blob: 3f1150c4c76ff51b98604f2bb81eb6815f179a0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "config.h"
#include "StringPrototype.h"
#include "ButterflyInlines.h"
#include "CachedCall.h"
#include "CopiedSpaceInlines.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Executable.h"
#include "JSGlobalObjectFunctions.h"
#include "JSArray.h"
#include "JSFunction.h"
#include "JSStringBuilder.h"
#include "Lookup.h"
#include "ObjectPrototype.h"
#include "Operations.h"
#include "PropertyNameArray.h"
#include "RegExpCache.h"
#include "RegExpConstructor.h"
#include "RegExpMatchesArray.h"
#include "RegExpObject.h"
#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/Collator.h>
using namespace WTF;
namespace JSC {
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToString(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncCharAt(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncCharCodeAt(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncConcat(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncIndexOf(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncLastIndexOf(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncMatch(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncReplace(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSearch(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSlice(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSplit(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSubstr(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSubstring(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToLowerCase(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToUpperCase(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncLocaleCompare(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncBig(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSmall(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncBlink(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncBold(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncFixed(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncItalics(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncStrike(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSub(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSup(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncFontcolor(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncFontsize(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncAnchor(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncLink(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncTrim(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncTrimLeft(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncTrimRight(ExecState*);
#include "StringPrototype.lut.h"
namespace JSC {
const ClassInfo StringPrototype::s_info = { "String", StringObject::s_classinfo(), 0, ExecState::stringTable, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(StringPrototype) };
/* Source for StringPrototype.lut.h
@begin stringTable 26
toString stringProtoFuncToString DontEnum|Function 0
valueOf stringProtoFuncToString DontEnum|Function 0
charAt stringProtoFuncCharAt DontEnum|Function 1
charCodeAt stringProtoFuncCharCodeAt DontEnum|Function 1
concat stringProtoFuncConcat DontEnum|Function 1
indexOf stringProtoFuncIndexOf DontEnum|Function 1
lastIndexOf stringProtoFuncLastIndexOf DontEnum|Function 1
match stringProtoFuncMatch DontEnum|Function 1
replace stringProtoFuncReplace DontEnum|Function 2
search stringProtoFuncSearch DontEnum|Function 1
slice stringProtoFuncSlice DontEnum|Function 2
split stringProtoFuncSplit DontEnum|Function 2
substr stringProtoFuncSubstr DontEnum|Function 2
substring stringProtoFuncSubstring DontEnum|Function 2
toLowerCase stringProtoFuncToLowerCase DontEnum|Function 0
toUpperCase stringProtoFuncToUpperCase DontEnum|Function 0
localeCompare stringProtoFuncLocaleCompare DontEnum|Function 1
# toLocaleLowerCase and toLocaleUpperCase are currently identical to toLowerCase and toUpperCase
toLocaleLowerCase stringProtoFuncToLowerCase DontEnum|Function 0
toLocaleUpperCase stringProtoFuncToUpperCase DontEnum|Function 0
big stringProtoFuncBig DontEnum|Function 0
small stringProtoFuncSmall DontEnum|Function 0
blink stringProtoFuncBlink DontEnum|Function 0
bold stringProtoFuncBold DontEnum|Function 0
fixed stringProtoFuncFixed DontEnum|Function 0
italics stringProtoFuncItalics DontEnum|Function 0
strike stringProtoFuncStrike DontEnum|Function 0
sub stringProtoFuncSub DontEnum|Function 0
sup stringProtoFuncSup DontEnum|Function 0
fontcolor stringProtoFuncFontcolor DontEnum|Function 1
fontsize stringProtoFuncFontsize DontEnum|Function 1
anchor stringProtoFuncAnchor DontEnum|Function 1
link stringProtoFuncLink DontEnum|Function 1
trim stringProtoFuncTrim DontEnum|Function 0
trimLeft stringProtoFuncTrimLeft DontEnum|Function 0
trimRight stringProtoFuncTrimRight DontEnum|Function 0
// ECMA 15.5.4
StringPrototype::StringPrototype(ExecState* exec, Structure* structure)
: StringObject(exec->globalData(), structure)
void StringPrototype::finishCreation(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject*, JSString* nameAndMessage)
Base::finishCreation(exec->globalData(), nameAndMessage);
// The constructor will be added later, after StringConstructor has been built
putDirectWithoutTransition(exec->globalData(), exec->propertyNames().length, jsNumber(0), DontDelete | ReadOnly | DontEnum);
bool StringPrototype::getOwnPropertySlot(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot &slot)
return getStaticFunctionSlot<StringObject>(exec, ExecState::stringTable(exec), jsCast<StringPrototype*>(cell), propertyName, slot);
bool StringPrototype::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
return getStaticFunctionDescriptor<StringObject>(exec, ExecState::stringTable(exec), jsCast<StringPrototype*>(object), propertyName, descriptor);
// ------------------------------ Functions --------------------------
// Helper for producing a JSString for 'string', where 'string' was been produced by
// calling ToString on 'originalValue'. In cases where 'originalValue' already was a
// string primitive we can just use this, otherwise we need to allocate a new JSString.
static inline JSString* jsStringWithReuse(ExecState* exec, JSValue originalValue, const String& string)
if (originalValue.isString()) {
ASSERT(asString(originalValue)->value(exec) == string);
return asString(originalValue);
return jsString(exec, string);
template <typename CharType>
static NEVER_INLINE String substituteBackreferencesSlow(const String& replacement, const String& source, const int* ovector, RegExp* reg, size_t i)
Vector<CharType> substitutedReplacement;
int offset = 0;
do {
if (i + 1 == replacement.length())
UChar ref = replacement[i + 1];
if (ref == '$') {
// "$$" -> "$"
substitutedReplacement.append(replacement.getCharactersWithUpconvert<CharType>() + offset, i - offset);
offset = i + 1;
int backrefStart;
int backrefLength;
int advance = 0;
if (ref == '&') {
backrefStart = ovector[0];
backrefLength = ovector[1] - backrefStart;
} else if (ref == '`') {
backrefStart = 0;
backrefLength = ovector[0];
} else if (ref == '\'') {
backrefStart = ovector[1];
backrefLength = source.length() - backrefStart;
} else if (reg && ref >= '0' && ref <= '9') {
// 1- and 2-digit back references are allowed
unsigned backrefIndex = ref - '0';
if (backrefIndex > reg->numSubpatterns())
if (replacement.length() > i + 2) {
ref = replacement[i + 2];
if (ref >= '0' && ref <= '9') {
backrefIndex = 10 * backrefIndex + ref - '0';
if (backrefIndex > reg->numSubpatterns())
backrefIndex = backrefIndex / 10; // Fall back to the 1-digit reference
advance = 1;
if (!backrefIndex)
backrefStart = ovector[2 * backrefIndex];
backrefLength = ovector[2 * backrefIndex + 1] - backrefStart;
} else
if (i - offset)
substitutedReplacement.append(replacement.getCharactersWithUpconvert<CharType>() + offset, i - offset);
i += 1 + advance;
offset = i + 1;
if (backrefStart >= 0)
substitutedReplacement.append(source.getCharactersWithUpconvert<CharType>() + backrefStart, backrefLength);
} while ((i = replacement.find('$', i + 1)) != notFound);
if (replacement.length() - offset)
substitutedReplacement.append(replacement.getCharactersWithUpconvert<CharType>() + offset, replacement.length() - offset);
return String::adopt(substitutedReplacement);
static inline String substituteBackreferences(const String& replacement, const String& source, const int* ovector, RegExp* reg)
size_t i = replacement.find('$');
if (UNLIKELY(i != notFound)) {
if (replacement.is8Bit() && source.is8Bit())
return substituteBackreferencesSlow<LChar>(replacement, source, ovector, reg, i);
return substituteBackreferencesSlow<UChar>(replacement, source, ovector, reg, i);
return replacement;
static inline int localeCompare(const String& a, const String& b)
return Collator::userDefault()->collate(reinterpret_cast<const ::UChar*>(a.characters()), a.length(), reinterpret_cast<const ::UChar*>(b.characters()), b.length());
struct StringRange {
StringRange(int pos, int len)
: position(pos)
, length(len)
int position;
int length;
static ALWAYS_INLINE JSValue jsSpliceSubstrings(ExecState* exec, JSString* sourceVal, const String& source, const StringRange* substringRanges, int rangeCount)
if (rangeCount == 1) {
int sourceSize = source.length();
int position = substringRanges[0].position;
int length = substringRanges[0].length;
if (position <= 0 && length >= sourceSize)
return sourceVal;
// We could call String::substringSharingImpl(), but this would result in redundant checks.
return jsString(exec, StringImpl::create(source.impl(), std::max(0, position), std::min(sourceSize, length)));
int totalLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++)
totalLength += substringRanges[i].length;
if (!totalLength)
return jsEmptyString(exec);
if (source.is8Bit()) {
LChar* buffer;
const LChar* sourceData = source.characters8();
RefPtr<StringImpl> impl = StringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(totalLength, buffer);
if (!impl)
return throwOutOfMemoryError(exec);
int bufferPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) {
if (int srcLen = substringRanges[i].length) {
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, sourceData + substringRanges[i].position, srcLen);
bufferPos += srcLen;
return jsString(exec, impl.release());
UChar* buffer;
const UChar* sourceData = source.characters16();
RefPtr<StringImpl> impl = StringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(totalLength, buffer);
if (!impl)
return throwOutOfMemoryError(exec);
int bufferPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) {
if (int srcLen = substringRanges[i].length) {
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, sourceData + substringRanges[i].position, srcLen);
bufferPos += srcLen;
return jsString(exec, impl.release());
static ALWAYS_INLINE JSValue jsSpliceSubstringsWithSeparators(ExecState* exec, JSString* sourceVal, const String& source, const StringRange* substringRanges, int rangeCount, const String* separators, int separatorCount)
if (rangeCount == 1 && separatorCount == 0) {
int sourceSize = source.length();
int position = substringRanges[0].position;
int length = substringRanges[0].length;
if (position <= 0 && length >= sourceSize)
return sourceVal;
// We could call String::substringSharingImpl(), but this would result in redundant checks.
return jsString(exec, StringImpl::create(source.impl(), std::max(0, position), std::min(sourceSize, length)));
Checked<int, RecordOverflow> totalLength = 0;
bool allSeparators8Bit = true;
for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++)
totalLength += substringRanges[i].length;
for (int i = 0; i < separatorCount; i++) {
totalLength += separators[i].length();
if (separators[i].length() && !separators[i].is8Bit())
allSeparators8Bit = false;
if (totalLength.hasOverflowed())
return throwOutOfMemoryError(exec);
if (!totalLength)
return jsEmptyString(exec);
if (source.is8Bit() && allSeparators8Bit) {
LChar* buffer;
const LChar* sourceData = source.characters8();
RefPtr<StringImpl> impl = StringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(totalLength.unsafeGet(), buffer);
if (!impl)
return throwOutOfMemoryError(exec);
int maxCount = std::max(rangeCount, separatorCount);
int bufferPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) {
if (i < rangeCount) {
if (int srcLen = substringRanges[i].length) {
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, sourceData + substringRanges[i].position, srcLen);
bufferPos += srcLen;
if (i < separatorCount) {
if (int sepLen = separators[i].length()) {
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, separators[i].characters8(), sepLen);
bufferPos += sepLen;
return jsString(exec, impl.release());
UChar* buffer;
RefPtr<StringImpl> impl = StringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(totalLength.unsafeGet(), buffer);
if (!impl)
return throwOutOfMemoryError(exec);
int maxCount = std::max(rangeCount, separatorCount);
int bufferPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) {
if (i < rangeCount) {
if (int srcLen = substringRanges[i].length) {
if (source.is8Bit())
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, source.characters8() + substringRanges[i].position, srcLen);
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, source.characters16() + substringRanges[i].position, srcLen);
bufferPos += srcLen;
if (i < separatorCount) {
if (int sepLen = separators[i].length()) {
if (separators[i].is8Bit())
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, separators[i].characters8(), sepLen);
StringImpl::copyChars(buffer + bufferPos, separators[i].characters16(), sepLen);
bufferPos += sepLen;
return jsString(exec, impl.release());
static NEVER_INLINE EncodedJSValue removeUsingRegExpSearch(ExecState* exec, JSString* string, const String& source, RegExp* regExp)
size_t lastIndex = 0;
unsigned startPosition = 0;
Vector<StringRange, 16> sourceRanges;
JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();
unsigned sourceLen = source.length();
while (true) {
MatchResult result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*globalData, regExp, string, source, startPosition);
if (!result)
if (lastIndex < result.start)
sourceRanges.append(StringRange(lastIndex, result.start - lastIndex));
lastIndex = result.end;
startPosition = lastIndex;
// special case of empty match
if (result.empty()) {
if (startPosition > sourceLen)
if (!lastIndex)
return JSValue::encode(string);
if (static_cast<unsigned>(lastIndex) < sourceLen)
sourceRanges.append(StringRange(lastIndex, sourceLen - lastIndex));
return JSValue::encode(jsSpliceSubstrings(exec, string, source,, sourceRanges.size()));
static NEVER_INLINE EncodedJSValue replaceUsingRegExpSearch(ExecState* exec, JSString* string, JSValue searchValue)
JSValue replaceValue = exec->argument(1);
String replacementString;
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(replaceValue, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
replacementString = replaceValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
const String& source = string->value(exec);
unsigned sourceLen = source.length();
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(JSValue());
RegExpObject* regExpObject = asRegExpObject(searchValue);
RegExp* regExp = regExpObject->regExp();
bool global = regExp->global();
if (global) {
// ES5.1 step 8.a.
regExpObject->setLastIndex(exec, 0);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(JSValue());
if (callType == CallTypeNone && !replacementString.length())
return removeUsingRegExpSearch(exec, string, source, regExp);
RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();
size_t lastIndex = 0;
unsigned startPosition = 0;
Vector<StringRange, 16> sourceRanges;
Vector<String, 16> replacements;
// This is either a loop (if global is set) or a one-way (if not).
if (global && callType == CallTypeJS) {
// regExp->numSubpatterns() + 1 for pattern args, + 2 for match start and string
int argCount = regExp->numSubpatterns() + 1 + 2;
JSFunction* func = jsCast<JSFunction*>(replaceValue);
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, func, argCount);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsNull());
JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
if (source.is8Bit()) {
while (true) {
int* ovector;
MatchResult result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*globalData, regExp, string, source, startPosition, &ovector);
if (!result)
sourceRanges.append(StringRange(lastIndex, result.start - lastIndex));
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < regExp->numSubpatterns() + 1; ++i) {
int matchStart = ovector[i * 2];
int matchLen = ovector[i * 2 + 1] - matchStart;
if (matchStart < 0)
cachedCall.setArgument(i, jsUndefined());
cachedCall.setArgument(i, jsSubstring8(globalData, source, matchStart, matchLen));
cachedCall.setArgument(i++, jsNumber(result.start));
cachedCall.setArgument(i++, string);
JSValue jsResult =;
if (exec->hadException())
lastIndex = result.end;
startPosition = lastIndex;
// special case of empty match
if (result.empty()) {
if (startPosition > sourceLen)
} else {
while (true) {
int* ovector;
MatchResult result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*globalData, regExp, string, source, startPosition, &ovector);
if (!result)
sourceRanges.append(StringRange(lastIndex, result.start - lastIndex));
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < regExp->numSubpatterns() + 1; ++i) {
int matchStart = ovector[i * 2];
int matchLen = ovector[i * 2 + 1] - matchStart;
if (matchStart < 0)
cachedCall.setArgument(i, jsUndefined());
cachedCall.setArgument(i, jsSubstring(globalData, source, matchStart, matchLen));
cachedCall.setArgument(i++, jsNumber(result.start));
cachedCall.setArgument(i++, string);
JSValue jsResult =;
if (exec->hadException())
lastIndex = result.end;
startPosition = lastIndex;
// special case of empty match
if (result.empty()) {
if (startPosition > sourceLen)
} else {
JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
do {
int* ovector;
MatchResult result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*globalData, regExp, string, source, startPosition, &ovector);
if (!result)
if (callType != CallTypeNone) {
sourceRanges.append(StringRange(lastIndex, result.start - lastIndex));
MarkedArgumentBuffer args;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < regExp->numSubpatterns() + 1; ++i) {
int matchStart = ovector[i * 2];
int matchLen = ovector[i * 2 + 1] - matchStart;
if (matchStart < 0)
args.append(jsSubstring(exec, source, matchStart, matchLen));
replacements.append(call(exec, replaceValue, callType, callData, jsUndefined(), args).toString(exec)->value(exec));
if (exec->hadException())
} else {
int replLen = replacementString.length();
if (lastIndex < result.start || replLen) {
sourceRanges.append(StringRange(lastIndex, result.start - lastIndex));
if (replLen)
replacements.append(substituteBackreferences(replacementString, source, ovector, regExp));
lastIndex = result.end;
startPosition = lastIndex;
// special case of empty match
if (result.empty()) {
if (startPosition > sourceLen)
} while (global);
if (!lastIndex && replacements.isEmpty())
return JSValue::encode(string);
if (static_cast<unsigned>(lastIndex) < sourceLen)
sourceRanges.append(StringRange(lastIndex, sourceLen - lastIndex));
return JSValue::encode(jsSpliceSubstringsWithSeparators(exec, string, source,, sourceRanges.size(),, replacements.size()));
static inline EncodedJSValue replaceUsingStringSearch(ExecState* exec, JSString* jsString, JSValue searchValue)
const String& string = jsString->value(exec);
String searchString = searchValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
size_t matchStart = string.find(searchString);
if (matchStart == notFound)
return JSValue::encode(jsString);
JSValue replaceValue = exec->argument(1);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(replaceValue, callData);
if (callType != CallTypeNone) {
MarkedArgumentBuffer args;
args.append(jsSubstring(exec, string, matchStart, searchString.impl()->length()));
replaceValue = call(exec, replaceValue, callType, callData, jsUndefined(), args);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
String replaceString = replaceValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
StringImpl* stringImpl = string.impl();
String leftPart(StringImpl::create(stringImpl, 0, matchStart));
size_t matchEnd = matchStart + searchString.impl()->length();
int ovector[2] = { static_cast<int>(matchStart), static_cast<int>(matchEnd)};
String middlePart = substituteBackreferences(replaceString, string, ovector, 0);
size_t leftLength = stringImpl->length() - matchEnd;
String rightPart(StringImpl::create(stringImpl, matchEnd, leftLength));
return JSValue::encode(JSC::jsString(exec, leftPart, middlePart, rightPart));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncReplace(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSString* string = thisValue.toString(exec);
JSValue searchValue = exec->argument(0);
if (searchValue.inherits(RegExpObject::s_classinfo()))
return replaceUsingRegExpSearch(exec, string, searchValue);
return replaceUsingStringSearch(exec, string, searchValue);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToString(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
// Also used for valueOf.
if (thisValue.isString())
return JSValue::encode(thisValue);
if (thisValue.inherits(StringObject::s_classinfo()))
return JSValue::encode(asStringObject(thisValue)->internalValue());
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncCharAt(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
unsigned len = s.length();
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
if (a0.isUInt32()) {
uint32_t i = a0.asUInt32();
if (i < len)
return JSValue::encode(jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, s, i));
return JSValue::encode(jsEmptyString(exec));
double dpos = a0.toInteger(exec);
if (dpos >= 0 && dpos < len)
return JSValue::encode(jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, s, static_cast<unsigned>(dpos)));
return JSValue::encode(jsEmptyString(exec));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncCharCodeAt(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
unsigned len = s.length();
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
if (a0.isUInt32()) {
uint32_t i = a0.asUInt32();
if (i < len) {
if (s.is8Bit())
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(s.characters8()[i]));
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(s.characters16()[i]));
return JSValue::encode(jsNaN());
double dpos = a0.toInteger(exec);
if (dpos >= 0 && dpos < len)
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(s[static_cast<int>(dpos)]));
return JSValue::encode(jsNaN());
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncConcat(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isString() && (exec->argumentCount() == 1))
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, asString(thisValue), exec->argument(0).toString(exec)));
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsStringFromArguments(exec, thisValue));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncIndexOf(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
JSValue a1 = exec->argument(1);
String u2 = a0.toString(exec)->value(exec);
size_t result;
if (a1.isUndefined())
result = s.find(u2);
else {
unsigned pos;
int len = s.length();
if (a1.isUInt32())
pos = std::min<uint32_t>(a1.asUInt32(), len);
else {
double dpos = a1.toInteger(exec);
if (dpos < 0)
dpos = 0;
else if (dpos > len)
dpos = len;
pos = static_cast<unsigned>(dpos);
result = s.find(u2, pos);
if (result == notFound)
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(-1));
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(result));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncLastIndexOf(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
int len = s.length();
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
JSValue a1 = exec->argument(1);
String u2 = a0.toString(exec)->value(exec);
double dpos = a1.toIntegerPreserveNaN(exec);
if (dpos < 0)
dpos = 0;
else if (!(dpos <= len)) // true for NaN
dpos = len;
size_t result = s.reverseFind(u2, static_cast<unsigned>(dpos));
if (result == notFound)
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(-1));
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(result));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncMatch(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSString* string = thisValue.toString(exec);
String s = string->value(exec);
JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
RegExp* regExp;
bool global = false;
if (a0.inherits(RegExpObject::s_classinfo())) {
RegExpObject* regExpObject = asRegExpObject(a0);
regExp = regExpObject->regExp();
if ((global = regExp->global())) {
// ES5.1 step 8.a.
regExpObject->setLastIndex(exec, 0);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(JSValue());
} else {
* ECMA (regexp)
* If regexp is not an object whose [[Class]] property is "RegExp", it is
* replaced with the result of the expression new RegExp(regexp).
* Per ECMA, if a0 is undefined substitute the empty string.
regExp = RegExp::create(exec->globalData(), a0.isUndefined() ? String("") : a0.toString(exec)->value(exec), NoFlags);
if (!regExp->isValid())
return throwVMError(exec, createSyntaxError(exec, regExp->errorMessage()));
RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();
MatchResult result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*globalData, regExp, string, s, 0);
// case without 'g' flag is handled like RegExp.prototype.exec
if (!global)
return JSValue::encode(result ? RegExpMatchesArray::create(exec, string, regExp, result) : jsNull());
// return array of matches
MarkedArgumentBuffer list;
while (result) {
size_t end = result.end;
size_t length = end - result.start;
list.append(jsSubstring(exec, s, result.start, length));
if (!length)
result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*globalData, regExp, string, s, end);
if (list.isEmpty()) {
// if there are no matches at all, it's important to return
// Null instead of an empty array, because this matches
// other browsers and because Null is a false value.
return JSValue::encode(jsNull());
return JSValue::encode(constructArray(exec, static_cast<ArrayAllocationProfile*>(0), list));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSearch(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSString* string = thisValue.toString(exec);
String s = string->value(exec);
JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
RegExp* reg;
if (a0.inherits(RegExpObject::s_classinfo()))
reg = asRegExpObject(a0)->regExp();
else {
* ECMA (regexp)
* If regexp is not an object whose [[Class]] property is "RegExp", it is
* replaced with the result of the expression new RegExp(regexp).
* Per ECMA, if a0 is undefined substitute the empty string.
reg = RegExp::create(exec->globalData(), a0.isUndefined() ? String("") : a0.toString(exec)->value(exec), NoFlags);
if (!reg->isValid())
return throwVMError(exec, createSyntaxError(exec, reg->errorMessage()));
RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();
MatchResult result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*globalData, reg, string, s, 0);
return JSValue::encode(result ? jsNumber(result.start) : jsNumber(-1));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSlice(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
int len = s.length();
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
JSValue a1 = exec->argument(1);
// The arg processing is very much like ArrayProtoFunc::Slice
double start = a0.toInteger(exec);
double end = a1.isUndefined() ? len : a1.toInteger(exec);
double from = start < 0 ? len + start : start;
double to = end < 0 ? len + end : end;
if (to > from && to > 0 && from < len) {
if (from < 0)
from = 0;
if (to > len)
to = len;
return JSValue::encode(jsSubstring(exec, s, static_cast<unsigned>(from), static_cast<unsigned>(to) - static_cast<unsigned>(from)));
return JSValue::encode(jsEmptyString(exec));
// Return true in case of early return (resultLength got to limitLength).
template<typename CharacterType>
static ALWAYS_INLINE bool splitStringByOneCharacterImpl(ExecState* exec, JSArray* result, const String& input, StringImpl* string, UChar separatorCharacter, size_t& position, unsigned& resultLength, unsigned limitLength)
// 12. Let q = p.
size_t matchPosition;
const CharacterType* characters = string->getCharacters<CharacterType>();
// 13. Repeat, while q != s
// a. Call SplitMatch(S, q, R) and let z be its MatchResult result.
// b. If z is failure, then let q = q+1.
// c. Else, z is not failure
while ((matchPosition = WTF::find(characters, string->length(), separatorCharacter, position)) != notFound) {
// 1. Let T be a String value equal to the substring of S consisting of the characters at positions p (inclusive)
// through q (exclusive).
// 2. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments ToString(lengthA),
// Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: T, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
result->putDirectIndex(exec, resultLength, jsSubstring(exec, input, position, matchPosition - position));
// 3. Increment lengthA by 1.
// 4. If lengthA == lim, return A.
if (++resultLength == limitLength)
return true;
// 5. Let p = e.
// 8. Let q = p.
position = matchPosition + 1;
return false;
// ES 5.1 - String.prototype.split (separator, limit)
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSplit(ExecState* exec)
// 1. Call CheckObjectCoercible passing the this value as its argument.
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull())
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
// 2. Let S be the result of calling ToString, giving it the this value as its argument.
// 6. Let s be the number of characters in S.
String input = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
// 3. Let A be a new array created as if by the expression new Array()
// where Array is the standard built-in constructor with that name.
JSArray* result = constructEmptyArray(exec, 0);
// 4. Let lengthA be 0.
unsigned resultLength = 0;
// 5. If limit is undefined, let lim = 2^32-1; else let lim = ToUint32(limit).
JSValue limitValue = exec->argument(1);
unsigned limit = limitValue.isUndefined() ? 0xFFFFFFFFu : limitValue.toUInt32(exec);
// 7. Let p = 0.
size_t position = 0;
// 8. If separator is a RegExp object (its [[Class]] is "RegExp"), let R = separator;
// otherwise let R = ToString(separator).
JSValue separatorValue = exec->argument(0);
if (separatorValue.inherits(RegExpObject::s_classinfo())) {
JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
RegExp* reg = asRegExpObject(separatorValue)->regExp();
// 9. If lim == 0, return A.
if (!limit)
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 10. If separator is undefined, then
if (separatorValue.isUndefined()) {
// a. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments "0",
// Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: S, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
result->putDirectIndex(exec, 0, jsStringWithReuse(exec, thisValue, input));
// b. Return A.
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 11. If s == 0, then
if (input.isEmpty()) {
// a. Call SplitMatch(S, 0, R) and let z be its MatchResult result.
// b. If z is not failure, return A.
// c. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments "0",
// Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: S, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
// d. Return A.
if (!reg->match(*globalData, input, 0))
result->putDirectIndex(exec, 0, jsStringWithReuse(exec, thisValue, input));
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 12. Let q = p.
size_t matchPosition = 0;
// 13. Repeat, while q != s
while (matchPosition < input.length()) {
// a. Call SplitMatch(S, q, R) and let z be its MatchResult result.
Vector<int, 32> ovector;
int mpos = reg->match(*globalData, input, matchPosition, ovector);
// b. If z is failure, then let q = q + 1.
if (mpos < 0)
matchPosition = mpos;
// c. Else, z is not failure
// i. z must be a State. Let e be z's endIndex and let cap be z's captures array.
size_t matchEnd = ovector[1];
// ii. If e == p, then let q = q + 1.
if (matchEnd == position) {
// iii. Else, e != p
// 1. Let T be a String value equal to the substring of S consisting of the characters at positions p (inclusive)
// through q (exclusive).
// 2. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments ToString(lengthA),
// Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: T, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
result->putDirectIndex(exec, resultLength, jsSubstring(exec, input, position, matchPosition - position));
// 3. Increment lengthA by 1.
// 4. If lengthA == lim, return A.
if (++resultLength == limit)
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 5. Let p = e.
// 8. Let q = p.
position = matchEnd;
matchPosition = matchEnd;
// 6. Let i = 0.
// 7. Repeat, while i is not equal to the number of elements in cap.
// a Let i = i + 1.
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= reg->numSubpatterns(); ++i) {
// b Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments
// ToString(lengthA), Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: cap[i], [[Writable]]:
// true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
int sub = ovector[i * 2];
result->putDirectIndex(exec, resultLength, sub < 0 ? jsUndefined() : jsSubstring(exec, input, sub, ovector[i * 2 + 1] - sub));
// c Increment lengthA by 1.
// d If lengthA == lim, return A.
if (++resultLength == limit)
return JSValue::encode(result);
} else {
String separator = separatorValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
// 9. If lim == 0, return A.
if (!limit)
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 10. If separator is undefined, then
JSValue separatorValue = exec->argument(0);
if (separatorValue.isUndefined()) {
// a. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments "0",
// Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: S, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
result->putDirectIndex(exec, 0, jsStringWithReuse(exec, thisValue, input));
// b. Return A.
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 11. If s == 0, then
if (input.isEmpty()) {
// a. Call SplitMatch(S, 0, R) and let z be its MatchResult result.
// b. If z is not failure, return A.
// c. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments "0",
// Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: S, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
// d. Return A.
if (!separator.isEmpty())
result->putDirectIndex(exec, 0, jsStringWithReuse(exec, thisValue, input));
return JSValue::encode(result);
// Optimized case for splitting on the empty string.
if (separator.isEmpty()) {
limit = std::min(limit, input.length());
// Zero limt/input length handled in steps 9/11 respectively, above.
do {
result->putDirectIndex(exec, position, jsSingleCharacterSubstring(exec, input, position));
} while (++position < limit);
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 3 cases:
// -separator length == 1, 8 bits
// -separator length == 1, 16 bits
// -separator length > 1
StringImpl* stringImpl = input.impl();
StringImpl* separatorImpl = separator.impl();
size_t separatorLength = separatorImpl->length();
if (separatorLength == 1) {
UChar separatorCharacter;
if (separatorImpl->is8Bit())
separatorCharacter = separatorImpl->characters8()[0];
separatorCharacter = separatorImpl->characters16()[0];
if (stringImpl->is8Bit()) {
if (splitStringByOneCharacterImpl<LChar>(exec, result, input, stringImpl, separatorCharacter, position, resultLength, limit))
return JSValue::encode(result);
} else {
if (splitStringByOneCharacterImpl<UChar>(exec, result, input, stringImpl, separatorCharacter, position, resultLength, limit))
return JSValue::encode(result);
} else {
// 12. Let q = p.
size_t matchPosition;
// 13. Repeat, while q != s
// a. Call SplitMatch(S, q, R) and let z be its MatchResult result.
// b. If z is failure, then let q = q+1.
// c. Else, z is not failure
while ((matchPosition = stringImpl->find(separatorImpl, position)) != notFound) {
// 1. Let T be a String value equal to the substring of S consisting of the characters at positions p (inclusive)
// through q (exclusive).
// 2. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments ToString(lengthA),
// Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: T, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
result->putDirectIndex(exec, resultLength, jsSubstring(exec, input, position, matchPosition - position));
// 3. Increment lengthA by 1.
// 4. If lengthA == lim, return A.
if (++resultLength == limit)
return JSValue::encode(result);
// 5. Let p = e.
// 8. Let q = p.
position = matchPosition + separator.length();
// 14. Let T be a String value equal to the substring of S consisting of the characters at positions p (inclusive)
// through s (exclusive).
// 15. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments ToString(lengthA), Property Descriptor
// {[[Value]]: T, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
result->putDirectIndex(exec, resultLength++, jsSubstring(exec, input, position, input.length() - position));
// 16. Return A.
return JSValue::encode(result);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSubstr(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
unsigned len;
JSString* jsString = 0;
String uString;
if (thisValue.isString()) {
jsString = jsCast<JSString*>(thisValue.asCell());
len = jsString->length();
} else if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) {
// CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
} else {
uString = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
len = uString.length();
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
JSValue a1 = exec->argument(1);
double start = a0.toInteger(exec);
double length = a1.isUndefined() ? len : a1.toInteger(exec);
if (start >= len || length <= 0)
return JSValue::encode(jsEmptyString(exec));
if (start < 0) {
start += len;
if (start < 0)
start = 0;
if (start + length > len)
length = len - start;
unsigned substringStart = static_cast<unsigned>(start);
unsigned substringLength = static_cast<unsigned>(length);
if (jsString)
return JSValue::encode(jsSubstring(exec, jsString, substringStart, substringLength));
return JSValue::encode(jsSubstring(exec, uString, substringStart, substringLength));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSubstring(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSString* jsString = thisValue.toString(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
JSValue a1 = exec->argument(1);
int len = jsString->length();
double start = a0.toNumber(exec);
double end;
if (!(start >= 0)) // check for negative values or NaN
start = 0;
else if (start > len)
start = len;
#if defined(__LB_SHELL__) || OS(STARBOARD)
else if (isnan(start))
start = 0;
if (a1.isUndefined())
end = len;
else {
end = a1.toNumber(exec);
if (!(end >= 0)) // check for negative values or NaN
end = 0;
else if (end > len)
end = len;
#if defined(__LB_SHELL__) || OS(STARBOARD)
else if (isnan(end))
end = 0;
if (start > end) {
double temp = end;
end = start;
start = temp;
unsigned substringStart = static_cast<unsigned>(start);
unsigned substringLength = static_cast<unsigned>(end) - substringStart;
return JSValue::encode(jsSubstring(exec, jsString, substringStart, substringLength));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToLowerCase(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSString* sVal = thisValue.toString(exec);
const String& s = sVal->value(exec);
int sSize = s.length();
if (!sSize)
return JSValue::encode(sVal);
StringImpl* ourImpl = s.impl();
RefPtr<StringImpl> lower = ourImpl->lower();
if (ourImpl == lower)
return JSValue::encode(sVal);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, String(lower.release())));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToUpperCase(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSString* sVal = thisValue.toString(exec);
const String& s = sVal->value(exec);
int sSize = s.length();
if (!sSize)
return JSValue::encode(sVal);
StringImpl* sImpl = s.impl();
RefPtr<StringImpl> upper = sImpl->upper();
if (sImpl == upper)
return JSValue::encode(sVal);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, String(upper.release())));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncLocaleCompare(ExecState* exec)
if (exec->argumentCount() < 1)
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(0));
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(localeCompare(s, a0.toString(exec)->value(exec))));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncBig(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<big>", s, "</big>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSmall(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<small>", s, "</small>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncBlink(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<blink>", s, "</blink>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncBold(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<b>", s, "</b>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncFixed(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<tt>", s, "</tt>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncItalics(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<i>", s, "</i>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncStrike(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<strike>", s, "</strike>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSub(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<sub>", s, "</sub>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncSup(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<sup>", s, "</sup>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncFontcolor(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
String color = a0.toWTFString(exec);
color.replaceWithLiteral('"', "&quot;");
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<font color=\"", color, "\">", s, "</font>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncFontsize(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
uint32_t smallInteger;
if (a0.getUInt32(smallInteger) && smallInteger <= 9) {
unsigned stringSize = s.length();
unsigned bufferSize = 22 + stringSize;
UChar* buffer;
PassRefPtr<StringImpl> impl = StringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(bufferSize, buffer);
if (!impl)
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
buffer[0] = '<';
buffer[1] = 'f';
buffer[2] = 'o';
buffer[3] = 'n';
buffer[4] = 't';
buffer[5] = ' ';
buffer[6] = 's';
buffer[7] = 'i';
buffer[8] = 'z';
buffer[9] = 'e';
buffer[10] = '=';
buffer[11] = '"';
buffer[12] = '0' + smallInteger;
buffer[13] = '"';
buffer[14] = '>';
memcpy(&buffer[15], s.characters(), stringSize * sizeof(UChar));
buffer[15 + stringSize] = '<';
buffer[16 + stringSize] = '/';
buffer[17 + stringSize] = 'f';
buffer[18 + stringSize] = 'o';
buffer[19 + stringSize] = 'n';
buffer[20 + stringSize] = 't';
buffer[21 + stringSize] = '>';
return JSValue::encode(jsNontrivialString(exec, impl));
String fontSize = a0.toWTFString(exec);
fontSize.replaceWithLiteral('"', "&quot;");
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<font size=\"", fontSize, "\">", s, "</font>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncAnchor(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
String anchor = a0.toWTFString(exec);
anchor.replaceWithLiteral('"', "&quot;");
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "<a name=\"", anchor, "\">", s, "</a>"));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncLink(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
String s = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
JSValue a0 = exec->argument(0);
String linkText = a0.toWTFString(exec);
linkText.replaceWithLiteral('"', "&quot;");
unsigned linkTextSize = linkText.length();
unsigned stringSize = s.length();
unsigned bufferSize = 15 + linkTextSize + stringSize;
UChar* buffer;
PassRefPtr<StringImpl> impl = StringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(bufferSize, buffer);
if (!impl)
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
buffer[0] = '<';
buffer[1] = 'a';
buffer[2] = ' ';
buffer[3] = 'h';
buffer[4] = 'r';
buffer[5] = 'e';
buffer[6] = 'f';
buffer[7] = '=';
buffer[8] = '"';
memcpy(&buffer[9], linkText.characters(), linkTextSize * sizeof(UChar));
buffer[9 + linkTextSize] = '"';
buffer[10 + linkTextSize] = '>';
memcpy(&buffer[11 + linkTextSize], s.characters(), stringSize * sizeof(UChar));
buffer[11 + linkTextSize + stringSize] = '<';
buffer[12 + linkTextSize + stringSize] = '/';
buffer[13 + linkTextSize + stringSize] = 'a';
buffer[14 + linkTextSize + stringSize] = '>';
return JSValue::encode(jsNontrivialString(exec, impl));
enum {
TrimLeft = 1,
TrimRight = 2
static inline bool isTrimWhitespace(UChar c)
return isStrWhiteSpace(c) || c == 0x200b;
static inline JSValue trimString(ExecState* exec, JSValue thisValue, int trimKind)
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) // CheckObjectCoercible
return throwTypeError(exec);
String str = thisValue.toString(exec)->value(exec);
unsigned left = 0;
if (trimKind & TrimLeft) {
while (left < str.length() && isTrimWhitespace(str[left]))
unsigned right = str.length();
if (trimKind & TrimRight) {
while (right > left && isTrimWhitespace(str[right - 1]))
// Don't gc allocate a new string if we don't have to.
if (left == 0 && right == str.length() && thisValue.isString())
return thisValue;
return jsString(exec, str.substringSharingImpl(left, right - left));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncTrim(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
return JSValue::encode(trimString(exec, thisValue, TrimLeft | TrimRight));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncTrimLeft(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
return JSValue::encode(trimString(exec, thisValue, TrimLeft));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncTrimRight(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
return JSValue::encode(trimString(exec, thisValue, TrimRight));
} // namespace JSC