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r"""Python sandbox implementation for build files.
This module contains classes for Python sandboxes that execute in a
highly-controlled environment.
The main class is `Sandbox`. This provides an execution environment for Python
The behavior inside sandboxes is mostly regulated by the `GlobalNamespace` and
`LocalNamespace` classes. These represent the global and local namespaces in
the sandbox, respectively.
Code in this module takes a different approach to exception handling compared
to what you'd see elsewhere in Python. Arguments to built-in exceptions like
KeyError are machine parseable. This machine-friendly data is used to present
user-friendly error messages in the case of errors.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import copy
import os
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from mozbuild.util import (
class GlobalNamespace(dict):
"""Represents the globals namespace in a sandbox.
This is a highly specialized dictionary employing light magic.
At the crux we have the concept of a restricted keys set. Only very
specific keys may be retrieved or mutated. The rules are as follows:
- The '__builtins__' key is hardcoded and is read-only.
- The set of variables that can be assigned or accessed during
execution is passed into the constructor.
When variables are assigned to, we verify assignment is allowed. Assignment
is allowed if the variable is known (set defined at constructor time) and
if the value being assigned is the expected type (also defined at
constructor time).
When variables are read, we first try to read the existing value. If a
value is not found and it is defined in the allowed variables set, we
return the default value for it. We don't assign default values until
they are accessed because this makes debugging the end-result much
simpler. Instead of a data structure with lots of empty/default values,
you have a data structure with only the values that were read or touched.
Instantiators of this class are given a backdoor to perform setting of
arbitrary values. e.g.
ns = GlobalNamespace()
with ns.allow_all_writes():
ns['foo'] = True
ns['bar'] = True # KeyError raised.
# The default set of builtins.
BUILTINS = ReadOnlyDict({
# Only real Python built-ins should go here.
'None': None,
'False': False,
'True': True,
def __init__(self, allowed_variables=None, builtins=None):
"""Create a new global namespace having specific variables.
allowed_variables is a dict of the variables that can be queried and
mutated. Keys in this dict are the strings representing keys in this
namespace which are valid. Values are tuples of stored type, assigned
type, default value, and a docstring describing the purpose of the variable.
builtins is the value to use for the special __builtins__ key. If not
defined, the BUILTINS constant attached to this class is used. The
__builtins__ object is read-only.
builtins = builtins or self.BUILTINS
assert isinstance(builtins, ReadOnlyDict)
dict.__init__(self, {'__builtins__': builtins})
self._allowed_variables = allowed_variables or {}
# We need to record this because it gets swallowed as part of
# evaluation.
self.last_name_error = None
self._allow_all_writes = False
def __getitem__(self, name):
return dict.__getitem__(self, name)
except KeyError:
# The variable isn't present yet. Fall back to VARIABLES.
default = self._allowed_variables.get(name, None)
if default is None:
self.last_name_error = KeyError('global_ns', 'get_unknown', name)
raise self.last_name_error
dict.__setitem__(self, name, copy.deepcopy(default[2]))
return dict.__getitem__(self, name)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
if self._allow_all_writes:
dict.__setitem__(self, name, value)
# We don't need to check for name.isupper() here because LocalNamespace
# only sends variables our way if isupper() is True.
stored_type, input_type, default, docs = \
self._allowed_variables.get(name, (None, None, None, None))
# Variable is unknown.
if stored_type is None:
self.last_name_error = KeyError('global_ns', 'set_unknown', name,
raise self.last_name_error
# If the incoming value is not the type we store, we try to convert
# it to that type. This relies on proper coercion rules existing. This
# is the responsibility of whoever defined the symbols: a type should
# not be in the allowed set if the constructor function for the stored
# type does not accept an instance of that type.
if not isinstance(value, stored_type):
if not isinstance(value, input_type):
self.last_name_error = ValueError('global_ns', 'set_type', name,
value, input_type)
raise self.last_name_error
value = stored_type(value)
dict.__setitem__(self, name, value)
def allow_all_writes(self):
"""Allow any variable to be written to this instance.
This is used as a context manager. When activated, all writes
(__setitem__ calls) are allowed. When the context manager is exited,
the instance goes back to its default behavior of only allowing
whitelisted mutations.
self._allow_all_writes = True
yield self
self._allow_all_writes = False
class LocalNamespace(dict):
"""Represents the locals namespace in a Sandbox.
This behaves like a dict except with some additional behavior tailored
to our sandbox execution model.
Under normal rules of exec(), doing things like += could have interesting
consequences. Keep in mind that a += is really a read, followed by the
creation of a new variable, followed by a write. If the read came from the
global namespace, then the write would go to the local namespace, resulting
in fragmentation. This is not desired.
LocalNamespace proxies reads and writes for global-looking variables
(read: UPPERCASE) to the global namespace. This means that attempting to
read or write an unknown variable results in exceptions raised from the
def __init__(self, global_ns):
"""Create a local namespace associated with a GlobalNamespace."""
self._globals = global_ns
self.last_name_error = None
def __getitem__(self, name):
if name.isupper():
return self._globals[name]
return dict.__getitem__(self, name)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
if name.isupper():
self._globals[name] = value
dict.__setitem__(self, name, value)
class SandboxError(Exception):
def __init__(self, file_stack):
self.file_stack = file_stack
class SandboxExecutionError(SandboxError):
"""Represents errors encountered during execution of a Sandbox.
This is a simple container exception. It's purpose is to capture state
so something else can report on it.
def __init__(self, file_stack, exc_type, exc_value, trace):
SandboxError.__init__(self, file_stack)
self.exc_type = exc_type
self.exc_value = exc_value
self.trace = trace
class SandboxLoadError(SandboxError):
"""Represents errors encountered when loading a file for execution.
This exception represents errors in a Sandbox that occurred as part of
loading a file. The error could have occurred in the course of executing
a file. If so, the file_stack will be non-empty and the file that caused
the load will be on top of the stack.
def __init__(self, file_stack, trace, illegal_path=None, read_error=None):
SandboxError.__init__(self, file_stack)
self.trace = trace
self.illegal_path = illegal_path
self.read_error = read_error
class Sandbox(object):
"""Represents a sandbox for executing Python code.
This class both provides a sandbox for execution of a single mozbuild
frontend file as well as an interface to the results of that execution.
Sandbox is effectively a glorified wrapper around compile() + exec(). You
point it at some Python code and it executes it. The main difference from
executing Python code like normal is that the executed code is very limited
in what it can do: the sandbox only exposes a very limited set of Python
functionality. Only specific types and functions are available. This
prevents executed code from doing things like import modules, open files,
Sandboxes are bound to a mozconfig instance. These objects are produced by
the output of configure.
Sandbox instances can be accessed like dictionaries to facilitate result
retrieval. e.g. foo = sandbox['FOO']. Direct assignment is not allowed.
Each sandbox has associated with it a GlobalNamespace and LocalNamespace.
Only data stored in the GlobalNamespace is retrievable via the dict
interface. This is because the local namespace should be irrelevant: it
should only contain throwaway variables.
def __init__(self, allowed_variables=None, builtins=None):
"""Initialize a Sandbox ready for execution.
The arguments are proxied to GlobalNamespace.__init__.
self._globals = GlobalNamespace(allowed_variables=allowed_variables,
self._locals = LocalNamespace(self._globals)
self._execution_stack = []
self.main_path = None
self.all_paths = set()
def exec_file(self, path):
"""Execute code at a path in the sandbox.
The path must be absolute.
assert os.path.isabs(path)
source = None
with open(path, 'rt') as fd:
source =
except Exception as e:
raise SandboxLoadError(list(self._execution_stack),
sys.exc_info()[2], read_error=path)
self.exec_source(source, path)
def exec_source(self, source, path):
"""Execute Python code within a string.
The passed string should contain Python code to be executed. The string
will be compiled and executed.
You should almost always go through exec_file() because exec_source()
does not perform extra path normalization. This can cause relative
paths to behave weirdly.
if self.main_path is None:
self.main_path = path
# We don't have to worry about bytecode generation here because we are
# too low-level for that. However, we could add bytecode generation via
# the marshall module if parsing performance were ever an issue.
# compile() inherits the __future__ from the module by default. We
# do want Unicode literals.
code = compile(source, path, 'exec')
exec(code, self._globals, self._locals)
except SandboxError as e:
raise e
except NameError as e:
# A NameError is raised when a local or global could not be found.
# The original KeyError has been dropped by the interpreter.
# However, we should have it cached in our namespace instances!
# Unless a script is doing something wonky like catching NameError
# itself (that would be silly), if there is an exception on the
# global namespace, that's our error.
actual = e
if self._globals.last_name_error is not None:
actual = self._globals.last_name_error
elif self._locals.last_name_error is not None:
actual = self._locals.last_name_error
raise SandboxExecutionError(list(self._execution_stack),
type(actual), actual, sys.exc_info()[2])
except Exception as e:
# Need to copy the stack otherwise we get a reference and that is
# mutated during the finally.
exc = sys.exc_info()
raise SandboxExecutionError(list(self._execution_stack), exc[0],
exc[1], exc[2])
# Dict interface proxies reads to global namespace.
def __len__(self):
return len(self._globals)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._globals[name]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._globals)
def iterkeys(self):
return self.__iter__()
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._globals
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self._globals.get(key, default)