blob: a02a3924a8fc0af7b67ce9d34e7373028f8aaa15 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Automated tests (as opposed to human-verified test patterns)
It was tempting to mock out curses to get predictable output from ``tigetstr``,
but there are concrete integration-testing benefits in not doing so. For
instance, ``tigetstr`` changed its return type in Python 3.2.3. So instead, we
simply create all our test ``Terminal`` instances with a known terminal type.
All we require from the host machine is that a standard terminfo definition of
xterm-256color exists.
from __future__ import with_statement # Make 2.5-compatible
from curses import tigetstr, tparm
from functools import partial
from StringIO import StringIO
import sys
from nose import SkipTest
from import eq_
# This tests that __all__ is correct, since we use below everything that should
# be imported:
from blessings import *
TestTerminal = partial(Terminal, kind='xterm-256color')
def unicode_cap(cap):
"""Return the result of ``tigetstr`` except as Unicode."""
return tigetstr(cap).decode('utf-8')
def unicode_parm(cap, *parms):
"""Return the result of ``tparm(tigetstr())`` except as Unicode."""
return tparm(tigetstr(cap), *parms).decode('utf-8')
def test_capability():
"""Check that a capability lookup works.
Also test that Terminal grabs a reasonable default stream. This test
assumes it will be run from a tty.
t = TestTerminal()
sc = unicode_cap('sc')
eq_(, sc)
eq_(, sc) # Make sure caching doesn't screw it up.
def test_capability_without_tty():
"""Assert capability templates are '' when stream is not a tty."""
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO())
eq_(, u'')
eq_(, u'')
def test_capability_with_forced_tty():
"""If we force styling, capabilities had better not (generally) be empty."""
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
eq_(, unicode_cap('sc'))
def test_parametrization():
"""Test parametrizing a capability."""
eq_(TestTerminal().cup(3, 4), unicode_parm('cup', 3, 4))
def height_and_width():
"""Assert that ``height_and_width()`` returns ints."""
t = TestTerminal() # kind shouldn't matter.
assert isinstance(int, t.height)
assert isinstance(int, t.width)
def test_stream_attr():
"""Make sure Terminal exposes a ``stream`` attribute that defaults to something sane."""
eq_(Terminal().stream, sys.__stdout__)
def test_location():
"""Make sure ``location()`` does what it claims."""
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
with t.location(3, 4):'hi')
eq_(, unicode_cap('sc') +
unicode_parm('cup', 4, 3) +
u'hi' +
def test_horizontal_location():
"""Make sure we can move the cursor horizontally without changing rows."""
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
with t.location(x=5):
eq_(, unicode_cap('sc') +
unicode_parm('hpa', 5) +
def test_null_fileno():
"""Make sure ``Terminal`` works when ``fileno`` is ``None``.
This simulates piping output to another program.
out = StringIO()
out.fileno = None
t = TestTerminal(stream=out)
eq_(, u'')
def test_mnemonic_colors():
"""Make sure color shortcuts work."""
def color(num):
return unicode_parm('setaf', num)
def on_color(num):
return unicode_parm('setab', num)
# Avoid testing red, blue, yellow, and cyan, since they might someday
# change depending on terminal type.
t = TestTerminal()
eq_(t.white, color(7))
eq_(, color(2)) # Make sure it's different than white.
eq_(t.on_black, on_color(0))
eq_(t.on_green, on_color(2))
eq_(t.bright_black, color(8))
eq_(t.bright_green, color(10))
eq_(t.on_bright_black, on_color(8))
eq_(t.on_bright_green, on_color(10))
def test_callable_numeric_colors():
"""``color(n)`` should return a formatting wrapper."""
t = TestTerminal()
eq_(t.color(5)('smoo'), t.magenta + 'smoo' + t.normal)
eq_(t.color(5)('smoo'), t.color(5) + 'smoo' + t.normal)
eq_(t.on_color(2)('smoo'), t.on_green + 'smoo' + t.normal)
eq_(t.on_color(2)('smoo'), t.on_color(2) + 'smoo' + t.normal)
def test_null_callable_numeric_colors():
"""``color(n)`` should be a no-op on null terminals."""
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO())
eq_(t.color(5)('smoo'), 'smoo')
eq_(t.on_color(6)('smoo'), 'smoo')
def test_naked_color_cap():
"""``term.color`` should return a stringlike capability."""
t = TestTerminal()
eq_(t.color + '', t.setaf + '')
def test_number_of_colors_without_tty():
"""``number_of_colors`` should return 0 when there's no tty."""
# Hypothesis: once setupterm() has run and decided the tty supports 256
# colors, it never changes its mind.
raise SkipTest
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO())
eq_(t.number_of_colors, 0)
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
eq_(t.number_of_colors, 0)
def test_number_of_colors_with_tty():
"""``number_of_colors`` should work."""
t = TestTerminal()
eq_(t.number_of_colors, 256)
def test_formatting_functions():
"""Test crazy-ass formatting wrappers, both simple and compound."""
t = TestTerminal()
# By now, it should be safe to use sugared attributes. Other tests test those.
eq_(t.bold(u'hi'), t.bold + u'hi' + t.normal)
eq_('hi'), + u'hi' + t.normal) # Plain strs for Python 2.x
# Test some non-ASCII chars, probably not necessary:
eq_(t.bold_green(u'boö'), t.bold + + u'boö' + t.normal)
t.bold + t.underline + + t.on_red + u'boo' + t.normal)
# Don't spell things like this:
t.on_bright_red + t.bold + t.bright_green + t.underline + u'meh' + t.normal)
def test_formatting_functions_without_tty():
"""Test crazy-ass formatting wrappers when there's no tty."""
t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO())
eq_(t.bold(u'hi'), u'hi')
eq_('hi'), u'hi')
# Test non-ASCII chars, no longer really necessary:
eq_(t.bold_green(u'boö'), u'boö')
eq_(t.bold_underline_green_on_red('loo'), u'loo')
eq_(t.on_bright_red_bold_bright_green_underline('meh'), u'meh')
def test_nice_formatting_errors():
"""Make sure you get nice hints if you misspell a formatting wrapper."""
t = TestTerminal()
except TypeError, e:
assert 'probably misspelled' in e.args[0]
t.bold_misspelled(u'hey') # unicode
except TypeError, e:
assert 'probably misspelled' in e.args[0]
t.bold_misspelled(None) # an arbitrary non-string
except TypeError, e:
assert 'probably misspelled' not in e.args[0]
t.bold_misspelled('a', 'b') # >1 string arg
except TypeError, e:
assert 'probably misspelled' not in e.args[0]
def test_init_descriptor_always_initted():
"""We should be able to get a height and width even on no-tty Terminals."""
t = Terminal(stream=StringIO())
eq_(type(t.height), int)