blob: 1869ab91c9e7469d4a58ac92f394f27a33f5e384 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_GlobalObject_h
#define vm_GlobalObject_h
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "jsarray.h"
#include "jsbool.h"
#include "jsexn.h"
#include "jsfun.h"
#include "jsnum.h"
#include "builtin/RegExp.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
extern JSObject *
js_InitObjectClass(JSContext *cx, js::HandleObject obj);
extern JSObject *
js_InitFunctionClass(JSContext *cx, js::HandleObject obj);
extern JSObject *
js_InitTypedArrayClasses(JSContext *cx, js::HandleObject obj);
namespace js {
class Debugger;
* Global object slots are reserved as follows:
* [0, JSProto_LIMIT)
* Stores the original value of the constructor for the corresponding
* JSProtoKey.
* [JSProto_LIMIT, 2 * JSProto_LIMIT)
* Stores the prototype, if any, for the constructor for the corresponding
* JSProtoKey offset from JSProto_LIMIT.
* [2 * JSProto_LIMIT, 3 * JSProto_LIMIT)
* Stores the current value of the global property named for the JSProtoKey
* for the corresponding JSProtoKey offset from 2 * JSProto_LIMIT.
* Various one-off values: ES5 13.2.3's [[ThrowTypeError]], RegExp statics,
* the original eval for this global object (implementing |var eval =
* otherWindow.eval; eval(...)| as an indirect eval), a bit indicating
* whether this object has been cleared (see JS_ClearScope), and a cache for
* whether eval is allowed (per the global's Content Security Policy).
* The first two ranges are necessary to implement js::FindClassObject,
* FindClassPrototype, and spec language speaking in terms of "the original
* Array prototype object", or "as if by the expression new Array()" referring
* to the original Array constructor. The third range stores the (writable and
* even deletable) Object, Array, &c. properties (although a slot won't be used
* again if its property is deleted and readded).
class GlobalObject : public JSObject
* Count of slots to store built-in constructors, prototypes, and initial
* visible properties for the constructors.
static const unsigned STANDARD_CLASS_SLOTS = JSProto_LIMIT * 3;
/* Various function values needed by the engine. */
static const unsigned EVAL = STANDARD_CLASS_SLOTS;
static const unsigned CREATE_DATAVIEW_FOR_THIS = EVAL + 1;
static const unsigned PROTO_GETTER = THROWTYPEERROR + 1;
* Instances of the internal createArrayFromBuffer function used by the
* typed array code, one per typed array element type.
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_UINT8 = PROTO_GETTER + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_INT8 = FROM_BUFFER_UINT8 + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_UINT16 = FROM_BUFFER_INT8 + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_INT16 = FROM_BUFFER_UINT16 + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_UINT32 = FROM_BUFFER_INT16 + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_INT32 = FROM_BUFFER_UINT32 + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_FLOAT32 = FROM_BUFFER_INT32 + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_FLOAT64 = FROM_BUFFER_FLOAT32 + 1;
static const unsigned FROM_BUFFER_UINT8CLAMPED = FROM_BUFFER_FLOAT64 + 1;
/* One-off properties stored after slots for built-ins. */
static const unsigned MAP_ITERATOR_PROTO = GENERATOR_PROTO + 1;
static const unsigned SET_ITERATOR_PROTO = MAP_ITERATOR_PROTO + 1;
static const unsigned COLLATOR_PROTO = SET_ITERATOR_PROTO + 1;
static const unsigned NUMBER_FORMAT_PROTO = COLLATOR_PROTO + 1;
static const unsigned REGEXP_STATICS = DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PROTO + 1;
static const unsigned FUNCTION_NS = REGEXP_STATICS + 1;
static const unsigned RUNTIME_CODEGEN_ENABLED = FUNCTION_NS + 1;
static const unsigned DEBUGGERS = RUNTIME_CODEGEN_ENABLED + 1;
static const unsigned INTRINSICS = DEBUGGERS + 1;
/* Total reserved-slot count for global objects. */
static const unsigned RESERVED_SLOTS = INTRINSICS + 1;
void staticAsserts() {
* The slot count must be in the public API for JSCLASS_GLOBAL_FLAGS,
* and we aren't going to expose GlobalObject, so just assert that the
* two values are synchronized.
friend JSObject *
::js_InitObjectClass(JSContext *cx, js::HandleObject);
friend JSObject *
::js_InitFunctionClass(JSContext *cx, js::HandleObject);
/* Initialize the Function and Object classes. Must only be called once! */
JSObject *
initFunctionAndObjectClasses(JSContext *cx);
inline void setDetailsForKey(JSProtoKey key, JSObject *ctor, JSObject *proto);
inline void setObjectClassDetails(JSFunction *ctor, JSObject *proto);
inline void setFunctionClassDetails(JSFunction *ctor, JSObject *proto);
inline void setThrowTypeError(JSFunction *fun);
inline void setOriginalEval(JSObject *evalobj);
inline void setProtoGetter(JSFunction *protoGetter);
inline void setIntrinsicsHolder(JSObject *obj);
Value getConstructor(JSProtoKey key) const {
JS_ASSERT(key <= JSProto_LIMIT);
return getSlot(key);
Value getPrototype(JSProtoKey key) const {
JS_ASSERT(key <= JSProto_LIMIT);
return getSlot(JSProto_LIMIT + key);
bool classIsInitialized(JSProtoKey key) const {
bool inited = !getConstructor(key).isUndefined();
JS_ASSERT(inited == !getPrototype(key).isUndefined());
return inited;
bool functionObjectClassesInitialized() const {
bool inited = classIsInitialized(JSProto_Function);
JS_ASSERT(inited == classIsInitialized(JSProto_Object));
return inited;
bool arrayClassInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_Array);
bool booleanClassInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_Boolean);
bool numberClassInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_Number);
bool stringClassInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_String);
bool regexpClassInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_RegExp);
bool arrayBufferClassInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_ArrayBuffer);
bool errorClassesInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_Error);
bool dataViewClassInitialized() const {
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_DataView);
bool typedArrayClassesInitialized() const {
// This alias exists only for clarity: in reality all the typed array
// classes constitute a (semi-)coherent whole.
return classIsInitialized(JSProto_DataView);
Value createArrayFromBufferHelper(uint32_t slot) const {
return getSlot(slot);
inline void setCreateArrayFromBufferHelper(uint32_t slot, Handle<JSFunction*> fun);
/* XXX Privatize me! */
inline void setCreateDataViewForThis(Handle<JSFunction*> fun);
template<typename T>
inline void setCreateArrayFromBuffer(Handle<JSFunction*> fun);
static GlobalObject *create(JSContext *cx, Class *clasp);
* Create a constructor function with the specified name and length using
* ctor, a method which creates objects with the given class.
JSFunction *
createConstructor(JSContext *cx, JSNative ctor, JSAtom *name, unsigned length,
gc::AllocKind kind = JSFunction::FinalizeKind);
* Create an object to serve as [[Prototype]] for instances of the given
* class, using |Object.prototype| as its [[Prototype]]. Users creating
* prototype objects with particular internal structure (e.g. reserved
* slots guaranteed to contain values of particular types) must immediately
* complete the minimal initialization to make the returned object safe to
* touch.
JSObject *createBlankPrototype(JSContext *cx, js::Class *clasp);
* Identical to createBlankPrototype, but uses proto as the [[Prototype]]
* of the returned blank prototype.
JSObject *createBlankPrototypeInheriting(JSContext *cx, js::Class *clasp, JSObject &proto);
JSObject *getOrCreateObjectPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (functionObjectClassesInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_Object).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!initFunctionAndObjectClasses(cx))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_Object).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateFunctionPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (functionObjectClassesInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_Function).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!initFunctionAndObjectClasses(cx))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_Function).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateArrayPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (arrayClassInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_Array).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitArrayClass(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_Array).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateBooleanPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (booleanClassInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_Boolean).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitBooleanClass(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_Boolean).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateNumberPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (numberClassInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_Number).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitNumberClass(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_Number).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateStringPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (stringClassInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_String).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitStringClass(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_String).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateRegExpPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (regexpClassInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_RegExp).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitRegExpClass(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_RegExp).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateArrayBufferPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (arrayBufferClassInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_ArrayBuffer).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitTypedArrayClasses(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_ArrayBuffer).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateCustomErrorPrototype(JSContext *cx, int exnType) {
JSProtoKey key = GetExceptionProtoKey(exnType);
if (errorClassesInitialized())
return &getPrototype(key).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitExceptionClasses(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(key).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateIntlObject(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, JSProto_Intl, initIntlObject);
JSObject *getOrCreateCollatorPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, COLLATOR_PROTO, initCollatorProto);
JSObject *getOrCreateNumberFormatPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, NUMBER_FORMAT_PROTO, initNumberFormatProto);
JSObject *getOrCreateDateTimeFormatPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PROTO, initDateTimeFormatProto);
JSObject *getIteratorPrototype() {
return &getPrototype(JSProto_Iterator).toObject();
typedef bool (*ObjectInitOp)(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
JSObject *getOrCreateObject(JSContext *cx, unsigned slot, ObjectInitOp init) {
Value v = getSlotRef(slot);
if (v.isObject())
return &v.toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!init(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getSlot(slot).toObject();
JSObject *getOrCreateIteratorPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, JSProto_LIMIT + JSProto_Iterator, initIteratorClasses);
JSObject *getOrCreateElementIteratorPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, ELEMENT_ITERATOR_PROTO, initIteratorClasses);
JSObject *getOrCreateGeneratorPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, GENERATOR_PROTO, initIteratorClasses);
JSObject *getOrCreateMapIteratorPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, MAP_ITERATOR_PROTO, initMapIteratorProto);
JSObject *getOrCreateSetIteratorPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
return getOrCreateObject(cx, SET_ITERATOR_PROTO, initSetIteratorProto);
JSObject *getOrCreateDataViewPrototype(JSContext *cx) {
if (dataViewClassInitialized())
return &getPrototype(JSProto_DataView).toObject();
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
if (!js_InitTypedArrayClasses(cx, self))
return NULL;
return &self->getPrototype(JSProto_DataView).toObject();
JSObject *intrinsicsHolder() {
return &getSlotRef(INTRINSICS).toObject();
bool getIntrinsicValue(JSContext *cx, HandlePropertyName name, MutableHandleValue value) {
RootedObject holder(cx, intrinsicsHolder());
RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
if (HasDataProperty(cx, holder, id, value.address()))
return true;
if (!cx->runtime()->cloneSelfHostedValue(cx, name, value))
return false;
mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> ok = JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, holder, id, value, NULL, NULL, 0);
return true;
inline bool setIntrinsicValue(JSContext *cx, PropertyName *name, HandleValue value);
inline RegExpStatics *getRegExpStatics() const;
JSObject *getThrowTypeError() const {
return &getSlot(THROWTYPEERROR).toObject();
Value createDataViewForThis() const {
template<typename T>
inline Value createArrayFromBuffer() const;
Value protoGetter() const {
return getSlot(PROTO_GETTER);
static bool isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
const Value &getOriginalEval() const {
return getSlot(EVAL);
// Implemented in jsiter.cpp.
static bool initIteratorClasses(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
// Implemented in builtin/MapObject.cpp.
static bool initMapIteratorProto(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
static bool initSetIteratorProto(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
// Implemented in Intl.cpp.
static bool initIntlObject(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
static bool initCollatorProto(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
static bool initNumberFormatProto(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
static bool initDateTimeFormatProto(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
static bool initStandardClasses(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
typedef js::Vector<js::Debugger *, 0, js::SystemAllocPolicy> DebuggerVector;
* The collection of Debugger objects debugging this global. If this global
* is not a debuggee, this returns either NULL or an empty vector.
DebuggerVector *getDebuggers();
* The same, but create the empty vector if one does not already
* exist. Returns NULL only on OOM.
static DebuggerVector *getOrCreateDebuggers(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global);
static bool addDebugger(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global, Debugger *dbg);
* Define ctor.prototype = proto as non-enumerable, non-configurable, and
* non-writable; define proto.constructor = ctor as non-enumerable but
* configurable and writable.
extern bool
LinkConstructorAndPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *ctor, JSObject *proto);
* Define properties, then functions, on the object, then brand for tracing
* benefits.
extern bool
DefinePropertiesAndBrand(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
const JSPropertySpec *ps, const JSFunctionSpec *fs);
typedef HashSet<GlobalObject *, DefaultHasher<GlobalObject *>, SystemAllocPolicy> GlobalObjectSet;
} // namespace js
inline bool
JSObject::is<js::GlobalObject>() const
return !!(js::GetObjectClass(const_cast<JSObject*>(this))->flags & JSCLASS_IS_GLOBAL);
#endif /* vm_GlobalObject_h */