blob: 9fc3b1d06ec3a79dd542d3c58cc631610c2a6227 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* A higher-order macro for enumerating all cached property names. */
#ifndef vm_CommonPropertyNames_h
#define vm_CommonPropertyNames_h
#include "jsprototypes.h"
#include "jsversion.h"
macro(anonymous, anonymous, "anonymous") \
macro(apply, apply, "apply") \
macro(arguments, arguments, "arguments") \
macro(buffer, buffer, "buffer") \
macro(builder, builder, "builder") \
macro(byteLength, byteLength, "byteLength") \
macro(byteOffset, byteOffset, "byteOffset") \
macro(call, call, "call") \
macro(callee, callee, "callee") \
macro(caller, caller, "caller") \
macro(callFunction, callFunction, "callFunction") \
macro(caseFirst, caseFirst, "caseFirst") \
macro(classPrototype, classPrototype, "prototype") \
macro(Collator, Collator, "Collator") \
macro(CollatorCompareGet, CollatorCompareGet, "Intl_Collator_compare_get") \
macro(columnNumber, columnNumber, "columnNumber") \
macro(compare, compare, "compare") \
macro(configurable, configurable, "configurable") \
macro(construct, construct, "construct") \
macro(constructor, constructor, "constructor") \
macro(currency, currency, "currency") \
macro(currencyDisplay, currencyDisplay, "currencyDisplay") \
macro(DateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormat, "DateTimeFormat") \
macro(DateTimeFormatFormatGet, DateTimeFormatFormatGet, "Intl_DateTimeFormat_format_get") \
macro(decodeURI, decodeURI, "decodeURI") \
macro(decodeURIComponent, decodeURIComponent, "decodeURIComponent") \
macro(defineProperty, defineProperty, "defineProperty") \
macro(defineGetter, defineGetter, "__defineGetter__") \
macro(defineSetter, defineSetter, "__defineSetter__") \
macro(delete, delete_, "delete") \
macro(deleteProperty, deleteProperty, "deleteProperty") \
macro(each, each, "each") \
macro(empty, empty, "") \
macro(encodeURI, encodeURI, "encodeURI") \
macro(encodeURIComponent, encodeURIComponent, "encodeURIComponent") \
macro(enumerable, enumerable, "enumerable") \
macro(enumerate, enumerate, "enumerate") \
macro(escape, escape, "escape") \
macro(eval, eval, "eval") \
macro(false, false_, "false") \
macro(fileName, fileName, "fileName") \
macro(fix, fix, "fix") \
macro(format, format, "format") \
macro(get, get, "get") \
macro(getInternals, getInternals, "getInternals") \
macro(getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor") \
macro(getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertyNames, "getOwnPropertyNames") \
macro(getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptor, "getPropertyDescriptor") \
macro(global, global, "global") \
macro(has, has, "has") \
macro(hasOwn, hasOwn, "hasOwn") \
macro(hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProperty, "hasOwnProperty") \
macro(ignoreCase, ignoreCase, "ignoreCase") \
macro(ignorePunctuation, ignorePunctuation, "ignorePunctuation") \
macro(index, index, "index") \
macro(InitializeCollator, InitializeCollator, "InitializeCollator") \
macro(InitializeDateTimeFormat, InitializeDateTimeFormat, "InitializeDateTimeFormat") \
macro(InitializeNumberFormat, InitializeNumberFormat, "InitializeNumberFormat") \
macro(innermost, innermost, "innermost") \
macro(input, input, "input") \
macro(isFinite, isFinite, "isFinite") \
macro(isNaN, isNaN, "isNaN") \
macro(isPrototypeOf, isPrototypeOf, "isPrototypeOf") \
macro(iterate, iterate, "iterate") \
macro(Infinity, Infinity, "Infinity") \
macro(iterator, iterator, "iterator") \
macro(iteratorIntrinsic, iteratorIntrinsic, "__iterator__") \
macro(join, join, "join") \
macro(keys, keys, "keys") \
macro(lastIndex, lastIndex, "lastIndex") \
macro(length, length, "length") \
macro(line, line, "line") \
macro(lineNumber, lineNumber, "lineNumber") \
macro(loc, loc, "loc") \
macro(locale, locale, "locale") \
macro(lookupGetter, lookupGetter, "__lookupGetter__") \
macro(lookupSetter, lookupSetter, "__lookupSetter__") \
macro(maximumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, "maximumFractionDigits") \
macro(maximumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits, "maximumSignificantDigits") \
macro(message, message, "message") \
macro(minimumFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits, "minimumFractionDigits") \
macro(minimumIntegerDigits, minimumIntegerDigits, "minimumIntegerDigits") \
macro(minimumSignificantDigits, minimumSignificantDigits, "minimumSignificantDigits") \
macro(module, module, "module") \
macro(multiline, multiline, "multiline") \
macro(name, name, "name") \
macro(NaN, NaN, "NaN") \
macro(next, next, "next") \
macro(noSuchMethod, noSuchMethod, "__noSuchMethod__") \
macro(NumberFormat, NumberFormat, "NumberFormat") \
macro(NumberFormatFormatGet, NumberFormatFormatGet, "Intl_NumberFormat_format_get") \
macro(numeric, numeric, "numeric") \
macro(objectNull, objectNull, "[object Null]") \
macro(objectUndefined, objectUndefined, "[object Undefined]") \
macro(of, of, "of") \
macro(offset, offset, "offset") \
macro(outOfMemory, outOfMemory, "out of memory") \
macro(parseFloat, parseFloat, "parseFloat") \
macro(parseInt, parseInt, "parseInt") \
macro(pattern, pattern, "pattern") \
macro(preventExtensions, preventExtensions, "preventExtensions") \
macro(propertyIsEnumerable, propertyIsEnumerable, "propertyIsEnumerable") \
macro(proto, proto, "__proto__") \
macro(return, return_, "return") \
macro(sensitivity, sensitivity, "sensitivity") \
macro(set, set, "set") \
macro(shape, shape, "shape") \
macro(source, source, "source") \
macro(stack, stack, "stack") \
macro(sticky, sticky, "sticky") \
macro(style, style, "style") \
macro(test, test, "test") \
macro(throw, throw_, "throw") \
macro(timeZone, timeZone, "timeZone") \
macro(toGMTString, toGMTString, "toGMTString") \
macro(toISOString, toISOString, "toISOString") \
macro(toJSON, toJSON, "toJSON") \
macro(toLocaleString, toLocaleString, "toLocaleString") \
macro(toSource, toSource, "toSource") \
macro(toString, toString, "toString") \
macro(toUTCString, toUTCString, "toUTCString") \
macro(true, true_, "true") \
macro(unescape, unescape, "unescape") \
macro(uneval, uneval, "uneval") \
macro(unwatch, unwatch, "unwatch") \
macro(url, url, "url") \
macro(usage, usage, "usage") \
macro(useGrouping, useGrouping, "useGrouping") \
macro(useAsm, useAsm, "use asm") \
macro(useStrict, useStrict, "use strict") \
macro(value, value, "value") \
macro(valueOf, valueOf, "valueOf") \
macro(var, var, "var") \
macro(void0, void0, "(void 0)") \
macro(watch, watch, "watch") \
macro(writable, writable, "writable") \
/* Type names must be contiguous and ordered; see js::TypeName. */ \
macro(undefined, undefined, "undefined") \
macro(object, object, "object") \
macro(function, function, "function") \
macro(string, string, "string") \
macro(number, number, "number") \
macro(boolean, boolean, "boolean") \
macro(null, null, "null")
#endif /* vm_CommonPropertyNames_h */