blob: 2d70d66c5ad3b8b05b5e6a2238e07904bfafa154 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_RegExpObject_h
#define vm_RegExpObject_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "gc/Marking.h"
#include "js/TemplateLib.h"
#include "vm/MatchPairs.h"
#include "yarr/MatchResult.h"
#include "yarr/Yarr.h"
#include "yarr/YarrJIT.h"
#include "yarr/YarrSyntaxChecker.h"
* JavaScript Regular Expressions
* There are several engine concepts associated with a single logical regexp:
* RegExpObject - The JS-visible object whose .[[Class]] equals "RegExp"
* RegExpShared - The compiled representation of the regexp.
* RegExpCompartment - Owns all RegExpShared instances in a compartment.
* To save memory, a RegExpShared is not created for a RegExpObject until it is
* needed for execution. When a RegExpShared needs to be created, it is looked
* up in a per-compartment table to allow reuse between objects. Lastly, on
* GC, every RegExpShared (that is not active on the callstack) is discarded.
* Because of the last point, any code using a RegExpShared (viz., by executing
* a regexp) must indicate the RegExpShared is active via RegExpGuard.
namespace js {
enum RegExpRunStatus
class RegExpObjectBuilder
JSContext *cx;
Rooted<RegExpObject*> reobj_;
bool getOrCreate();
bool getOrCreateClone(RegExpObject *proto);
RegExpObjectBuilder(JSContext *cx, RegExpObject *reobj = NULL);
RegExpObject *reobj() { return reobj_; }
RegExpObject *build(HandleAtom source, RegExpFlag flags);
RegExpObject *build(HandleAtom source, RegExpShared &shared);
/* Perform a VM-internal clone. */
RegExpObject *clone(Handle<RegExpObject*> other, Handle<RegExpObject*> proto);
JSObject *
CloneRegExpObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *proto);
* A RegExpShared is the compiled representation of a regexp. A RegExpShared is
* potentially pointed to by multiple RegExpObjects. Additionally, C++ code may
* have pointers to RegExpShareds on the stack. The RegExpShareds are kept in a
* cache so that they can be reused when compiling the same regex string.
* During a GC, the trace hook for RegExpObject clears any pointers to
* RegExpShareds so that there will be no dangling pointers when they are
* deleted. However, some RegExpShareds are not deleted:
* 1. Any RegExpShared with pointers from the C++ stack is not deleted.
* 2. Any RegExpShared which has been embedded into jitcode is not deleted.
* This rarely comes into play, as jitcode is usually purged before the
* RegExpShared are sweeped.
* 3. Any RegExpShared that was installed in a RegExpObject during an
* incremental GC is not deleted. This is because the RegExpObject may have
* been traced through before the new RegExpShared was installed, in which
* case deleting the RegExpShared would turn the RegExpObject's reference
* into a dangling pointer
* The activeUseCount and gcNumberWhenUsed fields are used to track these
* conditions.
* There are two tables used to track RegExpShareds. map_ implements the cache
* and is cleared on every GC. inUse_ logically owns all RegExpShareds in the
* compartment and attempts to delete all RegExpShareds that aren't kept alive
* by the above conditions on every GC sweep phase. It is necessary to use two
* separate tables since map_ *must* be fully cleared on each GC since the Key
* points to a JSAtom that can become garbage.
class RegExpShared
friend class RegExpCompartment;
friend class RegExpStatics;
friend class RegExpGuard;
typedef frontend::TokenStream TokenStream;
typedef JSC::Yarr::BytecodePattern BytecodePattern;
typedef JSC::Yarr::ErrorCode ErrorCode;
typedef JSC::Yarr::YarrPattern YarrPattern;
typedef JSC::Yarr::JSGlobalData JSGlobalData;
typedef JSC::Yarr::YarrCodeBlock YarrCodeBlock;
typedef JSC::Yarr::YarrJITCompileMode YarrJITCompileMode;
* Source to the RegExp, for lazy compilation.
* The source must be rooted while activeUseCount is non-zero
* via RegExpGuard or explicit calls to trace().
JSAtom * source;
RegExpFlag flags;
unsigned parenCount;
/* Note: Native code is valid only if |codeBlock.isFallBack() == false|. */
YarrCodeBlock codeBlock;
BytecodePattern *bytecode;
/* Lifetime-preserving variables: see class-level comment above. */
size_t activeUseCount;
uint64_t gcNumberWhenUsed;
/* Internal functions. */
bool compile(JSContext *cx, bool matchOnly);
bool compile(JSContext *cx, JSLinearString &pattern, bool matchOnly);
bool compileIfNecessary(JSContext *cx);
bool compileMatchOnlyIfNecessary(JSContext *cx);
RegExpShared(JSRuntime *rt, JSAtom *source, RegExpFlag flags);
/* Explicit trace function for use by the RegExpStatics and JITs. */
void trace(JSTracer *trc) {
MarkStringUnbarriered(trc, &source, "regexpshared source");
/* Static functions to expose some Yarr logic. */
static inline bool isJITRuntimeEnabled(JSContext *cx);
static void reportYarrError(JSContext *cx, TokenStream *ts, ErrorCode error);
static bool checkSyntax(JSContext *cx, TokenStream *tokenStream, JSLinearString *source);
/* Called when a RegExpShared is installed into a RegExpObject. */
inline void prepareForUse(JSContext *cx);
/* Primary interface: run this regular expression on the given string. */
RegExpRunStatus execute(JSContext *cx, const jschar *chars, size_t length,
size_t *lastIndex, MatchPairs &matches);
/* Run the regular expression without collecting matches, for test(). */
RegExpRunStatus executeMatchOnly(JSContext *cx, const jschar *chars, size_t length,
size_t *lastIndex, MatchPair &match);
/* Accessors */
size_t getParenCount() const { JS_ASSERT(isCompiled()); return parenCount; }
void incRef() { activeUseCount++; }
void decRef() { JS_ASSERT(activeUseCount > 0); activeUseCount--; }
/* Accounts for the "0" (whole match) pair. */
size_t pairCount() const { return getParenCount() + 1; }
RegExpFlag getFlags() const { return flags; }
bool ignoreCase() const { return flags & IgnoreCaseFlag; }
bool global() const { return flags & GlobalFlag; }
bool multiline() const { return flags & MultilineFlag; }
bool sticky() const { return flags & StickyFlag; }
bool hasCode() const { return codeBlock.has16BitCode(); }
bool hasMatchOnlyCode() const { return codeBlock.has16BitCodeMatchOnly(); }
bool hasCode() const { return false; }
bool hasMatchOnlyCode() const { return false; }
bool hasBytecode() const { return bytecode != NULL; }
bool isCompiled() const { return hasBytecode() || hasCode() || hasMatchOnlyCode(); }
* Extend the lifetime of a given RegExpShared to at least the lifetime of
* the guard object. See Regular Expression comment at the top.
class RegExpGuard
RegExpShared *re_;
* Prevent the RegExp source from being collected:
* because RegExpShared objects compile at execution time, the source
* must remain rooted for the active lifetime of the RegExpShared.
RootedAtom source_;
RegExpGuard(const RegExpGuard &) MOZ_DELETE;
void operator=(const RegExpGuard &) MOZ_DELETE;
inline RegExpGuard(JSContext *cx);
inline RegExpGuard(JSContext *cx, RegExpShared &re);
inline ~RegExpGuard();
inline void init(RegExpShared &re);
inline void release();
bool initialized() const { return !!re_; }
RegExpShared *re() const { JS_ASSERT(initialized()); return re_; }
RegExpShared *operator->() { return re(); }
RegExpShared &operator*() { return *re(); }
class RegExpCompartment
struct Key {
JSAtom *atom;
uint16_t flag;
Key() {}
Key(JSAtom *atom, RegExpFlag flag)
: atom(atom), flag(flag)
{ }
typedef Key Lookup;
static HashNumber hash(const Lookup &l) {
return DefaultHasher<JSAtom *>::hash(l.atom) ^ (l.flag << 1);
static bool match(Key l, Key r) {
return l.atom == r.atom && l.flag == r.flag;
* Cache to reuse RegExpShareds with the same source/flags/etc. The cache
* is entirely cleared on each GC.
typedef HashMap<Key, RegExpShared *, Key, RuntimeAllocPolicy> Map;
Map map_;
* The set of all RegExpShareds in the compartment. On every GC, every
* RegExpShared that is not actively being used is deleted and removed from
* the set.
typedef HashSet<RegExpShared *, DefaultHasher<RegExpShared*>, RuntimeAllocPolicy> PendingSet;
PendingSet inUse_;
RegExpCompartment(JSRuntime *rt);
bool init(JSContext *cx);
void sweep(JSRuntime *rt);
bool get(JSContext *cx, JSAtom *source, RegExpFlag flags, RegExpGuard *g);
/* Like 'get', but compile 'maybeOpt' (if non-null). */
bool get(JSContext *cx, HandleAtom source, JSString *maybeOpt, RegExpGuard *g);
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(JSMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf);
class RegExpObject : public JSObject
static const unsigned LAST_INDEX_SLOT = 0;
static const unsigned SOURCE_SLOT = 1;
static const unsigned GLOBAL_FLAG_SLOT = 2;
static const unsigned IGNORE_CASE_FLAG_SLOT = 3;
static const unsigned MULTILINE_FLAG_SLOT = 4;
static const unsigned STICKY_FLAG_SLOT = 5;
static const unsigned RESERVED_SLOTS = 6;
static Class class_;
* Note: The regexp statics flags are OR'd into the provided flags,
* so this function is really meant for object creation during code
* execution, as opposed to during something like XDR.
static RegExpObject *
create(JSContext *cx, RegExpStatics *res, const jschar *chars, size_t length,
RegExpFlag flags, frontend::TokenStream *ts);
static RegExpObject *
createNoStatics(JSContext *cx, const jschar *chars, size_t length, RegExpFlag flags,
frontend::TokenStream *ts);
static RegExpObject *
createNoStatics(JSContext *cx, HandleAtom atom, RegExpFlag flags, frontend::TokenStream *ts);
/* Accessors. */
static unsigned lastIndexSlot() { return LAST_INDEX_SLOT; }
const Value &getLastIndex() const { return getSlot(LAST_INDEX_SLOT); }
inline void setLastIndex(double d);
inline void zeroLastIndex();
JSFlatString *toString(JSContext *cx) const;
JSAtom *getSource() const { return &getSlot(SOURCE_SLOT).toString()->asAtom(); }
inline void setSource(JSAtom *source);
RegExpFlag getFlags() const {
unsigned flags = 0;
flags |= global() ? GlobalFlag : 0;
flags |= ignoreCase() ? IgnoreCaseFlag : 0;
flags |= multiline() ? MultilineFlag : 0;
flags |= sticky() ? StickyFlag : 0;
return RegExpFlag(flags);
/* Flags. */
inline void setIgnoreCase(bool enabled);
inline void setGlobal(bool enabled);
inline void setMultiline(bool enabled);
inline void setSticky(bool enabled);
bool ignoreCase() const { return getSlot(IGNORE_CASE_FLAG_SLOT).toBoolean(); }
bool global() const { return getSlot(GLOBAL_FLAG_SLOT).toBoolean(); }
bool multiline() const { return getSlot(MULTILINE_FLAG_SLOT).toBoolean(); }
bool sticky() const { return getSlot(STICKY_FLAG_SLOT).toBoolean(); }
inline void shared(RegExpGuard *g) const;
inline bool getShared(JSContext *cx, RegExpGuard *g);
inline void setShared(JSContext *cx, RegExpShared &shared);
friend class RegExpObjectBuilder;
* Compute the initial shape to associate with fresh RegExp objects,
* encoding their initial properties. Return the shape after
* changing this regular expression object's last property to it.
Shape *assignInitialShape(JSContext *cx);
bool init(JSContext *cx, HandleAtom source, RegExpFlag flags);
* Precondition: the syntax for |source| has already been validated.
* Side effect: sets the private field.
bool createShared(JSContext *cx, RegExpGuard *g);
RegExpShared *maybeShared() const;
/* Call setShared in preference to setPrivate. */
void setPrivate(void *priv) MOZ_DELETE;
* Parse regexp flags. Report an error and return false if an invalid
* sequence of flags is encountered (repeat/invalid flag).
* N.B. flagStr must be rooted.
ParseRegExpFlags(JSContext *cx, JSString *flagStr, RegExpFlag *flagsOut);
* Assuming ObjectClassIs(obj, ESClass_RegExp), return obj's RegExpShared.
* Beware: this RegExpShared can be owned by a compartment other than
* cx->compartment. Normal RegExpGuard (which is necessary anyways)
* will protect the object but it is important not to assign the return value
* to be the private of any RegExpObject.
inline bool
RegExpToShared(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, RegExpGuard *g);
template<XDRMode mode>
XDRScriptRegExpObject(XDRState<mode> *xdr, HeapPtrObject *objp);
extern JSObject *
CloneScriptRegExpObject(JSContext *cx, RegExpObject &re);
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* vm_RegExpObject_h */