blob: 93003409816b623997e53d889294395fb1616b8f [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef gc_FindSCCs_h
#define gc_FindSCCs_h
#include "jsutil.h"
namespace js {
namespace gc {
template<class Node>
struct GraphNodeBase
Node *gcNextGraphNode;
Node *gcNextGraphComponent;
unsigned gcDiscoveryTime;
unsigned gcLowLink;
: gcNextGraphNode(NULL),
gcLowLink(0) {}
~GraphNodeBase() {}
Node *nextNodeInGroup() const {
if (gcNextGraphNode && gcNextGraphNode->gcNextGraphComponent == gcNextGraphComponent)
return gcNextGraphNode;
return NULL;
Node *nextGroup() const {
return gcNextGraphComponent;
* Find the strongly connected components of a graph using Tarjan's algorithm,
* and return them in topological order.
* Nodes derive from GraphNodeBase and implement findGraphEdges, which calls
* finder.addEdgeTo to describe the outgoing edges from that node:
* struct MyGraphNode : public GraphNodeBase
* {
* void findOutgoingEdges(ComponentFinder<MyGraphNode> &finder)
* {
* for edge in my_outgoing_edges:
* if is_relevant(edge):
* finder.addEdgeTo(edge.destination)
* }
* }
* ComponentFinder<MyGraphNode> finder;
* finder.addNode(v);
template<class Node>
class ComponentFinder
ComponentFinder(uintptr_t stackLimit);
/* Forces all nodes to be added to a single component. */
void useOneComponent() { stackFull = true; }
void addNode(Node *v);
Node *getResultsList();
static void mergeGroups(Node *first);
/* Call from implementation of GraphNodeBase::findOutgoingEdges(). */
void addEdgeTo(Node *w);
/* Constant used to indicate an unprocessed vertex. */
static const unsigned Undefined = 0;
/* Constant used to indicate an processed vertex that is no longer on the stack. */
static const unsigned Finished = (unsigned)-1;
void processNode(Node *v);
unsigned clock;
Node *stack;
Node *firstComponent;
Node *cur;
uintptr_t stackLimit;
bool stackFull;
} /* namespace gc */
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* gc_FindSCCs_h */