blob: 95f0aaa9f2220d93c14782c2c9f7f0c0b00d6e7a [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
__all__ = ['Profile', 'FirefoxProfile', 'ThunderbirdProfile']
import os
import time
import tempfile
import types
import uuid
from addons import AddonManager
from permissions import Permissions
from prefs import Preferences
from shutil import copytree, rmtree
from webapps import WebappCollection
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
class Profile(object):
"""Handles all operations regarding profile. Created new profiles, installs extensions,
sets preferences and handles cleanup."""
def __init__(self, profile=None, addons=None, addon_manifests=None, apps=None,
preferences=None, locations=None, proxy=None, restore=True):
:param profile: Path to the profile
:param addons: String of one or list of addons to install
:param addon_manifests: Manifest for addons, see
:param apps: Dictionary or class of webapps to install
:param preferences: Dictionary or class of preferences
:param locations: locations to proxy
:param proxy: setup a proxy - dict of server-loc,server-port,ssl-port
:param restore: If true remove all installed addons preferences when cleaning up
# if true, remove installed addons/prefs afterwards
self.restore = restore
# prefs files written to
self.written_prefs = set()
# our magic markers
nonce = '%s %s' % (str(time.time()), uuid.uuid4())
self.delimeters = ('#MozRunner Prefs Start %s' % nonce,'#MozRunner Prefs End %s' % nonce)
# Handle profile creation
self.create_new = not profile
if profile:
# Ensure we have a full path to the profile
self.profile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(profile))
if not os.path.exists(self.profile):
self.profile = self.create_new_profile()
# set preferences
if hasattr(self.__class__, 'preferences'):
# class preferences
self._preferences = preferences
if preferences:
# supplied preferences
if isinstance(preferences, dict):
# unordered
preferences = preferences.items()
# sanity check
assert not [i for i in preferences
if len(i) != 2]
preferences = []
# set permissions
self._locations = locations # store this for reconstruction
self._proxy = proxy
self.permissions = Permissions(self.profile, locations)
prefs_js, user_js = self.permissions.network_prefs(proxy)
self.set_preferences(prefs_js, 'prefs.js')
# handle addon installation
self.addon_manager = AddonManager(self.profile)
self.addon_manager.install_addons(addons, addon_manifests)
# handle webapps
self.webapps = WebappCollection(profile=self.profile, apps=apps)
def exists(self):
"""returns whether the profile exists or not"""
return os.path.exists(self.profile)
def reset(self):
reset the profile to the beginning state
if self.create_new:
profile = None
profile = self.profile
proxy = self._proxy)
def clone(cls, path_from, path_to=None, **kwargs):
"""Instantiate a temporary profile via cloning
- path: path of the basis to clone
- kwargs: arguments to the profile constructor
if not path_to:
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # need an unused temp dir name
rmtree(tempdir) # copytree requires that dest does not exist
path_to = tempdir
copytree(path_from, path_to)
def cleanup_clone(fn):
"""Deletes a cloned profile when restore is True"""
def wrapped(self):
if self.restore and os.path.exists(self.profile):
rmtree(self.profile, onerror=self._cleanup_error)
return wrapped
c = cls(path_to, **kwargs)
c.__del__ = c.cleanup = types.MethodType(cleanup_clone(cls.cleanup), c)
return c
def create_new_profile(self):
"""Create a new clean temporary profile which is a simple empty folder"""
return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.mozrunner')
### methods for preferences
def set_preferences(self, preferences, filename='user.js'):
"""Adds preferences dict to profile preferences"""
# append to the file
prefs_file = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
f = open(prefs_file, 'a')
if preferences:
# note what files we've touched
# opening delimeter
f.write('\n%s\n' % self.delimeters[0])
# write the preferences
Preferences.write(f, preferences)
# closing delimeter
f.write('%s\n' % self.delimeters[1])
def pop_preferences(self, filename):
pop the last set of preferences added
returns True if popped
lines = file(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)).read().splitlines()
def last_index(_list, value):
returns the last index of an item;
this should actually be part of python code but it isn't
for index in reversed(range(len(_list))):
if _list[index] == value:
return index
s = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[0])
e = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[1])
# ensure both markers are found
if s is None:
assert e is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[1], self.delimeters[0])
return False # no preferences found
elif e is None:
assert s is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[0], self.delimeters[1])
# ensure the markers are in the proper order
assert e > s, '%s found at %s, while %s found at %s' % (self.delimeters[1], e, self.delimeters[0], s)
# write the prefs
cleaned_prefs = '\n'.join(lines[:s] + lines[e+1:])
f = file(os.path.join(self.profile, 'user.js'), 'w')
return True
def clean_preferences(self):
"""Removed preferences added by mozrunner."""
for filename in self.written_prefs:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)):
# file has been deleted
while True:
if not self.pop_preferences(filename):
### cleanup
def _cleanup_error(self, function, path, excinfo):
""" Specifically for windows we need to handle the case where the windows
process has not yet relinquished handles on files, so we do a wait/try
construct and timeout if we can't get a clear road to deletion
from exceptions import WindowsError
from time import sleep
def is_file_locked():
return excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32
if excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32:
# Then we're on windows, wait to see if the file gets unlocked
# we wait 10s
count = 0
while count < 10:
count += 1
except ImportError:
# We can't re-raise an error, so we'll hope the stuff above us will throw
def cleanup(self):
"""Cleanup operations for the profile."""
if self.restore:
if self.create_new:
if os.path.exists(self.profile):
rmtree(self.profile, onerror=self._cleanup_error)
__del__ = cleanup
class FirefoxProfile(Profile):
"""Specialized Profile subclass for Firefox"""
preferences = {# Don't automatically update the application
'app.update.enabled' : False,
# Don't restore the last open set of tabs if the browser has crashed
'browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash': False,
# Don't check for the default web browser
'' : False,
# Don't warn on exit when multiple tabs are open
'browser.tabs.warnOnClose' : False,
# Don't warn when exiting the browser
'browser.warnOnQuit': False,
# Don't send Firefox health reports to the production server
'datareporting.healthreport.documentServerURI' : 'http://%(server)s/healthreport/',
# Only install add-ons from the profile and the application scope
# Also ensure that those are not getting disabled.
# see:
'extensions.enabledScopes' : 5,
'extensions.autoDisableScopes' : 10,
# Don't install distribution add-ons from the app folder
'extensions.installDistroAddons' : False,
# Dont' run the add-on compatibility check during start-up
'extensions.showMismatchUI' : False,
# Don't automatically update add-ons
'extensions.update.enabled' : False,
# Don't open a dialog to show available add-on updates
'extensions.update.notifyUser' : False,
# Enable test mode to run multiple tests in parallel
'focusmanager.testmode' : True,
# Suppress delay for main action in popup notifications
'security.notification_enable_delay' : 0,
# Suppress automatic safe mode after crashes
'toolkit.startup.max_resumed_crashes' : -1,
# Don't report telemetry information
'toolkit.telemetry.enabled' : False,
'toolkit.telemetry.enabledPreRelease' : False,
class ThunderbirdProfile(Profile):
"""Specialized Profile subclass for Thunderbird"""
preferences = {'extensions.update.enabled' : False,
'extensions.update.notifyUser' : False,
'' : False,
'browser.tabs.warnOnClose' : False,
'browser.warnOnQuit': False,
'browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash': False,
# prevents the 'new e-mail address' wizard on new profile
'mail.provider.enabled': False,