = snarf("gcFunctions.lst").split('\n');
assert(text.pop().length == 0);
for (var line of text) {
gcFunctions[line] = true;
var suppressedFunctions = {};
var text = snarf("suppressedFunctions.lst").split('\n');
assert(text.pop().length == 0);
for (var line of text) {
suppressedFunctions[line] = true;
text = null;
var match;
var gcThings = {};
var gcPointers = {};
var gcTypesText = snarf(gcTypesFile).split('\n');
for (var line of gcTypesText) {
if (match = /GCThing: (.*)/.exec(line))
gcThings[match[1]] = true;
if (match = /GCPointer: (.*)/.exec(line))
gcPointers[match[1]] = true;
gcTypesText = null;
function isUnrootedType(type)
if (type.Kind == "Pointer") {
var target = type.Type;
if (target.Kind == "CSU")
return target.Name in gcThings;
return false;
if (type.Kind == "CSU")
return type.Name in gcPointers;
return false;
function expressionUsesVariable(exp, variable)
if (exp.Kind == "Var" && sameVariable(exp.Variable, variable))
return true;
if (!("Exp" in exp))
return false;
for (var childExp of exp.Exp) {
if (expressionUsesVariable(childExp, variable))
return true;
return false;
function edgeUsesVariable(edge, variable)
if (ignoreEdgeUse(edge, variable))
return false;
switch (edge.Kind) {
case "Assign":
if (expressionUsesVariable(edge.Exp[0], variable))
return true;
return expressionUsesVariable(edge.Exp[1], variable);
case "Assume":
return expressionUsesVariable(edge.Exp[0], variable);
case "Call":
if (expressionUsesVariable(edge.Exp[0], variable))
return true;
if (1 in edge.Exp && expressionUsesVariable(edge.Exp[1], variable))
return true;
if ("PEdgeCallInstance" in edge) {
if (expressionUsesVariable(edge.PEdgeCallInstance.Exp, variable))
return true;
if ("PEdgeCallArguments" in edge) {
for (var exp of edge.PEdgeCallArguments.Exp) {
if (expressionUsesVariable(exp, variable))
return true;
return false;
case "Loop":
return false;
function expressionIsVariableAddress(exp, variable)
while (exp.Kind == "Fld")
exp = exp.Exp[0];
return exp.Kind == "Var" && sameVariable(exp.Variable, variable);
function edgeTakesVariableAddress(edge, variable)
if (ignoreEdgeUse(edge, variable))
return false;
if (ignoreEdgeAddressTaken(edge))
return false;
switch (edge.Kind) {
case "Assign":
return expressionIsVariableAddress(edge.Exp[1], variable);
case "Call":
if ("PEdgeCallArguments" in edge) {
for (var exp of edge.PEdgeCallArguments.Exp) {
if (expressionIsVariableAddress(exp, variable))
return true;
return false;
return false;
function edgeKillsVariable(edge, variable)
// Direct assignments kill their lhs.
if (edge.Kind == "Assign") {
var lhs = edge.Exp[0];
if (lhs.Kind == "Var" && sameVariable(lhs.Variable, variable))
return true;
if (edge.Kind != "Call")
return false;
// Assignments of call results kill their lhs.
if (1 in edge.Exp) {
var lhs = edge.Exp[1];
if (lhs.Kind == "Var" && sameVariable(lhs.Variable, variable))
return true;
// Constructor calls kill their 'this' value.
if ("PEdgeCallInstance" in edge) {
do {
var instance = edge.PEdgeCallInstance.Exp;
// Kludge around incorrect dereference on some constructor calls.
if (instance.Kind == "Drf")
instance = instance.Exp[0];
if (instance.Kind != "Var" || !sameVariable(instance.Variable, variable))
var callee = edge.Exp[0];
if (callee.Kind != "Var")
assert(callee.Variable.Kind == "Func");
var calleeName = callee.Variable.Name[0];
// Constructor calls include the text 'Name::Name(' or 'Name<...>::Name('.
var openParen = calleeName.indexOf('(');
if (openParen < 0)
calleeName = calleeName.substring(0, openParen);
var lastColon = calleeName.lastIndexOf('::');
if (lastColon < 0)
var constructorName = calleeName.substr(lastColon + 2);
calleeName = calleeName.substr(0, lastColon);
var lastTemplateOpen = calleeName.lastIndexOf('<');
if (lastTemplateOpen >= 0)
calleeName = calleeName.substr(0, lastTemplateOpen);
if (calleeName.endsWith(constructorName))
return true;
} while (false);
return false;
function edgeCanGC(edge)
if (functionName in suppressedFunctions)
return false;
if (edge.Kind != "Call")
return false;
var callee = edge.Exp[0];
if (callee.Kind == "Var") {
var variable = callee.Variable;
assert(variable.Kind == "Func");
if (variable.Name[0] in gcFunctions)
return "'" + variable.Name[0] + "'";
var otherName = otherDestructorName(variable.Name[0]);
if (otherName in gcFunctions)
return "'" + otherName + "'";
return null;
assert(callee.Kind == "Drf");
if (callee.Exp[0].Kind == "Fld") {
var field = callee.Exp[0].Field;
var csuName = field.FieldCSU.Type.Name;
var fullFieldName = csuName + "." + field.Name[0];
return fieldCallCannotGC(csuName, fullFieldName) ? null : fullFieldName;
assert(callee.Exp[0].Kind == "Var");
var calleeName = callee.Exp[0].Variable.Name[0];
return indirectCallCannotGC(functionName, calleeName) ? null : "*" + calleeName;
function computePredecessors(body)
body.predecessors = [];
if (!("PEdge" in body))
for (var edge of body.PEdge) {
var target = edge.Index[1];
if (!(target in body.predecessors))
body.predecessors[target] = [];
function variableUseFollowsGC(variable, worklist)
while (worklist.length) {
var entry = worklist.pop();
var body = entry.body, ppoint = entry.ppoint;
if (body.seen) {
if (ppoint in body.seen) {
var seenEntry = body.seen[ppoint];
if (!entry.gcInfo || seenEntry.gcInfo)
} else {
body.seen = [];
body.seen[ppoint] = {body:body, gcInfo:entry.gcInfo};
if (ppoint == body.Index[0]) {
if (body.BlockId.Kind == "Loop") {
// propagate to parents which enter the loop body.
if ("BlockPPoint" in body) {
for (var parent of body.BlockPPoint) {
var found = false;
for (var xbody of functionBodies) {
if (sameBlockId(xbody.BlockId, parent.BlockId)) {
found = true;
worklist.push({body:xbody, ppoint:parent.Index,
gcInfo:entry.gcInfo, why:entry});
} else if (variable.Kind == "Arg" && entry.gcInfo) {
return {gcInfo:entry.gcInfo, why:entry};
if (!body.predecessors)
if (!(ppoint in body.predecessors))
for (var edge of body.predecessors[ppoint]) {
var source = edge.Index[0];
if (edgeKillsVariable(edge, variable)) {
if (entry.gcInfo)
return {gcInfo:entry.gcInfo, why:entry};
if (!body.minimumUse || source < body.minimumUse)
body.minimumUse = source;
var gcInfo = entry.gcInfo;
if (!gcInfo && !(edge.Index[0] in body.suppressed)) {
var gcName = edgeCanGC(edge);
if (gcName)
gcInfo = {name:gcName, body:body, ppoint:source};
if (edgeUsesVariable(edge, variable)) {
if (gcInfo)
return {gcInfo:gcInfo, why:entry};
if (!body.minimumUse || source < body.minimumUse)
body.minimumUse = source;
if (edge.Kind == "Loop") {
// propagate to exit points of the loop body, in addition to the
// predecessor of the loop edge itself.
var found = false;
for (var xbody of functionBodies) {
if (sameBlockId(xbody.BlockId, edge.BlockId)) {
found = true;
worklist.push({body:xbody, ppoint:xbody.Index[1],
gcInfo:gcInfo, why:entry});
worklist.push({body:body, ppoint:source, gcInfo:gcInfo, why:entry});
return null;
function variableLiveAcrossGC(variable)
for (var body of functionBodies) {
body.seen = null;
body.minimumUse = 0;
for (var body of functionBodies) {
if (!("PEdge" in body))
for (var edge of body.PEdge) {
if (edgeUsesVariable(edge, variable) && !edgeKillsVariable(edge, variable)) {
var worklist = [{body:body, ppoint:edge.Index[0], gcInfo:null, why:null}];
var call = variableUseFollowsGC(variable, worklist);
if (call)
return call;
return null;
function unsafeVariableAddressTaken(variable)
for (var body of functionBodies) {
if (!("PEdge" in body))
for (var edge of body.PEdge) {
if (edgeTakesVariableAddress(edge, variable)) {
if (edge.Kind == "Assign" || edgeCanGC(edge))
return {body:body, ppoint:edge.Index[0]};
return null;
function computePrintedLines()
assert(!system("xdbfind src_body.xdb '" + functionName + "' > " + tmpfile));
var lines = snarf(tmpfile).split('\n');
for (var body of functionBodies)
body.lines = [];
// Distribute lines of output to the block they originate from.
var currentBody = null;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (/^block:/.test(line)) {
if (match = /:(loop#[\d#]+)/.exec(line)) {
var loop = match[1];
var found = false;
for (var body of functionBodies) {
if (body.BlockId.Kind == "Loop" && body.BlockId.Loop == loop) {
found = true;
currentBody = body;
} else {
for (var body of functionBodies) {
if (body.BlockId.Kind == "Function")
currentBody = body;
if (currentBody)
function findLocation(body, ppoint)
var location = body.PPoint[ppoint - 1].Location;
var text = location.CacheString + ":" + location.Line;
if (text.indexOf(sourceRoot) == 0)
return text.substring(sourceRoot.length);
return text;
function locationLine(text)
if (match = /:(\d+)$/.exec(text))
return match[1];
return 0;
function printEntryTrace(entry)
if (!functionBodies[0].lines)
while (entry) {
var ppoint = entry.ppoint;
var lineText = findLocation(entry.body, ppoint);
var edgeText = null;
if (entry.why && entry.why.body == entry.body) {
// If the next point in the trace is in the same block, look for an edge between them.
var next = entry.why.ppoint;
for (var line of entry.body.lines) {
if (match = /\((\d+),(\d+),/.exec(line)) {
if (match[1] == ppoint && match[2] == next)
edgeText = line; // May be multiple
} else {
// Look for any outgoing edge from the chosen point.
for (var line of entry.body.lines) {
if (match = /\((\d+),/.exec(line)) {
if (match[1] == ppoint) {
edgeText = line;
print(" " + lineText + (edgeText ? ": " + edgeText : ""));
entry = entry.why;
function isRootedType(type)
return type.Kind == "CSU" && isRootedTypeName(type.Name);
function typeDesc(type)
if (type.Kind == "CSU") {
return type.Name;
} else if ('Type' in type) {
var inner = typeDesc(type.Type);
if (type.Kind == 'Pointer')
return inner + '*';
else if (type.Kind == 'Array')
return inner + '[]';
return inner + '?';
} else {
return '???';
function processBodies()
if (!("DefineVariable" in functionBodies[0]))
for (var variable of functionBodies[0].DefineVariable) {
if (variable.Variable.Kind == "Return")
var name;
if (variable.Variable.Kind == "This")
name = "this";
name = variable.Variable.Name[0];
if (isRootedType(variable.Type)) {
if (!variableLiveAcrossGC(variable.Variable)) {
// The earliest use of the variable should be its constructor.
var lineText;
for (var body of functionBodies) {
if (body.minimumUse) {
var text = findLocation(body, body.minimumUse);
if (!lineText || locationLine(lineText) > locationLine(text))
lineText = text;
print("\nFunction '" + functionName + "'" +
" has unnecessary root '" + name + "' at " + lineText);
} else if (isUnrootedType(variable.Type)) {
var result = variableLiveAcrossGC(variable.Variable);
if (result) {
var lineText = findLocation(result.gcInfo.body, result.gcInfo.ppoint);
print("\nFunction '" + functionName + "'" +
" has unrooted '" + name + "'" +
" of type '" + typeDesc(variable.Type) + "'" +
" live across GC call " + +
" at " + lineText);
result = unsafeVariableAddressTaken(variable.Variable);
if (result) {
var lineText = findLocation(result.body, result.ppoint);
print("\nFunction '" + functionName + "'" +
" takes unsafe address of unrooted '" + name + "'" +
" at " + lineText);
printEntryTrace({body:result.body, ppoint:result.ppoint});
if (batch == 1)
print("Time: " + new Date);
var xdb = xdbLibrary();"src_body.xdb");
var minStream = xdb.min_data_stream()|0;
var maxStream = xdb.max_data_stream()|0;
var N = (maxStream - minStream) + 1;
var each = Math.floor(N/numBatches);
var start = minStream + each * (batch - 1);
var end = Math.min(minStream + each * batch - 1, maxStream);
for (var nameIndex = start; nameIndex <= end; nameIndex++) {
var name = xdb.read_key(nameIndex);
functionName = name.readString();
var data = xdb.read_entry(name);
functionBodies = JSON.parse(data.readString());
for (var body of functionBodies)
body.suppressed = [];
for (var body of functionBodies)