blob: 9cca6922514c816055cd833a3e800cd7f576d6e0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "frontend/NameFunctions.h"
#include "jsfun.h"
#include "jsprf.h"
#include "frontend/BytecodeCompiler.h"
#include "frontend/ParseNode.h"
#include "frontend/SharedContext.h"
#include "jsfuninlines.h"
#include "vm/StringBuffer.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::frontend;
class NameResolver
static const size_t MaxParents = 100;
JSContext *cx;
size_t nparents; /* number of parents in the parents array */
ParseNode *parents[MaxParents]; /* history of ParseNodes we've been looking at */
StringBuffer *buf; /* when resolving, buffer to append to */
/* Test whether a ParseNode represents a function invocation */
bool call(ParseNode *pn) {
return pn && pn->isKind(PNK_CALL);
* Append a reference to a property named |name| to |buf|. If |name| is
* a proper identifier name, then we append '.name'; otherwise, we
* append '["name"]'.
* Note that we need the IsIdentifier check for atoms from both
* PNK_NAME nodes and PNK_STRING nodes: given code like a["b c"], the
* front end will produce a PNK_DOT with a PNK_NAME child whose name
* contains spaces.
bool appendPropertyReference(JSAtom *name) {
if (IsIdentifier(name))
return buf->append(".") && buf->append(name);
/* Quote the string as needed. */
JSString *source = js_QuoteString(cx, name, '"');
return source && buf->append("[") && buf->append(source) && buf->append("]");
/* Append a number to buf. */
bool appendNumber(double n) {
char number[30];
int digits = JS_snprintf(number, sizeof(number), "%g", n);
return buf->appendInflated(number, digits);
/* Append "[<n>]" to buf, referencing a property named by a numeric literal. */
bool appendNumericPropertyReference(double n) {
return buf->append("[") && appendNumber(n) && buf->append("]");
* Walk over the given ParseNode, converting it to a stringified name that
* respresents where the function is being assigned to.
bool nameExpression(ParseNode *n) {
switch (n->getKind()) {
case PNK_DOT:
return nameExpression(n->expr()) && appendPropertyReference(n->pn_atom);
case PNK_NAME:
return buf->append(n->pn_atom);
case PNK_ELEM:
return nameExpression(n->pn_left) &&
buf->append("[") &&
nameExpression(n->pn_right) &&
return appendNumber(n->pn_dval);
* Technically this isn't an "abort" situation, we're just confused
* on what to call this function, but failures in naming aren't
* treated as fatal.
return false;
* When naming an anonymous function, the process works loosely by walking
* up the AST and then translating that to a string. The stringification
* happens from some far-up assignment and then going back down the parse
* tree to the function definition point.
* This function will walk up the parse tree, gathering relevant nodes used
* for naming, and return the assignment node if there is one. The provided
* array and size will be filled in, and the returned node could be NULL if
* no assignment is found. The first element of the array will be the
* innermost node relevant to naming, and the last element will be the
* outermost node.
ParseNode *gatherNameable(ParseNode **nameable, size_t *size) {
*size = 0;
for (int pos = nparents - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
ParseNode *cur = parents[pos];
if (cur->isAssignment())
return cur;
switch (cur->getKind()) {
case PNK_NAME: return cur; /* found the initialized declaration */
case PNK_FUNCTION: return NULL; /* won't find an assignment or declaration */
* Normally the relevant parent of a node is its direct parent, but
* sometimes with code like:
* var foo = (function() { return function() {}; })();
* the outer function is just a helper to create a scope for the
* returned function. Hence the name of the returned function should
* actually be 'foo'. This loop sees if the current node is a
* PNK_RETURN, and if there is a direct function call we skip to
* that.
for (int tmp = pos - 1; tmp > 0; tmp--) {
if (isDirectCall(tmp, cur)) {
pos = tmp;
} else if (call(cur)) {
/* Don't skip too high in the tree */
cur = parents[tmp];
* If this is a PNK_COLON, but our parent is not a PNK_OBJECT,
* then this is a label and we're done naming. Otherwise we
* record the PNK_COLON but skip the PNK_OBJECT so we're not
* flagged as a contributor.
if (pos == 0 || !parents[pos - 1]->isKind(PNK_OBJECT))
return NULL;
/* fallthrough */
/* Save any other nodes we encounter on the way up. */
JS_ASSERT(*size < MaxParents);
nameable[(*size)++] = cur;
return NULL;
* Resolve the name of a function. If the function already has a name
* listed, then it is skipped. Otherwise an intelligent name is guessed to
* assign to the function's displayAtom field
JSAtom *resolveFun(ParseNode *pn, HandleAtom prefix) {
JS_ASSERT(pn != NULL && pn->isKind(PNK_FUNCTION));
RootedFunction fun(cx, pn->pn_funbox->function());
StringBuffer buf(cx);
this->buf = &buf;
/* If the function already has a name, use that */
if (fun->displayAtom() != NULL) {
if (prefix == NULL)
return fun->displayAtom();
if (!buf.append(prefix) ||
!buf.append("/") ||
return NULL;
return buf.finishAtom();
/* If a prefix is specified, then it is a form of namespace */
if (prefix != NULL && (!buf.append(prefix) || !buf.append("/")))
return NULL;
/* Gather all nodes relevant to naming */
ParseNode *toName[MaxParents];
size_t size;
ParseNode *assignment = gatherNameable(toName, &size);
/* If the function is assigned to something, then that is very relevant */
if (assignment) {
if (assignment->isAssignment())
assignment = assignment->pn_left;
if (!nameExpression(assignment))
return NULL;
* Other than the actual assignment, other relevant nodes to naming are
* those in object initializers and then particular nodes marking a
* contribution.
for (int pos = size - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
ParseNode *node = toName[pos];
if (node->isKind(PNK_COLON)) {
ParseNode *left = node->pn_left;
if (left->isKind(PNK_NAME) || left->isKind(PNK_STRING)) {
if (!appendPropertyReference(left->pn_atom))
return NULL;
} else if (left->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)) {
if (!appendNumericPropertyReference(left->pn_dval))
return NULL;
} else {
* Don't have consecutive '<' characters, and also don't start
* with a '<' character.
if (!buf.empty() && *(buf.end() - 1) != '<' && !buf.append("<"))
return NULL;
* functions which are "genuinely anonymous" but are contained in some
* other namespace are rather considered as "contributing" to the outer
* function, so give them a contribution symbol here.
if (!buf.empty() && *(buf.end() - 1) == '/' && !buf.append("<"))
return NULL;
if (buf.empty())
return NULL;
JSAtom *atom = buf.finishAtom();
if (!atom)
return NULL;
return atom;
* Tests whether parents[pos] is a function call whose callee is cur.
* This is the case for functions which do things like simply create a scope
* for new variables and then return an anonymous function using this scope.
bool isDirectCall(int pos, ParseNode *cur) {
return pos >= 0 && call(parents[pos]) && parents[pos]->pn_head == cur;
explicit NameResolver(JSContext *cx) : cx(cx), nparents(0), buf(NULL) {}
* Resolve all names for anonymous functions recursively within the
* ParseNode instance given. The prefix is for each subsequent name, and
* should initially be NULL.
void resolve(ParseNode *cur, HandleAtom prefixArg = NullPtr()) {
RootedAtom prefix(cx, prefixArg);
if (cur == NULL)
if (cur->isKind(PNK_FUNCTION) && cur->isArity(PN_CODE)) {
RootedAtom prefix2(cx, resolveFun(cur, prefix));
* If a function looks like (function(){})() where the parent node
* of the definition of the function is a call, then it shouldn't
* contribute anything to the namespace, so don't bother updating
* the prefix to whatever was returned.
if (!isDirectCall(nparents - 1, cur))
prefix = prefix2;
if (nparents >= MaxParents)
parents[nparents++] = cur;
switch (cur->getArity()) {
case PN_NAME:
resolve(cur->maybeExpr(), prefix);
case PN_UNARY:
resolve(cur->pn_kid, prefix);
resolve(cur->pn_left, prefix);
* FIXME? Occasionally pn_left == pn_right for something like
* destructuring assignment in (function({foo}){}), so skip the
* duplicate here if this is the case because we want to traverse
* everything at most once.
if (cur->pn_left != cur->pn_right)
resolve(cur->pn_right, prefix);
resolve(cur->pn_kid1, prefix);
resolve(cur->pn_kid2, prefix);
resolve(cur->pn_kid3, prefix);
case PN_CODE:
JS_ASSERT(cur->isKind(PNK_MODULE) || cur->isKind(PNK_FUNCTION));
resolve(cur->pn_body, prefix);
case PN_LIST:
for (ParseNode *nxt = cur->pn_head; nxt; nxt = nxt->pn_next)
resolve(nxt, prefix);
frontend::NameFunctions(JSContext *cx, ParseNode *pn)
NameResolver nr(cx);
return true;