blob: 281b830176d6f6ed8a1b4ebcc5dbe075ad047b8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Calculate the x, y value of input port.
* Input ports are placed near the top of the left-side border.
* @param {number} portIndex
* @return {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.Point}
export const calculateInputPortXY = portIndex => {
const y = WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.GraphStyles.InputPortRadius +
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.GraphStyles.LeftSideTopPadding +
portIndex * WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.GraphStyles.TotalInputPortHeight;
return {x: 0, y: y};
* Calculate the x, y value of output port.
* Output ports are placed near the center of the right-side border.
* @param {number} portIndex
* @param {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.Size} nodeSize
* @param {number} numberOfOutputs
* @return {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.Point}
export const calculateOutputPortXY = (portIndex, nodeSize, numberOfOutputs) => {
const {width, height} = nodeSize;
const outputPortY = (height / 2) +
(2 * portIndex - numberOfOutputs + 1) * WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.GraphStyles.TotalOutputPortHeight / 2;
return {x: width, y: outputPortY};
* Calculate the x, y value of param port.
* Param ports are placed near the bottom of the left-side border.
* @param {number} portIndex
* @param {number} offsetY
* @return {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.Point}
export const calculateParamPortXY = (portIndex, offsetY) => {
const paramPortY = offsetY + WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.GraphStyles.TotalParamPortHeight * (portIndex + 1) -
return {x: 0, y: paramPortY};
/* Legacy exported object */
self.WebAudio = self.WebAudio || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
WebAudio = WebAudio || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer = WebAudio.GraphVisualizer || {};
// Utility functions to render node onto Canvas.
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeRendererUtility = WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeRendererUtility || {};
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeRendererUtility.calculateInputPortXY = calculateInputPortXY;
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeRendererUtility.calculateOutputPortXY = calculateOutputPortXY;
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeRendererUtility.calculateParamPortXY = calculateParamPortXY;