blob: 26886f81a0d7cb676e3f945c9c249e1780b04477 [file] [log] [blame]
# Pretty-printers for SpiderMonkey JSObjects.
import gdb
import mozilla.JSString
import mozilla.prettyprinters as prettyprinters
from mozilla.prettyprinters import ptr_pretty_printer, ref_pretty_printer
from mozilla.Root import deref
class JSObjectTypeCache(object):
def __init__(self, value, cache):
# In GDB 7.4.50, with some programs, this first dummy gdb.lookup_type
# call is required to make the second lookup_type call succeed. A GDB
# built from the public sources as of 2012-12-12 did not require the
# dummy lookup.
baseshape_flags = gdb.lookup_type('js::BaseShape::Flag')
self.flag_DELEGATE = prettyprinters.enum_value(baseshape_flags, 'js::BaseShape::DELEGATE')
self.func_ptr_type = gdb.lookup_type('JSFunction').pointer()
# There should be no need to register this for JSFunction as well, since we
# search for pretty-printers under the names of base classes, and
# JSFunction has JSObject as a base class.
class JSObjectPtrOrRef(prettyprinters.Pointer):
def __init__(self, value, cache):
super(JSObjectPtrOrRef, self).__init__(value, cache)
if not cache.mod_JSObject:
cache.mod_JSObject = JSObjectTypeCache(value, cache)
self.otc = cache.mod_JSObject
def summary(self):
shape = deref(self.value['shape_'])
baseshape = deref(shape['base_'])
class_name = baseshape['clasp']['name'].string()
flags = baseshape['flags']
is_delegate = bool(flags & self.otc.flag_DELEGATE)
name = None
if class_name == 'Function':
function = self.value
concrete_type = function.type.strip_typedefs()
if concrete_type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF:
function = function.address
function = function.cast(self.otc.func_ptr_type)
atom = deref(function['atom_'])
name = str(atom) if atom else '<unnamed>'
return '[object %s%s]%s' % (class_name,
' ' + name if name else '',
' delegate' if is_delegate else '')
def JSObjectRef(value, cache): return JSObjectPtrOrRef(value, cache)