blob: 781b326921e2da631a2f0101866dd5f8e7251504 [file] [log] [blame]
var httpNative = require('http'),
httpsNative = require('https'),
web_o = require('./web-outgoing'),
common = require('../common'),
followRedirects = require('follow-redirects');
web_o = Object.keys(web_o).map(function(pass) {
return web_o[pass];
var nativeAgents = { http: httpNative, https: httpsNative };
* Array of passes.
* A `pass` is just a function that is executed on `req, res, options`
* so that you can easily add new checks while still keeping the base
* flexible.
module.exports = {
* Sets `content-length` to '0' if request is of DELETE type.
* @param {ClientRequest} Req Request object
* @param {IncomingMessage} Res Response object
* @param {Object} Options Config object passed to the proxy
* @api private
deleteLength: function deleteLength(req, res, options) {
if((req.method === 'DELETE' || req.method === 'OPTIONS')
&& !req.headers['content-length']) {
req.headers['content-length'] = '0';
delete req.headers['transfer-encoding'];
* Sets timeout in request socket if it was specified in options.
* @param {ClientRequest} Req Request object
* @param {IncomingMessage} Res Response object
* @param {Object} Options Config object passed to the proxy
* @api private
timeout: function timeout(req, res, options) {
if(options.timeout) {
* Sets `x-forwarded-*` headers if specified in config.
* @param {ClientRequest} Req Request object
* @param {IncomingMessage} Res Response object
* @param {Object} Options Config object passed to the proxy
* @api private
XHeaders: function XHeaders(req, res, options) {
if(!options.xfwd) return;
var encrypted = req.isSpdy || common.hasEncryptedConnection(req);
var values = {
for : req.connection.remoteAddress || req.socket.remoteAddress,
port : common.getPort(req),
proto: encrypted ? 'https' : 'http'
['for', 'port', 'proto'].forEach(function(header) {
req.headers['x-forwarded-' + header] =
(req.headers['x-forwarded-' + header] || '') +
(req.headers['x-forwarded-' + header] ? ',' : '') +
req.headers['x-forwarded-host'] = req.headers['x-forwarded-host'] || req.headers['host'] || '';
* Does the actual proxying. If `forward` is enabled fires up
* a ForwardStream, same happens for ProxyStream. The request
* just dies otherwise.
* @param {ClientRequest} Req Request object
* @param {IncomingMessage} Res Response object
* @param {Object} Options Config object passed to the proxy
* @api private
stream: function stream(req, res, options, _, server, clb) {
// And we begin!
server.emit('start', req, res, || options.forward);
var agents = options.followRedirects ? followRedirects : nativeAgents;
var http = agents.http;
var https = agents.https;
if(options.forward) {
// If forward enable, so just pipe the request
var forwardReq = (options.forward.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http).request(
common.setupOutgoing(options.ssl || {}, options, req, 'forward')
// error handler (e.g. ECONNRESET, ECONNREFUSED)
// Handle errors on incoming request as well as it makes sense to
var forwardError = createErrorHandler(forwardReq, options.forward);
req.on('error', forwardError);
forwardReq.on('error', forwardError);
(options.buffer || req).pipe(forwardReq);
if(! { return res.end(); }
// Request initalization
var proxyReq = ( === 'https:' ? https : http).request(
common.setupOutgoing(options.ssl || {}, options, req)
// Enable developers to modify the proxyReq before headers are sent
proxyReq.on('socket', function(socket) {
if(server) { server.emit('proxyReq', proxyReq, req, res, options); }
// allow outgoing socket to timeout so that we could
// show an error page at the initial request
if(options.proxyTimeout) {
proxyReq.setTimeout(options.proxyTimeout, function() {
// Ensure we abort proxy if request is aborted
req.on('aborted', function () {
// handle errors in proxy and incoming request, just like for forward proxy
var proxyError = createErrorHandler(proxyReq,;
req.on('error', proxyError);
proxyReq.on('error', proxyError);
function createErrorHandler(proxyReq, url) {
return function proxyError(err) {
if (req.socket.destroyed && err.code === 'ECONNRESET') {
server.emit('econnreset', err, req, res, url);
return proxyReq.abort();
if (clb) {
clb(err, req, res, url);
} else {
server.emit('error', err, req, res, url);
(options.buffer || req).pipe(proxyReq);
proxyReq.on('response', function(proxyRes) {
if(server) { server.emit('proxyRes', proxyRes, req, res); }
if(!res.headersSent && !options.selfHandleResponse) {
for(var i=0; i < web_o.length; i++) {
if(web_o[i](req, res, proxyRes, options)) { break; }
if (!res.finished) {
// Allow us to listen when the proxy has completed
proxyRes.on('end', function () {
if (server) server.emit('end', req, res, proxyRes);
// We pipe to the response unless its expected to be handled by the user
if (!options.selfHandleResponse) proxyRes.pipe(res);
} else {
if (server) server.emit('end', req, res, proxyRes);