blob: 99a55910bf6e053a8aba115c0497873d30463760 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_Debugger_h
#define vm_Debugger_h
#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "jsclist.h"
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "jscompartment.h"
#include "jsweakmap.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "js/HashTable.h"
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"
namespace js {
* A weakmap that supports the keys being in different compartments to the
* values, although all values must be in the same compartment.
* The Key and Value classes must support the compartment() method.
* The purpose of this is to allow the garbage collector to easily find edges
* from debugee object compartments to debugger compartments when calculating
* the compartment groups. Note that these edges are the inverse of the edges
* stored in the cross compartment map.
* The current implementation results in all debuggee object compartments being
* swept in the same group as the debugger. This is a conservative approach,
* and compartments may be unnecessarily grouped, however it results in a
* simpler and faster implementation.
template <class Key, class Value>
class DebuggerWeakMap : private WeakMap<Key, Value, DefaultHasher<Key> >
typedef HashMap<JS::Zone *,
DefaultHasher<JS::Zone *>,
RuntimeAllocPolicy> CountMap;
CountMap zoneCounts;
typedef WeakMap<Key, Value, DefaultHasher<Key> > Base;
explicit DebuggerWeakMap(JSContext *cx)
: Base(cx), zoneCounts(cx) { }
/* Expose those parts of HashMap public interface that are used by Debugger methods. */
typedef typename Base::Ptr Ptr;
typedef typename Base::AddPtr AddPtr;
typedef typename Base::Range Range;
typedef typename Base::Enum Enum;
typedef typename Base::Lookup Lookup;
bool init(uint32_t len = 16) {
return Base::init(len) && zoneCounts.init();
void clearWithoutCallingDestructors() {
AddPtr lookupForAdd(const Lookup &l) const {
return Base::lookupForAdd(l);
template<typename KeyInput, typename ValueInput>
bool relookupOrAdd(AddPtr &p, const KeyInput &k, const ValueInput &v) {
JS_ASSERT(v->compartment() == Base::compartment);
if (!incZoneCount(k->zone()))
return false;
bool ok = Base::relookupOrAdd(p, k, v);
if (!ok)
return ok;
Range all() const {
return Base::all();
void remove(const Lookup &l) {
/* Expose WeakMap public interface*/
void trace(JSTracer *tracer) {
void markKeys(JSTracer *tracer) {
for (Range r = all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
Key key = r.front().key;
gc::Mark(tracer, &key, "cross-compartment WeakMap key");
JS_ASSERT(key == r.front().key);
bool hasKeyInZone(JS::Zone *zone) {
CountMap::Ptr p = zoneCounts.lookup(zone);
JS_ASSERT_IF(p, p->value > 0);
return p;
/* Override sweep method to also update our edge cache. */
void sweep() {
for (Enum e(*static_cast<Base *>(this)); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) {
Key k(e.front().key);
if (gc::IsAboutToBeFinalized(&k)) {
bool incZoneCount(JS::Zone *zone) {
CountMap::Ptr p = zoneCounts.lookupWithDefault(zone, 0);
if (!p)
return false;
return true;
void decZoneCount(JS::Zone *zone) {
CountMap::Ptr p = zoneCounts.lookup(zone);
JS_ASSERT(p->value > 0);
if (p->value == 0)
class Debugger : private mozilla::LinkedListElement<Debugger>
friend class Breakpoint;
friend class mozilla::LinkedListElement<Debugger>;
friend JSBool (::JS_DefineDebuggerObject)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
enum Hook {
enum {
HeapPtrObject object; /* The Debugger object. Strong reference. */
GlobalObjectSet debuggees; /* Debuggee globals. Cross-compartment weak references. */
js::HeapPtrObject uncaughtExceptionHook; /* Strong reference. */
bool enabled;
JSCList breakpoints; /* Circular list of all js::Breakpoints in this debugger */
* If this Debugger is enabled, and has a onNewGlobalObject handler, then
* this link is inserted into the circular list headed by
* JSRuntime::onNewGlobalObjectWatchers. Otherwise, this is set to a
* singleton cycle.
JSCList onNewGlobalObjectWatchersLink;
* Map from stack frames that are currently on the stack to Debugger.Frame
* instances.
* The keys are always live stack frames. We drop them from this map as
* soon as they leave the stack (see slowPathOnLeaveFrame) and in
* removeDebuggee.
* We don't trace the keys of this map (the frames are on the stack and
* thus necessarily live), but we do trace the values. It's like a WeakMap
* that way, but since stack frames are not gc-things, the implementation
* has to be different.
typedef HashMap<AbstractFramePtr,
RuntimeAllocPolicy> FrameMap;
FrameMap frames;
/* An ephemeral map from JSScript* to Debugger.Script instances. */
typedef DebuggerWeakMap<EncapsulatedPtrScript, RelocatablePtrObject> ScriptWeakMap;
ScriptWeakMap scripts;
/* The map from debuggee source script objects to their Debugger.Source instances. */
typedef DebuggerWeakMap<EncapsulatedPtrObject, RelocatablePtrObject> SourceWeakMap;
SourceWeakMap sources;
/* The map from debuggee objects to their Debugger.Object instances. */
typedef DebuggerWeakMap<EncapsulatedPtrObject, RelocatablePtrObject> ObjectWeakMap;
ObjectWeakMap objects;
/* The map from debuggee Envs to Debugger.Environment instances. */
ObjectWeakMap environments;
class FrameRange;
class ScriptQuery;
bool addDebuggeeGlobal(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> obj);
bool addDebuggeeGlobal(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> obj,
AutoDebugModeGC &dmgc);
void removeDebuggeeGlobal(FreeOp *fop, GlobalObject *global,
GlobalObjectSet::Enum *compartmentEnum,
GlobalObjectSet::Enum *debugEnum);
void removeDebuggeeGlobal(FreeOp *fop, GlobalObject *global,
AutoDebugModeGC &dmgc,
GlobalObjectSet::Enum *compartmentEnum,
GlobalObjectSet::Enum *debugEnum);
* Cope with an error or exception in a debugger hook.
* If callHook is true, then call the uncaughtExceptionHook, if any. If, in
* addition, vp is given, then parse the value returned by
* uncaughtExceptionHook as a resumption value.
* If there is no uncaughtExceptionHook, or if it fails, report and clear
* the pending exception on ac.context and return JSTRAP_ERROR.
* This always calls ac.leave(); ac is a parameter because this method must
* do some things in the debugger compartment and some things in the
* debuggee compartment.
JSTrapStatus handleUncaughtException(mozilla::Maybe<AutoCompartment> &ac, bool callHook);
JSTrapStatus handleUncaughtException(mozilla::Maybe<AutoCompartment> &ac, MutableHandleValue vp, bool callHook);
JSTrapStatus handleUncaughtExceptionHelper(mozilla::Maybe<AutoCompartment> &ac,
MutableHandleValue *vp, bool callHook);
* Handle the result of a hook that is expected to return a resumption
* value <>. This is called
* when we return from a debugging hook to debuggee code. The interpreter wants
* a (JSTrapStatus, Value) pair telling it how to proceed.
* Precondition: ac is entered. We are in the debugger compartment.
* Postcondition: This called ac.leave(). See handleUncaughtException.
* If ok is false, the hook failed. If an exception is pending in
* ac.context(), return handleUncaughtException(ac, vp, callhook).
* Otherwise just return JSTRAP_ERROR.
* If ok is true, there must be no exception pending in ac.context(). rv may be:
* undefined - Return JSTRAP_CONTINUE to continue execution normally.
* {return: value} or {throw: value} - Call unwrapDebuggeeValue to
* unwrap value. Store the result in *vp and return JSTRAP_RETURN
* or JSTRAP_THROW. The interpreter will force the current frame to
* return or throw an exception.
* null - Return JSTRAP_ERROR to terminate the debuggee with an
* uncatchable error.
* anything else - Make a new TypeError the pending exception and
* return handleUncaughtException(ac, vp, callHook).
JSTrapStatus parseResumptionValue(mozilla::Maybe<AutoCompartment> &ac, bool ok, const Value &rv,
MutableHandleValue vp, bool callHook = true);
GlobalObject *unwrapDebuggeeArgument(JSContext *cx, const Value &v);
static void traceObject(JSTracer *trc, JSObject *obj);
void trace(JSTracer *trc);
static void finalize(FreeOp *fop, JSObject *obj);
void markKeysInCompartment(JSTracer *tracer);
static Class jsclass;
static Debugger *fromThisValue(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &ca, const char *fnname);
static JSBool getEnabled(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool setEnabled(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getHookImpl(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp, Hook which);
static JSBool setHookImpl(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp, Hook which);
static JSBool getOnDebuggerStatement(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool setOnDebuggerStatement(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getOnExceptionUnwind(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool setOnExceptionUnwind(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getOnNewScript(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool setOnNewScript(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getOnEnterFrame(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool setOnEnterFrame(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getOnNewGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool setOnNewGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getUncaughtExceptionHook(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool setUncaughtExceptionHook(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool addDebuggee(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool addAllGlobalsAsDebuggees(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool removeDebuggee(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool removeAllDebuggees(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool hasDebuggee(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getDebuggees(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool getNewestFrame(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool clearAllBreakpoints(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool findScripts(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool findAllGlobals(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool wrap(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static JSBool construct(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
static const JSPropertySpec properties[];
static const JSFunctionSpec methods[];
JSObject *getHook(Hook hook) const;
bool hasAnyLiveHooks() const;
static JSTrapStatus slowPathOnEnterFrame(JSContext *cx, AbstractFramePtr frame,
MutableHandleValue vp);
static bool slowPathOnLeaveFrame(JSContext *cx, AbstractFramePtr frame, bool ok);
static void slowPathOnNewScript(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script,
GlobalObject *compileAndGoGlobal);
static bool slowPathOnNewGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject *> global);
static JSTrapStatus dispatchHook(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp, Hook which);
JSTrapStatus fireDebuggerStatement(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
JSTrapStatus fireExceptionUnwind(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
JSTrapStatus fireEnterFrame(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
JSTrapStatus fireNewGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject *> global, MutableHandleValue vp);
* Allocate and initialize a Debugger.Script instance whose referent is
* |script|.
JSObject *newDebuggerScript(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script);
* Allocate and initialize a Debugger.Source instance whose referent is
* |source|.
JSObject *newDebuggerSource(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleScriptSource source);
* Receive a "new script" event from the engine. A new script was compiled
* or deserialized.
void fireNewScript(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script);
inline Breakpoint *firstBreakpoint() const;
static inline Debugger *fromOnNewGlobalObjectWatchersLink(JSCList *link);
Debugger(JSContext *cx, JSObject *dbg);
bool init(JSContext *cx);
inline const js::HeapPtrObject &toJSObject() const;
inline js::HeapPtrObject &toJSObjectRef();
static inline Debugger *fromJSObject(JSObject *obj);
static Debugger *fromChildJSObject(JSObject *obj);
/*********************************** Methods for interaction with the GC. */
* A Debugger object is live if:
* * the Debugger JSObject is live (Debugger::trace handles this case); OR
* * it is in the middle of dispatching an event (the event dispatching
* code roots it in this case); OR
* * it is enabled, and it is debugging at least one live compartment,
* and at least one of the following is true:
* - it has a debugger hook installed
* - it has a breakpoint set on a live script
* - it has a watchpoint set on a live object.
* Debugger::markAllIteratively handles the last case. If it finds any
* Debugger objects that are definitely live but not yet marked, it marks
* them and returns true. If not, it returns false.
static void markCrossCompartmentDebuggerObjectReferents(JSTracer *tracer);
static bool markAllIteratively(GCMarker *trc);
static void markAll(JSTracer *trc);
static void sweepAll(FreeOp *fop);
static void detachAllDebuggersFromGlobal(FreeOp *fop, GlobalObject *global,
GlobalObjectSet::Enum *compartmentEnum);
static void findCompartmentEdges(JS::Zone *v, gc::ComponentFinder<JS::Zone> &finder);
static inline JSTrapStatus onEnterFrame(JSContext *cx, AbstractFramePtr frame,
MutableHandleValue vp);
static inline bool onLeaveFrame(JSContext *cx, AbstractFramePtr frame, bool ok);
static inline JSTrapStatus onDebuggerStatement(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
static inline JSTrapStatus onExceptionUnwind(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
static inline void onNewScript(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script,
GlobalObject *compileAndGoGlobal);
static inline bool onNewGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject *> global);
static JSTrapStatus onTrap(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
static JSTrapStatus onSingleStep(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
static bool handleBaselineOsr(JSContext *cx, StackFrame *from, jit::BaselineFrame *to);
/************************************* Functions for use by Debugger.cpp. */
inline bool observesEnterFrame() const;
inline bool observesNewScript() const;
inline bool observesNewGlobalObject() const;
inline bool observesGlobal(GlobalObject *global) const;
bool observesFrame(AbstractFramePtr frame) const;
bool observesScript(JSScript *script) const;
* If env is NULL, call vp->setNull() and return true. Otherwise, find or
* create a Debugger.Environment object for the given Env. On success,
* store the Environment object in *vp and return true.
bool wrapEnvironment(JSContext *cx, Handle<Env*> env, MutableHandleValue vp);
* Like cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, vp), but for the debugger compartment.
* Preconditions: *vp is a value from a debuggee compartment; cx is in the
* debugger's compartment.
* If *vp is an object, this produces a (new or existing) Debugger.Object
* wrapper for it. Otherwise this is the same as JSCompartment::wrap.
bool wrapDebuggeeValue(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
* Unwrap a Debug.Object, without rewrapping it for any particular debuggee
* compartment.
* Preconditions: cx is in the debugger compartment. *vp is a value in that
* compartment. (*vp should be a "debuggee value", meaning it is the
* debugger's reflection of a value in the debuggee.)
* If *vp is a Debugger.Object, store the referent in *vp. Otherwise, if *vp
* is an object, throw a TypeError, because it is not a debuggee
* value. Otherwise *vp is a primitive, so leave it alone.
* When passing values from the debuggee to the debugger:
* enter debugger compartment;
* call wrapDebuggeeValue; // compartment- and debugger-wrapping
* When passing values from the debugger to the debuggee:
* call unwrapDebuggeeValue; // debugger-unwrapping
* enter debuggee compartment;
* call cx->compartment()->wrap; // compartment-rewrapping
* (Extreme nerd sidebar: Unwrapping happens in two steps because there are
* two different kinds of symmetry at work: regardless of which direction
* we're going, we want any exceptions to be created and thrown in the
* debugger compartment--mirror symmetry. But compartment wrapping always
* happens in the target compartment--rotational symmetry.)
bool unwrapDebuggeeValue(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp);
/* Store the Debugger.Frame object for iter in *vp. */
bool getScriptFrame(JSContext *cx, const ScriptFrameIter &iter, MutableHandleValue vp);
* Set |*status| and |*value| to a (JSTrapStatus, Value) pair reflecting a
* standard SpiderMonkey call state: a boolean success value |ok|, a return
* value |rv|, and a context |cx| that may or may not have an exception set.
* If an exception was pending on |cx|, it is cleared (and |ok| is asserted
* to be false).
static void resultToCompletion(JSContext *cx, bool ok, const Value &rv,
JSTrapStatus *status, MutableHandleValue value);
* Set |*result| to a JavaScript completion value corresponding to |status|
* and |value|. |value| should be the return value or exception value, not
* wrapped as a debuggee value. |cx| must be in the debugger compartment.
bool newCompletionValue(JSContext *cx, JSTrapStatus status, Value value,
MutableHandleValue result);
* Precondition: we are in the debuggee compartment (ac is entered) and ok
* is true if the operation in the debuggee compartment succeeded, false on
* error or exception.
* Postcondition: we are in the debugger compartment, having called
* ac.leave() even if an error occurred.
* On success, a completion value is in vp and ac.context does not have a
* pending exception. (This ordinarily returns true even if the ok argument
* is false.)
bool receiveCompletionValue(mozilla::Maybe<AutoCompartment> &ac, bool ok, Value val,
MutableHandleValue vp);
* Return the Debugger.Script object for |script|, or create a new one if
* needed. The context |cx| must be in the debugger compartment; |script|
* must be a script in a debuggee compartment.
JSObject *wrapScript(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script);
* Return the Debugger.Source object for |source|, or create a new one if
* needed. The context |cx| must be in the debugger compartment; |source|
* must be a script source object in a debuggee compartment.
JSObject *wrapSource(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleScriptSource source);
Debugger(const Debugger &) MOZ_DELETE;
Debugger & operator=(const Debugger &) MOZ_DELETE;
class BreakpointSite {
friend class Breakpoint;
friend struct ::JSCompartment;
friend class ::JSScript;
friend class Debugger;
JSScript *script;
jsbytecode * const pc;
JSCList breakpoints; /* cyclic list of all js::Breakpoints at this instruction */
size_t enabledCount; /* number of breakpoints in the list that are enabled */
JSTrapHandler trapHandler; /* jsdbgapi trap state */
HeapValue trapClosure;
void recompile(FreeOp *fop);
BreakpointSite(JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc);
Breakpoint *firstBreakpoint() const;
bool hasBreakpoint(Breakpoint *bp);
bool hasTrap() const { return !!trapHandler; }
void inc(FreeOp *fop);
void dec(FreeOp *fop);
void setTrap(FreeOp *fop, JSTrapHandler handler, const Value &closure);
void clearTrap(FreeOp *fop, JSTrapHandler *handlerp = NULL, Value *closurep = NULL);
void destroyIfEmpty(FreeOp *fop);
* Each Breakpoint is a member of two linked lists: its debugger's list and its
* site's list.
* GC rules:
* - script is live, breakpoint exists, and debugger is enabled
* ==> debugger is live
* - script is live, breakpoint exists, and debugger is live
* ==> retain the breakpoint and the handler object is live
* Debugger::markAllIteratively implements these two rules. It uses
* Debugger::hasAnyLiveHooks to check for rule 1.
* Nothing else causes a breakpoint to be retained, so if its script or
* debugger is collected, the breakpoint is destroyed during GC sweep phase,
* even if the debugger compartment isn't being GC'd. This is implemented in
* JSCompartment::sweepBreakpoints.
class Breakpoint {
friend struct ::JSCompartment;
friend class Debugger;
Debugger * const debugger;
BreakpointSite * const site;
/* |handler| is marked unconditionally during minor GC. */
js::EncapsulatedPtrObject handler;
JSCList debuggerLinks;
JSCList siteLinks;
static Breakpoint *fromDebuggerLinks(JSCList *links);
static Breakpoint *fromSiteLinks(JSCList *links);
Breakpoint(Debugger *debugger, BreakpointSite *site, JSObject *handler);
void destroy(FreeOp *fop);
Breakpoint *nextInDebugger();
Breakpoint *nextInSite();
const EncapsulatedPtrObject &getHandler() const { return handler; }
EncapsulatedPtrObject &getHandlerRef() { return handler; }
Breakpoint *
Debugger::firstBreakpoint() const
if (JS_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&breakpoints))
return NULL;
return Breakpoint::fromDebuggerLinks(JS_NEXT_LINK(&breakpoints));
Debugger *
Debugger::fromOnNewGlobalObjectWatchersLink(JSCList *link) {
char *p = reinterpret_cast<char *>(link);
return reinterpret_cast<Debugger *>(p - offsetof(Debugger, onNewGlobalObjectWatchersLink));
const js::HeapPtrObject &
Debugger::toJSObject() const
return object;
js::HeapPtrObject &
return object;
Debugger::observesEnterFrame() const
return enabled && getHook(OnEnterFrame);
Debugger::observesNewScript() const
return enabled && getHook(OnNewScript);
Debugger::observesNewGlobalObject() const
return enabled && getHook(OnNewGlobalObject);
Debugger::observesGlobal(GlobalObject *global) const
return debuggees.has(global);
Debugger::onEnterFrame(JSContext *cx, AbstractFramePtr frame, MutableHandleValue vp)
if (cx->compartment()->getDebuggees().empty())
return slowPathOnEnterFrame(cx, frame, vp);
Debugger::onDebuggerStatement(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp)
return cx->compartment()->getDebuggees().empty()
: dispatchHook(cx, vp, OnDebuggerStatement);
Debugger::onExceptionUnwind(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp)
return cx->compartment()->getDebuggees().empty()
: dispatchHook(cx, vp, OnExceptionUnwind);
Debugger::onNewScript(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script, GlobalObject *compileAndGoGlobal)
JS_ASSERT_IF(script->compileAndGo, compileAndGoGlobal);
JS_ASSERT_IF(!script->compileAndGo, !compileAndGoGlobal);
if (!script->compartment()->getDebuggees().empty())
slowPathOnNewScript(cx, script, compileAndGoGlobal);
Debugger::onNewGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject *> global)
if (JS_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&cx->runtime()->onNewGlobalObjectWatchers))
return true;
return Debugger::slowPathOnNewGlobalObject(cx, global);
extern JSBool
EvaluateInEnv(JSContext *cx, Handle<Env*> env, HandleValue thisv, AbstractFramePtr frame,
StableCharPtr chars, unsigned length, const char *filename, unsigned lineno,
MutableHandleValue rval);
#endif /* vm_Debugger_h */