blob: 245fd8e1a35b6555c73b84164af6e720e538549c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
__all__ = ['Runner', 'ThunderbirdRunner', 'FirefoxRunner', 'runners', 'CLI', 'cli', 'package_metadata']
import mozinfo
import optparse
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import ConfigParser
from utils import get_metadata_from_egg
from utils import findInPath
from mozprofile import *
from mozprocess.processhandler import ProcessHandler
if mozinfo.isMac:
from plistlib import readPlist
package_metadata = get_metadata_from_egg('mozrunner')
# Map of debugging programs to information about them
# from
debuggers = {'gdb': {'interactive': True,
'args': ['-q', '--args'],},
'valgrind': {'interactive': False,
'args': ['--leak-check=full']}
def debugger_arguments(debugger, arguments=None, interactive=None):
finds debugger arguments from debugger given and defaults
* debugger : debugger name or path to debugger
* arguments : arguments to the debugger, or None to use defaults
* interactive : whether the debugger should be run in interactive mode, or None to use default
# find debugger executable if not a file
executable = debugger
if not os.path.exists(executable):
executable = findInPath(debugger)
if executable is None:
raise Exception("Path to '%s' not found" % debugger)
# if debugger not in dictionary of knowns return defaults
dirname, debugger = os.path.split(debugger)
if debugger not in debuggers:
return ([executable] + (arguments or []), bool(interactive))
# otherwise use the dictionary values for arguments unless specified
if arguments is None:
arguments = debuggers[debugger].get('args', [])
if interactive is None:
interactive = debuggers[debugger].get('interactive', False)
return ([executable] + arguments, interactive)
class Runner(object):
"""Handles all running operations. Finds bins, runs and kills the process."""
profile_class = Profile # profile class to use by default
def create(cls, binary=None, cmdargs=None, env=None, kp_kwargs=None, profile_args=None,
clean_profile=True, process_class=ProcessHandler):
profile = cls.profile_class(**(profile_args or {}))
return cls(profile, binary=binary, cmdargs=cmdargs, env=env, kp_kwargs=kp_kwargs,
clean_profile=clean_profile, process_class=process_class)
def __init__(self, profile, binary, cmdargs=None, env=None,
kp_kwargs=None, clean_profile=True, process_class=ProcessHandler):
self.process_handler = None
self.process_class = process_class
self.profile = profile
self.clean_profile = clean_profile
# find the binary
self.binary = binary
if not self.binary:
raise Exception("Binary not specified")
if not os.path.exists(self.binary):
raise OSError("Binary path does not exist: %s" % self.binary)
# allow Mac binaries to be specified as an app bundle
plist = '%s/Contents/Info.plist' % self.binary
if mozinfo.isMac and os.path.exists(plist):
info = readPlist(plist)
self.binary = os.path.join(self.binary, "Contents/MacOS/",
self.cmdargs = cmdargs or []
_cmdargs = [i for i in self.cmdargs
if i != '-foreground']
if len(_cmdargs) != len(self.cmdargs):
# foreground should be last; see
# -
# -
self.cmdargs = _cmdargs
# process environment
if env is None:
self.env = os.environ.copy()
self.env = env.copy()
# allows you to run an instance of Firefox separately from any other instances
self.env['MOZ_NO_REMOTE'] = '1'
# keeps Firefox attached to the terminal window after it starts
self.env['NO_EM_RESTART'] = '1'
# set the library path if needed on linux
if sys.platform == 'linux2' and self.binary.endswith('-bin'):
dirname = os.path.dirname(self.binary)
if os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', None):
self.env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'], dirname)
self.env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = dirname
# arguments for ProfessHandler.Process
self.kp_kwargs = kp_kwargs or {}
def command(self):
"""Returns the command list to run."""
return [self.binary, '-profile', self.profile.profile]
def get_repositoryInfo(self):
"""Read repository information from application.ini and platform.ini."""
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
dirname = os.path.dirname(self.binary)
repository = { }
for file, section in [('application', 'App'), ('platform', 'Build')]:, '%s.ini' % file))
for key, id in [('SourceRepository', 'repository'),
('SourceStamp', 'changeset')]:
repository['%s_%s' % (file, id)] = config.get(section, key);
repository['%s_%s' % (file, id)] = None
return repository
def is_running(self):
return self.process_handler is not None
def start(self, debug_args=None, interactive=False, timeout=None, outputTimeout=None):
Run self.command in the proper environment.
- debug_args: arguments for the debugger
- interactive: uses subprocess.Popen directly
- read_output: sends program output to stdout [default=False]
- timeout: see process_handler.waitForFinish
- outputTimeout: see process_handler.waitForFinish
# ensure you are stopped
# ensure the profile exists
if not self.profile.exists():
assert self.profile.exists(), "%s : failure to reset profile" % self.__class__.__name__
cmd = self._wrap_command(self.command+self.cmdargs)
# attach a debugger, if specified
if debug_args:
cmd = list(debug_args) + cmd
if interactive:
self.process_handler = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=self.env)
# TODO: other arguments
# this run uses the managed processhandler
self.process_handler = self.process_class(cmd, env=self.env, **self.kp_kwargs), outputTimeout)
def wait(self, timeout=None):
Wait for the app to exit.
If timeout is not None, will return after timeout seconds.
Use is_running() to determine whether or not a timeout occured.
Timeout is ignored if interactive was set to True.
if self.process_handler is None:
if isinstance(self.process_handler, subprocess.Popen):
if self.process_handler.proc.poll() is None:
# waitForFinish timed out
self.process_handler = None
def stop(self):
"""Kill the app"""
if self.process_handler is None:
self.process_handler = None
def reset(self):
reset the runner between runs
currently, only resets the profile, but probably should do more
def cleanup(self):
if self.clean_profile:
def _wrap_command(self, cmd):
If running on OS X 10.5 or older, wrap |cmd| so that it will
be executed as an i386 binary, in case it's a 32-bit/64-bit universal
if mozinfo.isMac and hasattr(platform, 'mac_ver') and \
platform.mac_ver()[0][:4] < '10.6':
return ["arch", "-arch", "i386"] + cmd
return cmd
__del__ = cleanup
class FirefoxRunner(Runner):
"""Specialized Runner subclass for running Firefox."""
profile_class = FirefoxProfile
def __init__(self, profile, binary=None, **kwargs):
# take the binary from BROWSER_PATH environment variable
if (not binary) and 'BROWSER_PATH' in os.environ:
binary = os.environ['BROWSER_PATH']
Runner.__init__(self, profile, binary, **kwargs)
class ThunderbirdRunner(Runner):
"""Specialized Runner subclass for running Thunderbird"""
profile_class = ThunderbirdProfile
runners = {'firefox': FirefoxRunner,
'thunderbird': ThunderbirdRunner}
class CLI(MozProfileCLI):
"""Command line interface."""
module = "mozrunner"
def __init__(self, args=sys.argv[1:]):
Setup command line parser and parse arguments
- args : command line arguments
self.metadata = getattr(sys.modules[self.module],
version = self.metadata.get('Version')
parser_args = {'description': self.metadata.get('Summary')}
if version:
parser_args['version'] = "%prog " + version
self.parser = optparse.OptionParser(**parser_args)
(self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(args)
if getattr(self.options, 'info', None):
# choose appropriate runner and profile classes
self.runner_class = runners[]
except KeyError:
self.parser.error('Application "%s" unknown (should be one of "firefox" or "thunderbird")' %
def add_options(self, parser):
"""add options to the parser"""
# add profile options
MozProfileCLI.add_options(self, parser)
# add runner options
parser.add_option('-b', "--binary",
dest="binary", help="Binary path.",
metavar=None, default=None)
parser.add_option('--app', dest='app', default='firefox',
help="Application to use [DEFAULT: %default]")
parser.add_option('--app-arg', dest='appArgs',
default=[], action='append',
help="provides an argument to the test application")
parser.add_option('--debugger', dest='debugger',
help="run under a debugger, e.g. gdb or valgrind")
parser.add_option('--debugger-args', dest='debugger_args',
action='append', default=None,
help="arguments to the debugger")
parser.add_option('--interactive', dest='interactive',
help="run the program interactively")
if self.metadata:
parser.add_option("--info", dest="info", default=False,
help="Print module information")
### methods for introspecting data
def get_metadata_from_egg(self):
import pkg_resources
ret = {}
dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.module)
if dist.has_metadata("PKG-INFO"):
for line in dist.get_metadata_lines("PKG-INFO"):
key, value = line.split(':', 1)
ret[key] = value
if dist.has_metadata("requires.txt"):
ret["Dependencies"] = "\n" + dist.get_metadata("requires.txt")
return ret
def print_metadata(self, data=("Name", "Version", "Summary", "Home-page",
"Author", "Author-email", "License", "Platform", "Dependencies")):
for key in data:
if key in self.metadata:
print key + ": " + self.metadata[key]
### methods for running
def command_args(self):
"""additional arguments for the mozilla application"""
return self.options.appArgs
def runner_args(self):
"""arguments to instantiate the runner class"""
return dict(cmdargs=self.command_args(),
def create_runner(self):
return self.runner_class.create(**self.runner_args())
def run(self):
runner = self.create_runner()
def debugger_arguments(self):
returns a 2-tuple of debugger arguments:
(debugger_arguments, interactive)
debug_args = self.options.debugger_args
interactive = self.options.interactive
if self.options.debugger:
debug_args, interactive = debugger_arguments(self.options.debugger)
return debug_args, interactive
def start(self, runner):
"""Starts the runner and waits for Firefox to exit or Keyboard Interrupt.
Shoule be overwritten to provide custom running of the runner instance."""
# attach a debugger if specified
debug_args, interactive = self.debugger_arguments()
runner.start(debug_args=debug_args, interactive=interactive)
print 'Starting:', ' '.join(runner.command)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def cli(args=sys.argv[1:]):
if __name__ == '__main__':