blob: b3af5ae0ec5d7db153500978d893b79314683ddb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const FRONTEND_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'front_end');
const manifestModules = [];
for (var config of ['inspector.json', 'devtools_app.json', 'js_app.json', 'node_app.json', 'shell.json', 'worker_app.json'])
manifestModules.push(...require(path.resolve(FRONTEND_PATH, config)).modules);
const utils = require('./utils');
const gnPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '');
const gnFile = fs.readFileSync(gnPath, 'utf-8');
const gnLines = gnFile.split('\n');
function main() {
let errors = [];
errors = errors.concat(checkNonAutostartNonRemoteModules());
errors = errors.concat(checkAllDevToolsFiles());
if (errors.length) {
console.log('DevTools checker detected errors!');
console.log(`There's an issue with: ${gnPath}`);
console.log('DevTools checker passed');
* Ensures that generated module files are in the right list in
* This is primarily to avoid remote modules from accidentally getting
* bundled with the main Chrome binary.
function checkNonAutostartNonRemoteModules() {
const errors = [];
const gnVariable = 'generated_non_autostart_non_remote_modules';
const lines = selectGNLines(`${gnVariable} = [`, ']');
if (!lines.length) {
return [
'Could not identify non-autostart non-remote modules in gn file',
'Please look at: ' + __filename,
const text = lines.join('\n');
const modules = manifestModules.filter(m => m.type !== 'autostart' && m.type !== 'remote').map(m =>;
const missingModules = modules.filter(m => !utils.includes(text, `${m}/${m}_module.js`));
if (missingModules.length)
errors.push(`Check that you've included [${missingModules.join(', ')}] modules in: ` + gnVariable);
// e.g. "$resources_out_dir/audits/audits_module.js" => "audits"
const mapLineToModuleName = line => line.split('/')[2].split('_module')[0];
const extraneousModules = => !utils.includes(modules, module));
if (extraneousModules.length)
errors.push(`Found extraneous modules [${extraneousModules.join(', ')}] in: ` + gnVariable);
return errors;
* Ensures that all source files (according to the various module.json files) are
* listed in
function checkAllDevToolsFiles() {
const errors = [];
const excludedFiles = ['InspectorBackendCommands.js', 'SupportedCSSProperties.js', 'ARIAProperties.js', 'axe.js'];
const gnVariable = 'all_devtools_files';
const lines = selectGNLines(`${gnVariable} = [`, ']').map(path.normalize);
if (!lines.length) {
return [
'Could not identify all_devtools_files list in gn file',
'Please look at: ' + __filename,
const gnFiles = new Set(lines);
var moduleFiles = [];
fs.readdirSync(FRONTEND_PATH).forEach(function(moduleName) {
const moduleJSONPath = path.join(FRONTEND_PATH, moduleName, 'module.json');
if (utils.isFile(moduleJSONPath)) {
const moduleJSON = require(moduleJSONPath);
const scripts = moduleJSON.scripts || [];
const resources = moduleJSON.resources || [];
const files = ['module.json']
.filter(file => excludedFiles.every(excludedFile => !file.includes(excludedFile)));
moduleFiles = moduleFiles.concat(files);
function relativePathFromBuildGN(filename) {
const relativePath = path.normalize(`front_end/${moduleName}/${filename}`);
return `"${relativePath}",`;
for (const file of moduleFiles) {
if (!gnFiles.has(file))
errors.push(`Missing file in for ${gnVariable}: ` + file);
return errors;
function selectGNLines(startLine, endLine) {
let lines = => line.trim());
let startIndex = lines.indexOf(startLine);
if (startIndex === -1)
return [];
let endIndex = lines.indexOf(endLine, startIndex);
if (endIndex === -1)
return [];
return lines.slice(startIndex + 1, endIndex);