blob: 65e75cbfde556848c6a7295736ceaafeec743e2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/composition_node.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/pipeline.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/rasterizer.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/submission.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using ::testing::Between;
using ::testing::_;
using cobalt::renderer::Pipeline;
using cobalt::renderer::rasterizer::Rasterizer;
namespace {
// We explicitly state here how long our mock rasterizer will take to complete
// a submission. This value is chosen to reflect the refresh rate of a typical
// display device.
const base::TimeDelta kRasterizeDelay =
base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(1.0 / 60.0);
// Unfortunately, we can't make use of gmock to test the number of submission
// calls that were made. This is because we need to test our expectations
// AFTER all Submit() calls have been made, whereas gmock requires us to
// set these expect calls first. The reason we must set them after is because
// the expected number of calls made to Submit() is dependent on the amount of
// time that has passed, and so we need to wait until all calls have completed
// before we know how long it had taken.
class MockRasterizer : public Rasterizer {
explicit MockRasterizer(int* submission_count)
: submission_count_(submission_count) {}
void Submit(const scoped_refptr<cobalt::render_tree::Node>&,
const scoped_refptr<cobalt::renderer::backend::RenderTarget>&,
const Options& options) override {
if (last_submission_time) {
// Simulate a "wait for vsync".
base::TimeDelta since_last_submit =
base::TimeTicks::Now() - *last_submission_time;
base::TimeDelta sleep_time = kRasterizeDelay - since_last_submit;
if (sleep_time > base::TimeDelta()) {
base::PlatformThread::Sleep(kRasterizeDelay - since_last_submit);
last_submission_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
cobalt::render_tree::ResourceProvider* GetResourceProvider() override {
return NULL;
void MakeCurrent() override {}
void ReleaseContext() override {}
int* submission_count_;
base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> last_submission_time;
std::unique_ptr<Rasterizer> CreateMockRasterizer(int* submission_count) {
return std::unique_ptr<Rasterizer>(new MockRasterizer(submission_count));
} // namespace
class RendererPipelineTest : public ::testing::Test {
RendererPipelineTest() {
submission_count_ = 0;
start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
new Pipeline(base::Bind(&CreateMockRasterizer, &submission_count_),
NULL, NULL, true, Pipeline::kNoClear));
static void DummyAnimateFunction(
cobalt::render_tree::CompositionNode::Builder* composition_node_builder,
base::TimeDelta time) {}
// We create a render tree composed of only a single, empty CompositionNode
// that is meant to act as a dummy/placeholder. It is animated to ensure that
// it changes every frame and so the Pipeline must rasterize it each frame.
scoped_refptr<cobalt::render_tree::Node> MakeDummyAnimatedRenderTree() {
cobalt::render_tree::CompositionNode::Builder builder;
scoped_refptr<cobalt::render_tree::CompositionNode> dummy_node(
new cobalt::render_tree::CompositionNode(builder));
cobalt::render_tree::animations::AnimateNode::Builder animate_builder;
animate_builder.Add(dummy_node, base::Bind(&DummyAnimateFunction));
scoped_refptr<cobalt::render_tree::animations::AnimateNode> animate_node(
new cobalt::render_tree::animations::AnimateNode(animate_builder,
return animate_node;
// Checks that Submit() was called on mock_rasterizer_ the expect number of
// times given the refresh rate and lower/upper bounds for how long the
// pipeline was active.
struct ExpectedNumberOfSubmissions {
int lower_bound;
int upper_bound;
// Given the lower/upper bounds on the length of time the pipeline's been
// active for, return a lower and upper bound on the expected number of
// submissions that should have occurred.
ExpectedNumberOfSubmissions GetExpectedNumberOfSubmissions(
base::TimeDelta duration_lower_bound,
base::TimeDelta duration_upper_bound) {
// We should have submitted the render tree to the rasterizer at the
// specified frequency during the duration that we waited for.
// Since we're not always running on a real-time operating system, the
// number of Submit()s called has the potential to be flaky. We account for
// this by allowing for some error.
const int kFuzzRangeOnExpectedSubmissions = 1;
ExpectedNumberOfSubmissions number_of_submissions;
number_of_submissions.lower_bound =
static_cast<int>(floor(duration_lower_bound.InSecondsF() /
kRasterizeDelay.InSecondsF())) -
number_of_submissions.upper_bound =
static_cast<int>(ceil(duration_upper_bound.InSecondsF() /
kRasterizeDelay.InSecondsF())) +
return number_of_submissions;
base::TimeTicks start_time_; // Record the time that we started the pipeline.
std::unique_ptr<Pipeline> pipeline_;
int submission_count_;
// Since the following tests test the pipeline's claim that it will rasterize
// the submitted render tree at a specified real time refresh rate, they are
// marked as flaky, as it is possible for the OS to schedule (or rather, not
// schedule) the pipeline rasterizer thread in such a way that it is not able
// to execute frequently enough. While this may be a problem on machines like
// Windows and Linux which may have other processes running in the background,
// devices like game consoles where our process is running alone should never
// see these tests fail.
FLAKY_RasterizerSubmitCalledAtExpectedFrequencyAfterSinglePipelineSubmit) {
// Wait a little bit to give the pipeline some time to rasterize the submitted
// render tree.
const base::TimeDelta kDelay = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(400);
// Shut down the pipeline so that Submit will no longer be called.
// Find the time that the pipeline's been active for.
base::TimeDelta time_elapsed = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_;
ExpectedNumberOfSubmissions expected_submissions =
GetExpectedNumberOfSubmissions(kDelay, time_elapsed);
EXPECT_LE(expected_submissions.lower_bound, submission_count_);
EXPECT_GE(expected_submissions.upper_bound, submission_count_);
FLAKY_RasterizerSubmitCalledAtExpectedFrequencyAfterManyPipelineSubmits) {
// Here we repeatedly submit a new render tree to the pipeline as fast as
// we can. Regardless of the rate that we submit to the pipeline, we expect
// it to rate-limit its submissions to the rasterizer.
const base::TimeDelta kDelay = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(400);
while (true) {
base::TimeDelta time_elapsed = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_;
// Stop after kDelay seconds have passed.
if (time_elapsed > kDelay) {
const base::TimeDelta kSubmitDelay(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1));
// While we want to submit faster than the rasterizer is rasterizing,
// we still should pace ourselves so we that we ensure the rasterizer has
// enough time to process all the submissions.
ASSERT_LT(kSubmitDelay, kRasterizeDelay);
// Shut down the pipeline so that Submit will no longer be called.
// Find the time that the pipeline's been active for.
base::TimeDelta time_elapsed = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_;
ExpectedNumberOfSubmissions expected_submissions =
GetExpectedNumberOfSubmissions(kDelay, time_elapsed);
EXPECT_LE(expected_submissions.lower_bound, submission_count_);
EXPECT_GE(expected_submissions.upper_bound, submission_count_);