blob: 9c40fec295810ac53d23ec09a91b86117500a7d4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_StringBuffer_h
#define vm_StringBuffer_h
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
namespace js {
* String builder that eagerly checks for over-allocation past the maximum
* string length.
* Any operation which would exceed the maximum string length causes an
* exception report on the context and results in a failed return value.
* Well-sized extractions (which waste no more than 1/4 of their char
* buffer space) are guaranteed for strings built by this interface.
* See |extractWellSized|.
class StringBuffer
/* cb's buffer is taken by the new string so use ContextAllocPolicy. */
typedef Vector<jschar, 32, ContextAllocPolicy> CharBuffer;
CharBuffer cb;
JSContext *context() const { return cb.allocPolicy().context(); }
StringBuffer(const StringBuffer &other) MOZ_DELETE;
void operator=(const StringBuffer &other) MOZ_DELETE;
explicit StringBuffer(JSContext *cx) : cb(cx) { }
inline bool reserve(size_t len) { return cb.reserve(len); }
inline bool resize(size_t len) { return cb.resize(len); }
inline bool append(const jschar c) { return cb.append(c); }
inline bool append(const jschar *chars, size_t len) { return cb.append(chars, len); }
inline bool append(const JS::CharPtr chars, size_t len) { return cb.append(chars.get(), len); }
inline bool append(const jschar *begin, const jschar *end) { return cb.append(begin, end); }
inline bool append(JSString *str);
inline bool append(JSLinearString *str);
inline bool appendN(const jschar c, size_t n) { return cb.appendN(c, n); }
inline bool appendInflated(const char *cstr, size_t len);
template <size_t ArrayLength>
bool append(const char (&array)[ArrayLength]) {
return cb.append(array, array + ArrayLength - 1); /* No trailing '\0'. */
/* Infallible variants usable when the corresponding space is reserved. */
void infallibleAppend(const jschar c) {
void infallibleAppend(const jschar *chars, size_t len) {
cb.infallibleAppend(chars, len);
void infallibleAppend(const JS::CharPtr chars, size_t len) {
cb.infallibleAppend(chars.get(), len);
void infallibleAppend(const jschar *begin, const jschar *end) {
cb.infallibleAppend(begin, end);
void infallibleAppendN(const jschar c, size_t n) {
cb.infallibleAppendN(c, n);
jschar *begin() { return cb.begin(); }
jschar *end() { return cb.end(); }
const jschar *begin() const { return cb.begin(); }
const jschar *end() const { return cb.end(); }
bool empty() const { return cb.empty(); }
size_t length() const { return cb.length(); }
* Creates a string from the characters in this buffer, then (regardless
* whether string creation succeeded or failed) empties the buffer.
JSFlatString *finishString();
/* Identical to finishString() except that an atom is created. */
JSAtom *finishAtom();
* Creates a raw string from the characters in this buffer. The string is
* exactly the characters in this buffer: it is *not* null-terminated
* unless the last appended character was |(jschar)0|.
jschar *extractWellSized();
inline bool
StringBuffer::append(JSLinearString *str)
JS::Anchor<JSString *> anch(str);
return cb.append(str->chars(), str->length());
inline bool
StringBuffer::append(JSString *str)
JSLinearString *linear = str->ensureLinear(context());
if (!linear)
return false;
return append(linear);
inline bool
StringBuffer::appendInflated(const char *cstr, size_t cstrlen)
size_t lengthBefore = length();
if (!cb.growByUninitialized(cstrlen))
return false;
mozilla::DebugOnly<size_t> oldcstrlen = cstrlen;
mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> ok = InflateStringToBuffer(context(), cstr, cstrlen,
begin() + lengthBefore, &cstrlen);
JS_ASSERT(ok && oldcstrlen == cstrlen);
return true;
/* ES5 9.8 ToString, appending the result to the string buffer. */
extern bool
ValueToStringBufferSlow(JSContext *cx, const Value &v, StringBuffer &sb);
inline bool
ValueToStringBuffer(JSContext *cx, const Value &v, StringBuffer &sb)
if (v.isString())
return sb.append(v.toString());
return ValueToStringBufferSlow(cx, v, sb);
/* ES5 9.8 ToString for booleans, appending the result to the string buffer. */
inline bool
BooleanToStringBuffer(JSContext *cx, bool b, StringBuffer &sb)
return b ? sb.append("true") : sb.append("false");
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* vm_StringBuffer_h */