blob: fffcf733c73feb37f25a77278ae4bd9eca69ff48 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_Stack_h
#define vm_Stack_h
#include "jsautooplen.h"
#include "jsfun.h"
#include "jsscript.h"
#include "jit/IonFrameIterator.h"
struct JSContext;
struct JSCompartment;
namespace js {
class StackFrame;
class FrameRegs;
class InvokeFrameGuard;
class FrameGuard;
class ExecuteFrameGuard;
class GeneratorFrameGuard;
class ScriptFrameIter;
class AllFramesIter;
class ArgumentsObject;
class ScopeObject;
class StaticBlockObject;
struct ScopeCoordinate;
// VM stack layout
// A JSRuntime's stack consists of a linked list of activations. Every activation
// contains a number of scripted frames that are either running in the interpreter
// (InterpreterActivation) or JIT code (JitActivation). The frames inside a single
// activation are contiguous: whenever C++ calls back into JS, a new activation is
// pushed.
// Every activation is tied to a single JSContext and JSCompartment. This means we
// can reconstruct a given context's stack by skipping activations belonging to other
// contexts. This happens whenever an embedding enters the JS engine on cx1 and
// then, from a native called by the JS engine, reenters the VM on cx2.
// Interpreter frames (StackFrame)
// Each interpreter script activation (global or function code) is given a
// fixed-size header (js::StackFrame). The frame contains bookkeeping information
// about the activation and links to the previous frame.
// The values after a StackFrame in memory are its locals followed by its
// expression stack. StackFrame::argv_ points to the frame's arguments. Missing
// formal arguments are padded with |undefined|, so the number of arguments is
// always >= the number of formals.
// The top of an activation's current frame's expression stack is pointed to by the
// activation's "current regs", which contains the stack pointer 'sp'. In the
// interpreter, sp is adjusted as individual values are pushed and popped from
// the stack and the FrameRegs struct (pointed to by the InterpreterActivation)
// is a local var of js::Interpret.
enum MaybeCheckAliasing { CHECK_ALIASING = true, DONT_CHECK_ALIASING = false };
#ifdef DEBUG
extern void
CheckLocalUnaliased(MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing, JSScript *script,
StaticBlockObject *maybeBlock, unsigned i);
namespace jit {
class BaselineFrame;
/* Pointer to either a StackFrame or a baseline JIT frame. */
class AbstractFramePtr
uintptr_t ptr_;
: ptr_(0)
AbstractFramePtr(StackFrame *fp)
: ptr_(fp ? uintptr_t(fp) | 0x1 : 0)
JS_ASSERT((uintptr_t(fp) & 1) == 0);
AbstractFramePtr(jit::BaselineFrame *fp)
: ptr_(uintptr_t(fp))
JS_ASSERT((uintptr_t(fp) & 1) == 0);
explicit AbstractFramePtr(JSAbstractFramePtr frame)
: ptr_(uintptr_t(frame.raw()))
bool isStackFrame() const {
return ptr_ & 0x1;
StackFrame *asStackFrame() const {
StackFrame *res = (StackFrame *)(ptr_ & ~0x1);
return res;
bool isBaselineFrame() const {
return ptr_ && !isStackFrame();
jit::BaselineFrame *asBaselineFrame() const {
jit::BaselineFrame *res = (jit::BaselineFrame *)ptr_;
return res;
void *raw() const { return reinterpret_cast<void *>(ptr_); }
bool operator ==(const AbstractFramePtr &other) const { return ptr_ == other.ptr_; }
bool operator !=(const AbstractFramePtr &other) const { return ptr_ != other.ptr_; }
operator bool() const { return !!ptr_; }
inline JSGenerator *maybeSuspendedGenerator(JSRuntime *rt) const;
inline JSObject *scopeChain() const;
inline CallObject &callObj() const;
inline bool initFunctionScopeObjects(JSContext *cx);
inline void pushOnScopeChain(ScopeObject &scope);
inline JSCompartment *compartment() const;
inline StaticBlockObject *maybeBlockChain() const;
inline bool hasCallObj() const;
inline bool isGeneratorFrame() const;
inline bool isYielding() const;
inline bool isFunctionFrame() const;
inline bool isGlobalFrame() const;
inline bool isEvalFrame() const;
inline bool isFramePushedByExecute() const;
inline bool isDebuggerFrame() const;
inline JSScript *script() const;
inline JSFunction *fun() const;
inline JSFunction *maybeFun() const;
inline JSFunction *callee() const;
inline Value calleev() const;
inline Value &thisValue() const;
inline bool isNonEvalFunctionFrame() const;
inline bool isNonStrictDirectEvalFrame() const;
inline bool isStrictEvalFrame() const;
inline unsigned numActualArgs() const;
inline unsigned numFormalArgs() const;
inline Value *argv() const;
inline bool hasArgsObj() const;
inline ArgumentsObject &argsObj() const;
inline void initArgsObj(ArgumentsObject &argsobj) const;
inline bool useNewType() const;
inline bool copyRawFrameSlots(AutoValueVector *vec) const;
inline Value &unaliasedVar(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
inline Value &unaliasedLocal(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
inline Value &unaliasedFormal(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
inline Value &unaliasedActual(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
inline bool prevUpToDate() const;
inline void setPrevUpToDate() const;
JSObject *evalPrevScopeChain(JSContext *cx) const;
inline void *maybeHookData() const;
inline void setHookData(void *data) const;
inline Value returnValue() const;
inline void setReturnValue(const Value &rval) const;
bool hasPushedSPSFrame() const;
inline void popBlock(JSContext *cx) const;
inline void popWith(JSContext *cx) const;
class NullFramePtr : public AbstractFramePtr
: AbstractFramePtr()
{ }
/* Flags specified for a frame as it is constructed. */
enum InitialFrameFlags {
INITIAL_CONSTRUCT = 0x20, /* == StackFrame::CONSTRUCTING, asserted below */
enum ExecuteType {
EXECUTE_GLOBAL = 0x1, /* == StackFrame::GLOBAL */
EXECUTE_DIRECT_EVAL = 0x4, /* == StackFrame::EVAL */
EXECUTE_INDIRECT_EVAL = 0x5, /* == StackFrame::GLOBAL | EVAL */
EXECUTE_DEBUG = 0xc, /* == StackFrame::EVAL | DEBUGGER */
class StackFrame
enum Flags {
/* Primary frame type */
GLOBAL = 0x1, /* frame pushed for a global script */
FUNCTION = 0x2, /* frame pushed for a scripted call */
/* Frame subtypes */
EVAL = 0x4, /* frame pushed for eval() or debugger eval */
DEBUGGER = 0x8, /* frame pushed for debugger eval */
GENERATOR = 0x10, /* frame is associated with a generator */
CONSTRUCTING = 0x20, /* frame is for a constructor invocation */
* Generator frame state
* YIELDING and SUSPENDED are similar, but there are differences. After
* a generator yields, SendToGenerator immediately clears the YIELDING
* flag, but the frame will still have the SUSPENDED flag. Also, when the
* generator returns but before it's GC'ed, YIELDING is not set but
YIELDING = 0x40, /* Interpret dispatched JSOP_YIELD */
SUSPENDED = 0x80, /* Generator is not running. */
/* Function prologue state */
HAS_CALL_OBJ = 0x100, /* CallObject created for heavyweight fun */
HAS_ARGS_OBJ = 0x200, /* ArgumentsObject created for needsArgsObj script */
/* Lazy frame initialization */
HAS_HOOK_DATA = 0x400, /* frame has hookData_ set */
HAS_RVAL = 0x800, /* frame has rval_ set */
HAS_SCOPECHAIN = 0x1000, /* frame has scopeChain_ set */
HAS_BLOCKCHAIN = 0x2000, /* frame has blockChain_ set */
/* Debugger state */
PREV_UP_TO_DATE = 0x4000, /* see DebugScopes::updateLiveScopes */
/* Used in tracking calls and profiling (see vm/SPSProfiler.cpp) */
HAS_PUSHED_SPS_FRAME = 0x8000, /* SPS was notified of enty */
* If set, we entered one of the JITs and ScriptFrameIter should skip
* this frame.
RUNNING_IN_JIT = 0x10000,
/* Miscellaneous state. */
USE_NEW_TYPE = 0x20000 /* Use new type for constructed |this| object. */
mutable uint32_t flags_; /* bits described by Flags */
union { /* describes what code is executing in a */
JSScript *script; /* global frame */
JSFunction *fun; /* function frame, pre GetScopeChain */
} exec;
union { /* describes the arguments of a function */
unsigned nactual; /* for non-eval frames */
JSScript *evalScript; /* the script of an eval-in-function */
} u;
mutable JSObject *scopeChain_; /* if HAS_SCOPECHAIN, current scope chain */
Value rval_; /* if HAS_RVAL, return value of the frame */
StaticBlockObject *blockChain_; /* if HAS_BLOCKCHAIN, innermost let block */
ArgumentsObject *argsObj_; /* if HAS_ARGS_OBJ, the call's arguments object */
* Previous frame and its pc and sp. Always NULL for InterpreterActivation's
* entry frame, always non-NULL for inline frames.
StackFrame *prev_;
jsbytecode *prevpc_;
Value *prevsp_;
void *hookData_; /* if HAS_HOOK_DATA, closure returned by call hook */
AbstractFramePtr evalInFramePrev_; /* for an eval/debugger frame, the prev frame */
Value *argv_; /* If hasArgs(), points to frame's arguments. */
LifoAlloc::Mark mark_; /* Used to release memory for this frame. */
static void staticAsserts() {
JS_STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(StackFrame, rval_) % sizeof(Value) == 0);
JS_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(StackFrame) % sizeof(Value) == 0);
void writeBarrierPost();
* These utilities provide raw access to the values associated with a
* StackFrame (see "VM stack layout" comment). The utilities are private
* since they are not able to assert that only unaliased vars/formals are
* accessed. Normal code should prefer the StackFrame::unaliased* members
* (or FrameRegs::stackDepth for the usual "depth is at least" assertions).
Value *slots() const { return (Value *)(this + 1); }
Value *base() const { return slots() + script()->nfixed; }
Value *argv() const { return argv_; }
friend class FrameRegs;
friend class InterpreterStack;
friend class ScriptFrameIter;
friend class CallObject;
friend class ClonedBlockObject;
friend class ArgumentsObject;
* Frame initialization, called by InterpreterStack operations after acquiring
* the raw memory for the frame:
/* Used for Invoke and Interpret. */
void initCallFrame(JSContext *cx, StackFrame *prev, jsbytecode *prevpc, Value *prevsp, JSFunction &callee,
JSScript *script, Value *argv, uint32_t nactual, StackFrame::Flags flags);
/* Used for global and eval frames. */
void initExecuteFrame(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, AbstractFramePtr prev,
const Value &thisv, JSObject &scopeChain, ExecuteType type);
* Frame prologue/epilogue
* Every stack frame must have 'prologue' called before executing the
* first op and 'epilogue' called after executing the last op and before
* popping the frame (whether the exit is exceptional or not).
* For inline JS calls/returns, it is easy to call the prologue/epilogue
* exactly once. When calling JS from C++, Invoke/Execute push the stack
* frame but do *not* call the prologue/epilogue. That means Interpret
* must call the prologue/epilogue for the entry frame. This scheme
* simplifies jit compilation.
* An important corner case is what happens when an error occurs (OOM,
* over-recursed) after pushing the stack frame but before 'prologue' is
* called or completes fully. To simplify usage, 'epilogue' does not assume
* 'prologue' has completed and handles all the intermediate state details.
bool prologue(JSContext *cx);
void epilogue(JSContext *cx);
bool initFunctionScopeObjects(JSContext *cx);
/* Initialize local variables of newly-pushed frame. */
void initVarsToUndefined();
* Stack frame type
* A stack frame may have one of three types, which determines which
* members of the frame may be accessed and other invariants:
* global frame: execution of global code or an eval in global code
* function frame: execution of function code or an eval in a function
bool isFunctionFrame() const {
return !!(flags_ & FUNCTION);
bool isGlobalFrame() const {
return !!(flags_ & GLOBAL);
* Eval frames
* As noted above, global and function frames may optionally be 'eval
* frames'. Eval code shares its parent's arguments which means that the
* arg-access members of StackFrame may not be used for eval frames.
* Search for 'hasArgs' below for more details.
* A further sub-classification of eval frames is whether the frame was
* pushed for an ES5 strict-mode eval().
bool isEvalFrame() const {
return flags_ & EVAL;
bool isEvalInFunction() const {
return (flags_ & (EVAL | FUNCTION)) == (EVAL | FUNCTION);
bool isNonEvalFunctionFrame() const {
return (flags_ & (FUNCTION | EVAL)) == FUNCTION;
inline bool isStrictEvalFrame() const {
return isEvalFrame() && script()->strict;
bool isNonStrictEvalFrame() const {
return isEvalFrame() && !script()->strict;
bool isDirectEvalFrame() const {
return isEvalFrame() && script()->staticLevel > 0;
bool isNonStrictDirectEvalFrame() const {
return isNonStrictEvalFrame() && isDirectEvalFrame();
* Previous frame
* A frame's 'prev' frame is either null or the previous frame pointed to
* by cx->regs->fp when this frame was pushed. Often, given two prev-linked
* frames, the next-frame is a function or eval that was called by the
* prev-frame, but not always: the prev-frame may have called a native that
* reentered the VM through JS_CallFunctionValue on the same context
* (without calling JS_SaveFrameChain) which pushed the next-frame. Thus,
* 'prev' has little semantic meaning and basically just tells the VM what
* to set cx->regs->fp to when this frame is popped.
StackFrame *prev() const {
return prev_;
AbstractFramePtr evalInFramePrev() const {
return evalInFramePrev_;
* (Unaliased) locals and arguments
* Only non-eval function frames have arguments. The arguments pushed by
* the caller are the 'actual' arguments. The declared arguments of the
* callee are the 'formal' arguments. When the caller passes less actual
* arguments, missing formal arguments are padded with |undefined|.
* When a local/formal variable is "aliased" (accessed by nested closures,
* dynamic scope operations, or 'arguments), the canonical location for
* that value is the slot of an activation object (scope or arguments).
* Currently, all variables are given slots in *both* the stack frame and
* heap objects, even though, as just described, only one should ever be
* accessed. Thus, it is up to the code performing an access to access the
* correct value. These functions assert that accesses to stack values are
* unaliased. For more about canonical values locations.
inline Value &unaliasedVar(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
inline Value &unaliasedLocal(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
bool hasArgs() const { return isNonEvalFunctionFrame(); }
inline Value &unaliasedFormal(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
inline Value &unaliasedActual(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING);
template <class Op> inline void forEachUnaliasedActual(Op op);
bool copyRawFrameSlots(AutoValueVector *v);
unsigned numFormalArgs() const { JS_ASSERT(hasArgs()); return fun()->nargs; }
unsigned numActualArgs() const { JS_ASSERT(hasArgs()); return u.nactual; }
inline Value &canonicalActualArg(unsigned i) const;
template <class Op>
inline bool forEachCanonicalActualArg(Op op, unsigned start = 0, unsigned count = unsigned(-1));
template <class Op> inline bool forEachFormalArg(Op op);
* Arguments object
* If a non-eval function has script->needsArgsObj, an arguments object is
* created in the prologue and stored in the local variable for the
* 'arguments' binding (script->argumentsLocal). Since this local is
* mutable, the arguments object can be overwritten and we can "lose" the
* arguments object. Thus, StackFrame keeps an explicit argsObj_ field so
* that the original arguments object is always available.
ArgumentsObject &argsObj() const;
void initArgsObj(ArgumentsObject &argsobj);
JSObject *createRestParameter(JSContext *cx);
* Scope chain
* In theory, the scope chain would contain an object for every lexical
* scope. However, only objects that are required for dynamic lookup are
* actually created.
* Given that a StackFrame corresponds roughly to a ES5 Execution Context
* (ES5 10.3), StackFrame::varObj corresponds to the VariableEnvironment
* component of a Exection Context. Intuitively, the variables object is
* where new bindings (variables and functions) are stored. One might
* expect that this is either the Call object or scopeChain.globalObj for
* function or global code, respectively, however the JSAPI allows calls of
* Execute to specify a variables object on the scope chain other than the
* call/global object. This allows embeddings to run multiple scripts under
* the same global, each time using a new variables object to collect and
* discard the script's global variables.
inline HandleObject scopeChain() const;
inline ScopeObject &aliasedVarScope(ScopeCoordinate sc) const;
inline GlobalObject &global() const;
inline CallObject &callObj() const;
inline JSObject &varObj();
inline void pushOnScopeChain(ScopeObject &scope);
inline void popOffScopeChain();
* Block chain
* Entering/leaving a let (or exception) block may do 1 or 2 things: First,
* a static block object (created at compiled time and stored in the
* script) is pushed on StackFrame::blockChain. Second, if the static block
* may be cloned to hold the dynamic values if this is needed for dynamic
* scope access. A clone is created for a static block iff
* StaticBlockObject::needsClone.
bool hasBlockChain() const {
return (flags_ & HAS_BLOCKCHAIN) && blockChain_;
StaticBlockObject *maybeBlockChain() {
return (flags_ & HAS_BLOCKCHAIN) ? blockChain_ : NULL;
StaticBlockObject &blockChain() const {
return *blockChain_;
bool pushBlock(JSContext *cx, StaticBlockObject &block);
void popBlock(JSContext *cx);
* With
* Entering/leaving a |with| block pushes/pops an object on the scope chain.
* Pushing uses pushOnScopeChain, popping should use popWith.
void popWith(JSContext *cx);
* Script
* All function and global frames have an associated JSScript which holds
* the bytecode being executed for the frame. This script/bytecode does
* not reflect any inlining that has been performed by the method JIT.
* If other frames were inlined into this one, the script/pc reflect the
* point of the outermost call. Inlined frame invariants:
* - Inlined frames have the same scope chain as the outer frame.
* - Inlined frames have the same strictness as the outer frame.
* - Inlined frames can only make calls to other JIT frames associated with
* the same VMFrame. Other calls force expansion of the inlined frames.
JSScript *script() const {
return isFunctionFrame()
? isEvalFrame()
? u.evalScript
: fun()->nonLazyScript()
: exec.script;
/* Return the previous frame's pc. */
jsbytecode *prevpc() {
return prevpc_;
/* Return the previous frame's sp. */
Value *prevsp() {
return prevsp_;
* Function
* All function frames have an associated interpreted JSFunction. The
* function returned by fun() and maybeFun() is not necessarily the
* original canonical function which the frame's script was compiled
* against.
JSFunction* fun() const {
JSFunction* maybeFun() const {
return isFunctionFrame() ? fun() : NULL;
* This value
* Every frame has a this value although, until 'this' is computed, the
* value may not be the semantically-correct 'this' value.
* The 'this' value is stored before the formal arguments for function
* frames and directly before the frame for global frames. The *Args
* members assert !isEvalFrame(), so we implement specialized inline
* methods for accessing 'this'. When the caller has static knowledge that
* a frame is a function, 'functionThis' allows more efficient access.
Value &functionThis() const {
if (isEvalFrame())
return ((Value *)this)[-1];
return argv()[-1];
JSObject &constructorThis() const {
return argv()[-1].toObject();
Value &thisValue() const {
if (flags_ & (EVAL | GLOBAL))
return ((Value *)this)[-1];
return argv()[-1];
* Callee
* Only function frames have a callee. An eval frame in a function has the
* same callee as its containing function frame. maybeCalleev can be used
* to return a value that is either the callee object (for function frames) or
* null (for global frames).
JSFunction &callee() const {
return calleev().toObject().as<JSFunction>();
const Value &calleev() const {
return mutableCalleev();
const Value &maybeCalleev() const {
Value &calleev = flags_ & (EVAL | GLOBAL)
? ((Value *)this)[-2]
: argv()[-2];
return calleev;
Value &mutableCalleev() const {
if (isEvalFrame())
return ((Value *)this)[-2];
return argv()[-2];
CallReceiver callReceiver() const {
return CallReceiverFromArgv(argv());
* Frame compartment
* A stack frame's compartment is the frame's containing context's
* compartment when the frame was pushed.
inline JSCompartment *compartment() const;
/* Debugger hook data */
bool hasHookData() const {
return !!(flags_ & HAS_HOOK_DATA);
void* hookData() const {
return hookData_;
void* maybeHookData() const {
return hasHookData() ? hookData_ : NULL;
void setHookData(void *v) {
hookData_ = v;
flags_ |= HAS_HOOK_DATA;
bool hasPushedSPSFrame() {
return !!(flags_ & HAS_PUSHED_SPS_FRAME);
void setPushedSPSFrame() {
void unsetPushedSPSFrame() {
/* Return value */
bool hasReturnValue() const {
return !!(flags_ & HAS_RVAL);
Value &returnValue() {
if (!(flags_ & HAS_RVAL))
return rval_;
void markReturnValue() {
flags_ |= HAS_RVAL;
void setReturnValue(const Value &v) {
rval_ = v;
void clearReturnValue() {
* A "generator" frame is a function frame associated with a generator.
* Since generators are not executed LIFO, the VM copies a single abstract
* generator frame back and forth between the LIFO VM stack (when the
* generator is active) and a snapshot stored in JSGenerator (when the
* generator is inactive). A generator frame is comprised of a StackFrame
* structure and the values that make up the arguments, locals, and
* expression stack. The layout in the JSGenerator snapshot matches the
* layout on the stack (see the "VM stack layout" comment above).
bool isGeneratorFrame() const {
bool ret = flags_ & GENERATOR;
JS_ASSERT_IF(ret, isNonEvalFunctionFrame());
return ret;
void initGeneratorFrame() const {
flags_ |= GENERATOR;
Value *generatorArgsSnapshotBegin() const {
return argv() - 2;
Value *generatorArgsSnapshotEnd() const {
return argv() + js::Max(numActualArgs(), numFormalArgs());
Value *generatorSlotsSnapshotBegin() const {
return (Value *)(this + 1);
enum TriggerPostBarriers {
DoPostBarrier = true,
NoPostBarrier = false
template <TriggerPostBarriers doPostBarrier>
void copyFrameAndValues(JSContext *cx, Value *vp, StackFrame *otherfp,
const Value *othervp, Value *othersp);
JSGenerator *maybeSuspendedGenerator(JSRuntime *rt);
* js::Execute pushes both global and function frames (since eval() in a
* function pushes a frame with isFunctionFrame() && isEvalFrame()). Most
* code should not care where a frame was pushed, but if it is necessary to
* pick out frames pushed by js::Execute, this is the right query:
bool isFramePushedByExecute() const {
return !!(flags_ & (GLOBAL | EVAL));
* Other flags
InitialFrameFlags initialFlags() const {
uint32_t mask = CONSTRUCTING;
JS_ASSERT((flags_ & mask) != mask);
return InitialFrameFlags(flags_ & mask);
void setConstructing() {
bool isConstructing() const {
return !!(flags_ & CONSTRUCTING);
* These two queries should not be used in general: the presence/absence of
* the call/args object is determined by the static(ish) properties of the
* JSFunction/JSScript. These queries should only be performed when probing
* a stack frame that may be in the middle of the prologue (during which
* time the call/args object are created).
inline bool hasCallObj() const;
bool hasCallObjUnchecked() const {
return flags_ & HAS_CALL_OBJ;
bool hasArgsObj() const {
return flags_ & HAS_ARGS_OBJ;
void setUseNewType() {
flags_ |= USE_NEW_TYPE;
bool useNewType() const {
return flags_ & USE_NEW_TYPE;
bool isDebuggerFrame() const {
return !!(flags_ & DEBUGGER);
bool prevUpToDate() const {
return !!(flags_ & PREV_UP_TO_DATE);
void setPrevUpToDate() {
flags_ |= PREV_UP_TO_DATE;
bool isYielding() {
return !!(flags_ & YIELDING);
void setYielding() {
flags_ |= YIELDING;
void clearYielding() {
flags_ &= ~YIELDING;
bool isSuspended() const {
return flags_ & SUSPENDED;
void setSuspended() {
flags_ |= SUSPENDED;
void clearSuspended() {
flags_ &= ~SUSPENDED;
static size_t offsetOfFlags() {
return offsetof(StackFrame, flags_);
static size_t offsetOfExec() {
return offsetof(StackFrame, exec);
static size_t offsetOfNumActual() {
return offsetof(StackFrame, u.nactual);
static size_t offsetOfScopeChain() {
return offsetof(StackFrame, scopeChain_);
static ptrdiff_t offsetOfThis(JSFunction *fun) {
return fun == NULL
? -1 * ptrdiff_t(sizeof(Value))
: -(fun->nargs + 1) * ptrdiff_t(sizeof(Value));
static ptrdiff_t offsetOfFormalArg(JSFunction *fun, unsigned i) {
JS_ASSERT(i < fun->nargs);
return (-(int)fun->nargs + i) * sizeof(Value);
static size_t offsetOfFixed(unsigned i) {
return sizeof(StackFrame) + i * sizeof(Value);
void mark(JSTracer *trc);
void markValues(JSTracer *trc, Value *sp);
// Entered Baseline/Ion from the interpreter.
bool runningInJit() const {
return !!(flags_ & RUNNING_IN_JIT);
void setRunningInJit() {
flags_ |= RUNNING_IN_JIT;
void clearRunningInJit() {
flags_ &= ~RUNNING_IN_JIT;
static const size_t VALUES_PER_STACK_FRAME = sizeof(StackFrame) / sizeof(Value);
static inline StackFrame::Flags
ToFrameFlags(InitialFrameFlags initial)
return StackFrame::Flags(initial);
static inline InitialFrameFlags
InitialFrameFlagsFromConstructing(bool b)
static inline bool
InitialFrameFlagsAreConstructing(InitialFrameFlags initial)
return !!(initial & INITIAL_CONSTRUCT);
inline AbstractFramePtr Valueify(JSAbstractFramePtr frame) { return AbstractFramePtr(frame); }
static inline JSAbstractFramePtr Jsvalify(AbstractFramePtr frame) { return JSAbstractFramePtr(frame.raw()); }
class FrameRegs
Value *sp;
jsbytecode *pc;
StackFrame *fp_;
StackFrame *fp() const { return fp_; }
unsigned stackDepth() const {
JS_ASSERT(sp >= fp_->base());
return sp - fp_->base();
Value *spForStackDepth(unsigned depth) const {
JS_ASSERT(fp_->script()->nfixed + depth <= fp_->script()->nslots);
return fp_->base() + depth;
/* For generators. */
void rebaseFromTo(const FrameRegs &from, StackFrame &to) {
fp_ = &to;
sp = to.slots() + (from.sp - from.fp_->slots());
pc = from.pc;
void popInlineFrame() {
pc = fp_->prevpc();
sp = fp_->prevsp() - fp_->numActualArgs() - 1;
fp_ = fp_->prev();
void prepareToRun(StackFrame &fp, JSScript *script) {
pc = script->code;
sp = fp.slots() + script->nfixed;
fp_ = &fp;
void setToEndOfScript() {
JSScript *script = fp()->script();
sp = fp()->base();
pc = script->code + script->length - JSOP_STOP_LENGTH;
class InterpreterStack
friend class FrameGuard;
friend class InterpreterActivation;
const static size_t DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 4 * 1024;
LifoAlloc allocator_;
// Number of interpreter frames on the stack, for over-recursion checks.
static const size_t MAX_FRAMES = 50 * 1000;
static const size_t MAX_FRAMES_TRUSTED = MAX_FRAMES + 1000;
size_t frameCount_;
inline uint8_t *allocateFrame(JSContext *cx, size_t size);
inline StackFrame *
getCallFrame(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args, HandleScript script,
StackFrame::Flags *pflags, Value **pargv);
void releaseFrame(StackFrame *fp) {
: allocator_(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE),
{ }
~InterpreterStack() {
JS_ASSERT(frameCount_ == 0);
// For execution of eval or global code.
StackFrame *pushExecuteFrame(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script, const Value &thisv,
HandleObject scopeChain, ExecuteType type,
AbstractFramePtr evalInFrame, FrameGuard *fg);
// Called to invoke a function.
StackFrame *pushInvokeFrame(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args, InitialFrameFlags initial,
FrameGuard *fg);
// The interpreter can push light-weight, "inline" frames without entering a
// new InterpreterActivation or recursively calling Interpret.
bool pushInlineFrame(JSContext *cx, FrameRegs &regs, const CallArgs &args,
HandleScript script, InitialFrameFlags initial);
void popInlineFrame(FrameRegs &regs);
inline void purge(JSRuntime *rt);
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(JSMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf) const {
return allocator_.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
void MarkInterpreterActivations(JSRuntime *rt, JSTracer *trc);
class InvokeArgs : public JS::CallArgs
AutoValueVector v_;
InvokeArgs(JSContext *cx) : v_(cx) {}
bool init(unsigned argc) {
if (!v_.resize(2 + argc))
return false;
ImplicitCast<CallArgs>(*this) = CallArgsFromVp(argc, v_.begin());
return true;
class RunState;
class FrameGuard
friend class InterpreterStack;
RunState &state_;
FrameRegs &regs_;
InterpreterStack *stack_;
StackFrame *fp_;
void setPushed(InterpreterStack &stack, StackFrame *fp) {
stack_ = &stack;
fp_ = fp;
FrameGuard(RunState &state, FrameRegs &regs);
StackFrame *fp() const {
return fp_;
template <>
struct DefaultHasher<AbstractFramePtr> {
typedef AbstractFramePtr Lookup;
static js::HashNumber hash(const Lookup &key) {
return size_t(key.raw());
static bool match(const AbstractFramePtr &k, const Lookup &l) {
return k == l;
class InterpreterActivation;
namespace jit {
class JitActivation;
class Activation
JSContext *cx_;
JSCompartment *compartment_;
Activation *prev_;
// Counter incremented by JS_SaveFrameChain on the top-most activation and
// decremented by JS_RestoreFrameChain. If > 0, ScriptFrameIter should stop
// iterating when it reaches this activation (if GO_THROUGH_SAVED is not
// set).
size_t savedFrameChain_;
enum Kind { Interpreter, Jit };
Kind kind_;
inline Activation(JSContext *cx, Kind kind_);
inline ~Activation();
JSContext *cx() const {
return cx_;
JSCompartment *compartment() const {
return compartment_;
Activation *prev() const {
return prev_;
bool isInterpreter() const {
return kind_ == Interpreter;
bool isJit() const {
return kind_ == Jit;
InterpreterActivation *asInterpreter() const {
return (InterpreterActivation *)this;
jit::JitActivation *asJit() const {
return (jit::JitActivation *)this;
void saveFrameChain() {
void restoreFrameChain() {
JS_ASSERT(savedFrameChain_ > 0);
bool hasSavedFrameChain() const {
return savedFrameChain_ > 0;
Activation(const Activation &other) MOZ_DELETE;
void operator=(const Activation &other) MOZ_DELETE;
class InterpreterFrameIterator;
class InterpreterActivation : public Activation
friend class js::InterpreterFrameIterator;
StackFrame *const entry_; // Entry frame for this activation.
StackFrame *current_; // The most recent frame.
FrameRegs &regs_;
#ifdef DEBUG
size_t oldFrameCount_;
inline InterpreterActivation(JSContext *cx, StackFrame *entry, FrameRegs &regs);
inline ~InterpreterActivation();
inline bool pushInlineFrame(const CallArgs &args, HandleScript script,
InitialFrameFlags initial);
inline void popInlineFrame(StackFrame *frame);
StackFrame *current() const {
return current_;
FrameRegs &regs() const {
return regs_;
// Iterates over a runtime's activation list.
class ActivationIterator
uint8_t *jitTop_;
Activation *activation_;
void settle();
explicit ActivationIterator(JSRuntime *rt);
ActivationIterator &operator++();
Activation *activation() const {
return activation_;
uint8_t *jitTop() const {
return jitTop_;
bool done() const {
return activation_ == NULL;
namespace jit {
// A JitActivation is used for frames running in Baseline or Ion.
class JitActivation : public Activation
uint8_t *prevIonTop_;
JSContext *prevIonJSContext_;
bool firstFrameIsConstructing_;
bool active_;
JitActivation(JSContext *cx, bool firstFrameIsConstructing, bool active = true);
bool isActive() const {
return active_;
void setActive(JSContext *cx, bool active = true);
uint8_t *prevIonTop() const {
return prevIonTop_;
JSCompartment *compartment() const {
return compartment_;
bool firstFrameIsConstructing() const {
return firstFrameIsConstructing_;
// A filtering of the ActivationIterator to only stop at JitActivations.
class JitActivationIterator : public ActivationIterator
void settle() {
while (!done() && !activation_->isJit())
explicit JitActivationIterator(JSRuntime *rt)
: ActivationIterator(rt)
JitActivationIterator &operator++() {
return *this;
// Returns the bottom and top addresses of the current JitActivation.
void jitStackRange(uintptr_t *&min, uintptr_t *&end);
} // namespace jit
// Iterates over the frames of a single InterpreterActivation.
class InterpreterFrameIterator
InterpreterActivation *activation_;
StackFrame *fp_;
jsbytecode *pc_;
Value *sp_;
explicit InterpreterFrameIterator(InterpreterActivation *activation)
: activation_(activation),
if (activation) {
fp_ = activation->current();
pc_ = activation->regs_.pc;
sp_ = activation->regs_.sp;
StackFrame *frame() const {
return fp_;
jsbytecode *pc() const {
return pc_;
Value *sp() const {
return sp_;
InterpreterFrameIterator &operator++();
bool done() const {
return fp_ == NULL;
* Iterate through the callstack (following fp->prev) of the given context.
* Each element of said callstack can either be the execution of a script
* (scripted function call, global code, eval code, debugger code) or the
* invocation of a (C++) native. Example usage:
* for (Stackiter i(cx); !i.done(); ++i) {
* if (i.isScript()) {
* ... i.fp() ... i.sp() ... i.pc()
* } else {
* JS_ASSERT(i.isNativeCall());
* ... i.args();
* }
* }
* The SavedOption parameter additionally lets the iterator continue through
* breaks in the callstack (from JS_SaveFrameChain). The default is to stop.
class ScriptFrameIter
enum State { DONE, SCRIPTED, JIT };
* Unlike ScriptFrameIter itself, ScriptFrameIter::Data can be allocated on
* the heap, so this structure should not contain any GC things.
struct Data
PerThreadData *perThread_;
JSContext *cx_;
SavedOption savedOption_;
ContextOption contextOption_;
State state_;
jsbytecode *pc_;
InterpreterFrameIterator interpFrames_;
ActivationIterator activations_;
#ifdef JS_ION
jit::IonFrameIterator ionFrames_;
Data(JSContext *cx, PerThreadData *perThread, SavedOption savedOption,
ContextOption contextOption);
Data(const Data &other);
friend class ::JSBrokenFrameIterator;
Data data_;
#ifdef JS_ION
jit::InlineFrameIterator ionInlineFrames_;
void popActivation();
void popInterpreterFrame();
#ifdef JS_ION
void nextJitFrame();
void popJitFrame();
void settleOnActivation();
ScriptFrameIter(JSContext *cx, SavedOption = STOP_AT_SAVED);
ScriptFrameIter(JSContext *cx, ContextOption, SavedOption);
ScriptFrameIter(const ScriptFrameIter &iter);
ScriptFrameIter(const Data &data);
bool done() const { return data_.state_ == DONE; }
ScriptFrameIter &operator++();
Data *copyData() const;
JSCompartment *compartment() const;
JSScript *script() const {
if (data_.state_ == SCRIPTED)
return interpFrame()->script();
#ifdef JS_ION
JS_ASSERT(data_.state_ == JIT);
if (data_.ionFrames_.isOptimizedJS())
return ionInlineFrames_.script();
return data_.ionFrames_.script();
return NULL;
bool isJit() const {
return data_.state_ == JIT;
bool isIon() const {
#ifdef JS_ION
return isJit() && data_.ionFrames_.isOptimizedJS();
return false;
bool isBaseline() const {
#ifdef JS_ION
return isJit() && data_.ionFrames_.isBaselineJS();
return false;
bool isFunctionFrame() const;
bool isGlobalFrame() const;
bool isEvalFrame() const;
bool isNonEvalFunctionFrame() const;
bool isGeneratorFrame() const;
bool isConstructing() const;
bool hasArgs() const { return isNonEvalFunctionFrame(); }
AbstractFramePtr abstractFramePtr() const;
* When entering IonMonkey, the top interpreter frame (pushed by the caller)
* is kept on the stack as bookkeeping (with runningInIon() set). The
* contents of the frame are ignored by Ion code (and GC) and thus
* immediately become garbage and must not be touched directly.
StackFrame *interpFrame() const {
JS_ASSERT(data_.state_ == SCRIPTED);
return data_.interpFrames_.frame();
Activation *activation() const { return data_.activations_.activation(); }
jsbytecode *pc() const { JS_ASSERT(!done()); return data_.pc_; }
void updatePcQuadratic();
JSFunction *callee() const;
Value calleev() const;
unsigned numActualArgs() const;
unsigned numFormalArgs() const { return script()->function()->nargs; }
Value unaliasedActual(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING) const;
JSObject *scopeChain() const;
CallObject &callObj() const;
bool hasArgsObj() const;
ArgumentsObject &argsObj() const;
// Ensure that thisv is correct, see ComputeThis.
bool computeThis(JSContext *cx) const;
Value thisv() const;
Value returnValue() const;
void setReturnValue(const Value &v);
JSFunction *maybeCallee() const {
return isFunctionFrame() ? callee() : NULL;
// These are only valid for the top frame.
size_t numFrameSlots() const;
Value frameSlotValue(size_t index) const;
template <class Op>
inline void ionForEachCanonicalActualArg(JSContext *cx, Op op);
/* A filtering of the ScriptFrameIter to only stop at non-self-hosted scripts. */
class NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter : public ScriptFrameIter
void settle() {
while (!done() && script()->selfHosted)
NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter(JSContext *cx, ScriptFrameIter::SavedOption opt = ScriptFrameIter::STOP_AT_SAVED)
: ScriptFrameIter(cx, opt) { settle(); }
NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter(const ScriptFrameIter::Data &data)
: ScriptFrameIter(data)
NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter &operator++() { ScriptFrameIter::operator++(); settle(); return *this; }
* Blindly iterate over all frames in the current thread's stack. These frames
* can be from different contexts and compartments, so beware.
class AllFramesIter : public ScriptFrameIter
AllFramesIter(JSContext *cx)
: ScriptFrameIter(cx, ScriptFrameIter::ALL_CONTEXTS, ScriptFrameIter::GO_THROUGH_SAVED)
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* vm_Stack_h */