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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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#ifndef vm_ForkJoin_h
#define vm_ForkJoin_h
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "vm/ThreadPool.h"
#include "jsgc.h"
#include "jit/Ion.h"
// Read Me First
// The ForkJoin abstraction:
// -------------------------
// This is the building block for executing multi-threaded JavaScript with
// shared memory (as distinct from Web Workers). The idea is that you have
// some (typically data-parallel) operation which you wish to execute in
// parallel across as many threads as you have available.
// The ForkJoin abstraction is intended to be used by self-hosted code
// to enable parallel execution. At the top-level, it consists of a native
// function (exposed as the ForkJoin intrinsic) that is used like so:
// ForkJoin(func, feedback)
// The intention of this statement is to start N copies of |func()|
// running in parallel. Each copy will then do 1/Nth of the total
// work. Here N is number of workers in the threadpool (see
// ThreadPool.h---by default, N is the number of cores on the
// computer).
// Typically, each of the N slices will execute from a different
// worker thread, but that is not something you should rely upon---if
// we implement work-stealing, for example, then it could be that a
// single worker thread winds up handling multiple slices.
// The second argument, |feedback|, is an optional callback that will
// receiver information about how execution proceeded. This is
// intended for use in unit testing but also for providing feedback to
// users. Note that gathering the data to provide to |feedback| is
// not free and so execution will run somewhat slower if |feedback| is
// provided.
// func() should expect the following arguments:
// func(id, n, warmup)
// Here, |id| is the slice id. |n| is the total number of slices. The
// parameter |warmup| is true for a *warmup or recovery phase*.
// Warmup phases are discussed below in more detail, but the general
// idea is that if |warmup| is true, |func| should only do a fixed
// amount of work. If |warmup| is false, |func| should try to do all
// remaining work is assigned.
// Note that we implicitly assume that |func| is tracking how much
// work it has accomplished thus far; some techniques for doing this
// are discussed in |ParallelArray.js|.
// Warmups and Sequential Fallbacks
// --------------------------------
// ForkJoin can only execute code in parallel when it has been
// ion-compiled in Parallel Execution Mode. ForkJoin handles this part
// for you. However, because ion relies on having decent type
// information available, it is necessary to run the code sequentially
// for a few iterations first to get the various type sets "primed"
// with reasonable information. We try to make do with just a few
// runs, under the hypothesis that parallel execution code which reach
// type stability relatively quickly.
// The general strategy of ForkJoin is as follows:
// - If the code has not yet been run, invoke `func` sequentially with
// warmup set to true. When warmup is true, `func` should try and
// do less work than normal---just enough to prime type sets. (See
// ParallelArray.js for a discussion of specifically how we do this
// in the case of ParallelArray).
// - Try to execute the code in parallel. Parallel execution mode has
// three possible results: success, fatal error, or bailout. If a
// bailout occurs, it means that the code attempted some action
// which is not possible in parallel mode. This might be a
// modification to shared state, but it might also be that it
// attempted to take some theoreticaly pure action that has not been
// made threadsafe (yet?).
// - If parallel execution is successful, ForkJoin returns true.
// - If parallel execution results in a fatal error, ForkJoin returns false.
// - If parallel execution results in a *bailout*, this is when things
// get interesting. In that case, the semantics of parallel
// execution guarantee us that no visible side effects have occurred
// (unless they were performed with the intrinsic
// |UnsafeSetElement()|, which can only be used in self-hosted
// code). We therefore reinvoke |func()| but with warmup set to
// true. The idea here is that often parallel bailouts result from
// a failed type guard or other similar assumption, so rerunning the
// warmup sequentially gives us a chance to recompile with more
// data. Because warmup is true, we do not expect this sequential
// call to process all remaining data, just a chunk. After this
// recovery execution is complete, we again attempt parallel
// execution.
// - If more than a fixed number of bailouts occur, we give up on
// parallelization and just invoke |func()| N times in a row (once
// for each worker) but with |warmup| set to false.
// Operation callback:
// During parallel execution, |slice.check()| must be periodically
// invoked to check for the operation callback. This is automatically
// done by the ion-generated code. If the operation callback is
// necessary, |slice.check()| will arrange a rendezvous---that is, as
// each active worker invokes |check()|, it will come to a halt until
// everyone is blocked (Stop The World). At this point, we perform
// the callback on the main thread, and then resume execution. If a
// worker thread terminates before calling |check()|, that's fine too.
// We assume that you do not do unbounded work without invoking
// |check()|.
// Transitive compilation:
// One of the challenges for parallel compilation is that we
// (currently) have to abort when we encounter an uncompiled script.
// Therefore, we try to compile everything that might be needed
// beforehand. The exact strategy is described in `ParallelDo::apply()`
// in ForkJoin.cpp, but at the highest level the idea is:
// 1. We maintain a flag on every script telling us if that script and
// its transitive callees are believed to be compiled. If that flag
// is set, we can skip the initial compilation.
// 2. Otherwise, we maintain a worklist that begins with the main
// script. We compile it and then examine the generated parallel IonScript,
// which will have a list of callees. We enqueue those. Some of these
// compilations may take place off the main thread, in which case
// we will run warmup iterations while we wait for them to complete.
// 3. If the warmup iterations finish all the work, we're done.
// 4. If compilations fail, we fallback to sequential.
// 5. Otherwise, we will try running in parallel once we're all done.
// Bailout tracing and recording:
// When a bailout occurs, we record a bit of state so that we can
// recover with grace. Each |ForkJoinSlice| has a pointer to a
// |ParallelBailoutRecord| pre-allocated for this purpose. This
// structure is used to record the cause of the bailout, the JSScript
// which was executing, as well as the location in the source where
// the bailout occurred (in principle, we can record a full stack
// trace, but right now we only record the top-most frame). Note that
// the error location might not be in the same JSScript as the one
// which was executing due to inlining.
// Garbage collection and allocation:
// Code which executes on these parallel threads must be very careful
// with respect to garbage collection and allocation. The typical
// allocation paths are UNSAFE in parallel code because they access
// shared state (the compartment's arena lists and so forth) without
// any synchronization. They can also trigger GC in an ad-hoc way.
// To deal with this, the forkjoin code creates a distinct |Allocator|
// object for each slice. You can access the appropriate object via
// the |ForkJoinSlice| object that is provided to the callbacks. Once
// the execution is complete, all the objects found in these distinct
// |Allocator| is merged back into the main compartment lists and
// things proceed normally.
// In Ion-generated code, we will do allocation through the
// |Allocator| found in |ForkJoinSlice| (which is obtained via TLS).
// Also, no write barriers are emitted. Conceptually, we should never
// need a write barrier because we only permit writes to objects that
// are newly allocated, and such objects are always black (to use
// incremental GC terminology). However, to be safe, we also block
// upon entering a parallel section to ensure that any concurrent
// marking or incremental GC has completed.
// In the future, it should be possible to lift the restriction that
// we must block until inc. GC has completed and also to permit GC
// during parallel exeution. But we're not there yet.
// Current Limitations:
// - The API does not support recursive or nested use. That is, the
// JavaScript function given to |ForkJoin| should not itself invoke
// |ForkJoin()|. Instead, use the intrinsic |InParallelSection()| to
// check for recursive use and execute a sequential fallback.
// - No load balancing is performed between worker threads. That means that
// the fork-join system is best suited for problems that can be slice into
// uniform bits.
namespace js {
struct ForkJoinSlice;
bool ForkJoin(JSContext *cx, CallArgs &args);
// Returns the number of slices that a fork-join op will have when
// executed.
uint32_t ForkJoinSlices(JSContext *cx);
#ifdef DEBUG
struct IonLIRTraceData {
uint32_t bblock;
uint32_t lir;
uint32_t execModeInt;
const char *lirOpName;
const char *mirOpName;
JSScript *script;
jsbytecode *pc;
// Parallel operations in general can have one of three states. They may
// succeed, fail, or "bail", where bail indicates that the code encountered an
// unexpected condition and should be re-run sequentially.
// Different subcategories of the "bail" state are encoded as variants of
// TP_RETRY_*.
// Bailout tracking
enum ParallelBailoutCause {
// compiler returned Method_Skipped
// compiler returned Method_CantCompile
// the periodic interrupt failed, which can mean that either
// another thread canceled, the user interrupted us, etc
// an IC update failed
// Heap busy flag was set during interrupt
struct ParallelBailoutTrace {
JSScript *script;
jsbytecode *bytecode;
// See "Bailouts" section in comment above.
struct ParallelBailoutRecord {
JSScript *topScript;
ParallelBailoutCause cause;
// Eventually we will support deeper traces,
// but for now we gather at most a single frame.
static const uint32_t MaxDepth = 1;
uint32_t depth;
ParallelBailoutTrace trace[MaxDepth];
void init(JSContext *cx);
void reset(JSContext *cx);
void setCause(ParallelBailoutCause cause,
JSScript *outermostScript, // inliner (if applicable)
JSScript *currentScript, // inlinee (if applicable)
jsbytecode *currentPc);
void addTrace(JSScript *script,
jsbytecode *pc);
struct ForkJoinShared;
struct ForkJoinSlice : ThreadSafeContext
// Which slice should you process? Ranges from 0 to |numSlices|.
const uint32_t sliceId;
// How many slices are there in total?
const uint32_t numSlices;
// Bailout record used to record the reason this thread stopped executing
ParallelBailoutRecord *const bailoutRecord;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Records the last instr. to execute on this thread.
IonLIRTraceData traceData;
ForkJoinSlice(PerThreadData *perThreadData, uint32_t sliceId, uint32_t numSlices,
Allocator *allocator, ForkJoinShared *shared,
ParallelBailoutRecord *bailoutRecord);
// True if this is the main thread, false if it is one of the parallel workers.
bool isMainThread() const;
// When the code would normally trigger a GC, we don't trigger it
// immediately but instead record that request here. This will
// cause |ExecuteForkJoinOp()| to invoke |TriggerGC()| or
// |TriggerCompartmentGC()| as appropriate once the parallel
// section is complete. This is done because those routines do
// various preparations that are not thread-safe, and because the
// full set of arenas is not available until the end of the
// parallel section.
void requestGC(JS::gcreason::Reason reason);
void requestZoneGC(JS::Zone *zone, JS::gcreason::Reason reason);
// During the parallel phase, this method should be invoked
// periodically, for example on every backedge, similar to the
// interrupt check. If it returns false, then the parallel phase
// has been aborted and so you should bailout. The function may
// also rendesvous to perform GC or do other similar things.
// This function is guaranteed to have no effect if both
// runtime()->interrupt is zero. Ion-generated code takes
// advantage of this by inlining the checks on those flags before
// actually calling this function. If this function ends up
// getting called a lot from outside ion code, we can refactor
// it into an inlined version with this check that calls a slower
// version.
bool check();
// Be wary, the runtime is shared between all threads!
JSRuntime *runtime();
// Acquire and release the JSContext from the runtime.
JSContext *acquireContext();
void releaseContext();
bool hasAcquiredContext() const;
// Check the current state of parallel execution.
static inline ForkJoinSlice *Current();
// Initializes the thread-local state.
static bool InitializeTLS();
friend class AutoRendezvous;
friend class AutoSetForkJoinSlice;
#if defined(JS_THREADSAFE) && defined(JS_ION)
// Initialized by InitializeTLS()
#if defined(STARBOARD)
static PRTLSIndex ThreadPrivateIndex;
#else // defined(STARBOARD)
static unsigned ThreadPrivateIndex;
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
static bool TLSInitialized;
ForkJoinShared *const shared;
bool acquiredContext_;
// Locks a JSContext for its scope. Be very careful, because locking a
// JSContext does *not* allow you to safely mutate the data in the
// JSContext unless you can guarantee that any of the other threads
// that want to access that data will also acquire the lock, which is
// generally not the case. For example, the lock is used in the IC
// code to allow us to atomically patch up the dispatch table, but we
// must be aware that other threads may be reading from the table even
// as we write to it (though they cannot be writing, since they must
// hold the lock to write).
class LockedJSContext
#if defined(JS_THREADSAFE) && defined(JS_ION)
ForkJoinSlice *slice_;
JSContext *cx_;
LockedJSContext(ForkJoinSlice *slice)
#if defined(JS_THREADSAFE) && defined(JS_ION)
: slice_(slice),
: cx_(NULL)
{ }
~LockedJSContext() {
#if defined(JS_THREADSAFE) && defined(JS_ION)
operator JSContext *() { return cx_; }
JSContext *operator->() { return cx_; }
static inline bool
ForkJoinSlice *current = ForkJoinSlice::Current();
return current != NULL;
return false;
bool InSequentialOrExclusiveParallelSection();
bool ParallelTestsShouldPass(JSContext *cx);
// Debug Spew
namespace parallel {
enum ExecutionStatus {
// Parallel or seq execution terminated in a fatal way, operation failed
// Parallel exec failed and so we fell back to sequential
// We completed the work in seq mode before parallel compilation completed
// Parallel exec was successful after some number of bailouts
enum SpewChannel {
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(JS_THREADSAFE) && defined(JS_ION)
bool SpewEnabled(SpewChannel channel);
void Spew(SpewChannel channel, const char *fmt, ...);
void SpewBeginOp(JSContext *cx, const char *name);
void SpewBailout(uint32_t count, HandleScript script, jsbytecode *pc,
ParallelBailoutCause cause);
ExecutionStatus SpewEndOp(ExecutionStatus status);
void SpewBeginCompile(HandleScript script);
jit::MethodStatus SpewEndCompile(jit::MethodStatus status);
void SpewMIR(jit::MDefinition *mir, const char *fmt, ...);
void SpewBailoutIR(uint32_t bblockId, uint32_t lirId,
const char *lir, const char *mir, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc);
static inline bool SpewEnabled(SpewChannel channel) { return false; }
static inline void Spew(SpewChannel channel, const char *fmt, ...) { }
static inline void SpewBeginOp(JSContext *cx, const char *name) { }
static inline void SpewBailout(uint32_t count, HandleScript script,
jsbytecode *pc, ParallelBailoutCause cause) {}
static inline ExecutionStatus SpewEndOp(ExecutionStatus status) { return status; }
static inline void SpewBeginCompile(HandleScript script) { }
#ifdef JS_ION
static inline jit::MethodStatus SpewEndCompile(jit::MethodStatus status) { return status; }
static inline void SpewMIR(jit::MDefinition *mir, const char *fmt, ...) { }
static inline void SpewBailoutIR(uint32_t bblockId, uint32_t lirId,
const char *lir, const char *mir,
JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc) { }
} // namespace parallel
} // namespace js
/* static */ inline js::ForkJoinSlice *
#if defined(JS_THREADSAFE) && defined(JS_ION)
return (ForkJoinSlice*) PR_GetThreadPrivate(ThreadPrivateIndex);
return NULL;
#endif /* vm_ForkJoin_h */