blob: 0ceae2c9d49b0172ca706edbb30217c008522f73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Functions in this script parse DevTools frontend .js and module.json files,
* collect localizable strings, check if frontend strings are in .grd/.grdp
* files and report error if present.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const {promisify} = require('util');
const writeFileAsync = promisify(fs.writeFile);
const renameFileAsync = promisify(fs.rename);
const localizationUtils = require('./localization_utils');
const escodegen = localizationUtils.escodegen;
const esprimaTypes = localizationUtils.esprimaTypes;
const esprima = localizationUtils.esprima;
const extensionStringKeys = ['category', 'destination', 'title', 'title-mac'];
// Format of frontendStrings
// { IDS_md5-hash => {
// string: string,
// code: string,
// isShared: boolean,
// filepath: string,
// grdpPath: string,
// location: {
// start: {
// line: number, (1-based)
// column: number (0-based)
// },
// end: {
// line: number,
// column: number
// }
// },
// arguments: string[]
// }
// }
const frontendStrings = new Map();
// Format
// {
// IDS_KEY => a list of {
// actualIDSKey: string, // the IDS key in the message tag
// description: string,
// grdpPath: string,
// location: {
// start: {
// line: number
// },
// end: {
// line: number
// }
// }
// }
// }
const IDSkeys = new Map();
const fileToGRDPMap = new Map();
const devtoolsFrontendPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'front_end');
let devtoolsFrontendDirs;
* The following functions validate and update grd/grdp files.
async function validateGrdAndGrdpFiles(shouldAutoFix) {
const grdError = await validateGrdFile(shouldAutoFix);
const grdpError = await validateGrdpFiles(shouldAutoFix);
if (grdError !== '' || grdpError !== '')
return `${grdError}\n${grdpError}`;
return '';
function expectedGrdpFilePath(dir) {
return path.resolve(dir, `${path.basename(dir)}_strings.grdp`);
async function validateGrdFile(shouldAutoFix) {
const fileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(localizationUtils.GRD_PATH);
const fileLines = fileContent.split('\n');
const newLines = [];
let errors = '';
fileLines.forEach(line => errors += validateGrdLine(line, newLines));
if (errors !== '' && shouldAutoFix)
await writeFileAsync(localizationUtils.GRD_PATH, newLines.join('\n'));
return errors;
function validateGrdLine(line, newLines) {
let error = '';
const match = line.match(/<part file="([^"]*)" \/>/);
if (!match) {
return error;
// match[0]: full match
// match[1]: relative grdp file path
const grdpFilePath = localizationUtils.getAbsoluteGrdpPath(match[1]);
const expectedGrdpFile = expectedGrdpFilePath(path.dirname(grdpFilePath));
if (fs.existsSync(grdpFilePath) &&
(grdpFilePath === expectedGrdpFile || grdpFilePath === localizationUtils.SHARED_STRINGS_PATH)) {
return error;
} else if (!fs.existsSync(grdpFilePath)) {
error += `${line.trim()} in ${
localizationUtils.GRD_PATH)} refers to a grdp file that doesn't exist. ` +
`Please verify the grdp file and update the <part file="..."> entry to reference the correct grdp file. ` +
`Make sure the grdp file name is ${path.basename(expectedGrdpFile)}.`
} else {
error += `${line.trim()} in ${
localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(localizationUtils.GRD_PATH)} should reference "${
return error;
async function validateGrdpFiles(shouldAutoFix) {
const frontendDirsToGrdpFiles = await mapFrontendDirsToGrdpFiles();
const grdFileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(localizationUtils.GRD_PATH);
let errors = '';
const renameFilePromises = [];
const grdpFilesToAddToGrd = [];
(grdpFiles, dir) => errors +=
validateGrdpFile(dir, grdpFiles, grdFileContent, shouldAutoFix, renameFilePromises, grdpFilesToAddToGrd));
if (grdpFilesToAddToGrd.length > 0)
await localizationUtils.addChildGRDPFilePathsToGRD(grdpFilesToAddToGrd.sort());
await Promise.all(renameFilePromises);
return errors;
async function mapFrontendDirsToGrdpFiles() {
devtoolsFrontendDirs =
devtoolsFrontendDirs || await localizationUtils.getChildDirectoriesFromDirectory(devtoolsFrontendPath);
const dirToGrdpFiles = new Map();
const getGrdpFilePromises = => {
const files = [];
dirToGrdpFiles.set(dir, files);
return localizationUtils.getFilesFromDirectory(dir, files, ['.grdp']);
await Promise.all(getGrdpFilePromises);
return dirToGrdpFiles;
function validateGrdpFile(dir, grdpFiles, grdFileContent, shouldAutoFix, renameFilePromises, grdpFilesToAddToGrd) {
let error = '';
const expectedGrdpFile = expectedGrdpFilePath(dir);
if (grdpFiles.length === 0)
return error;
if (grdpFiles.length > 1) {
throw new Error(`${grdpFiles.length} GRDP files found under ${
localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(dir)}. Please make sure there's only one GRDP file named ${
path.basename(expectedGrdpFile)} under this directory.`);
// Only one grdp file is under the directory
if (grdpFiles[0] !== expectedGrdpFile) {
// Rename grdp file and the reference in the grd file
if (shouldAutoFix) {
renameFilePromises.push(renameFileAsync(grdpFiles[0], expectedGrdpFile));
} else {
error += `${localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(grdpFiles[0])} should be renamed to ${
return error;
// Only one grdp file and its name follows the naming convention
if (!grdFileContent.includes(localizationUtils.getRelativeGrdpPath(grdpFiles[0]))) {
if (shouldAutoFix) {
} else {
error += `Please add ${localizationUtils.createPartFileEntry(grdpFiles[0]).trim()} to ${
return error;
* Parse localizable resources.
async function parseLocalizableResourceMaps() {
if (frontendStrings.size === 0 && IDSkeys.size === 0)
await parseLocalizableResourceMapsHelper();
return [frontendStrings, IDSkeys];
async function parseLocalizableResourceMapsHelper() {
const grdpToFiles = new Map();
const dirs = devtoolsFrontendDirs || await localizationUtils.getChildDirectoriesFromDirectory(devtoolsFrontendPath);
const grdpToFilesPromises = => {
const files = [];
grdpToFiles.set(expectedGrdpFilePath(dir), files);
return localizationUtils.getFilesFromDirectory(dir, files, ['.js', 'module.json']);
await Promise.all(grdpToFilesPromises);
const promises = [];
for (const [grdpPath, files] of grdpToFiles) {
files.forEach(file => fileToGRDPMap.set(file, grdpPath));
await Promise.all(promises);
// Parse grd(p) files after frontend strings are processed so we know
// what to add or remove based on frontend strings
await parseIDSKeys();
* The following functions parse localizable strings (wrapped in Common.UIString,
* Common.UIStringFormat, UI.formatLocalized or ls``) from devtools frontend files.
async function parseLocalizableStrings(devtoolsFiles) {
const promises = => parseLocalizableStringsFromFile(filePath));
await Promise.all(promises);
async function parseLocalizableStringsFromFile(filePath) {
const fileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(filePath);
if (path.basename(filePath) === 'module.json')
return parseLocalizableStringFromModuleJson(fileContent, filePath);
let ast;
try {
ast = esprima.parseModule(fileContent, {loc: true});
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`DevTools localization parser failed:\n${localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(filePath)}: ${
e.message}` +
`\nThis error is likely due to unsupported JavaScript features.` +
` Such features are not supported by eslint either and will cause presubmit to fail.` +
` Please update the code and use official JavaScript features.`);
for (const node of ast.body) {
parseLocalizableStringFromNode(node, filePath);
function parseLocalizableStringFromModuleJson(fileContent, filePath) {
const fileJSON = JSON.parse(fileContent);
if (!fileJSON.extensions)
for (const extension of fileJSON.extensions) {
for (const key in extension) {
if (extensionStringKeys.includes(key)) {
addString(extension[key], extension[key], filePath);
} else if (key === 'device') {
addString(extension.device.title, extension.device.title, filePath);
} else if (key === 'options') {
for (const option of extension.options) {
addString(option.title, option.title, filePath);
if (option.text !== undefined)
addString(option.text, option.text, filePath);
} else if (key === 'defaultValue' && Array.isArray(extension[key])) {
for (const defaultVal of extension[key]) {
if (defaultVal.title)
addString(defaultVal.title, defaultVal.title, filePath);
} else if (key === 'tags' && extension[key]) {
const tagsList = extension[key].split(',');
for (let tag of tagsList) {
tag = tag.trim();
addString(tag, tag, filePath);
function parseLocalizableStringFromNode(node, filePath) {
if (!node)
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
for (const child of node)
parseLocalizableStringFromNode(child, filePath);
const keys = Object.keys(node);
const objKeys = keys.filter(key => key !== 'loc' && typeof node[key] === 'object');
if (objKeys.length === 0) {
// base case: all values are non-objects -> node is a leaf
const locCase = localizationUtils.getLocalizationCase(node);
switch (locCase) {
case 'Common.UIString':
case 'Common.UIStringFormat':
handleCommonUIString(node, filePath);
case 'UI.formatLocalized':
if (node.arguments !== undefined && node.arguments[1] !== undefined && node.arguments[1].elements !== undefined)
handleCommonUIString(node, filePath, node.arguments[1].elements);
case 'Tagged Template':
handleTemplateLiteral(node.quasi, escodegen.generate(node), filePath);
case null:
throw new Error(
`${filePath}${localizationUtils.getLocationMessage(node.loc)}: unexpected localization case for node: ${
for (const key of objKeys) {
// recursively parse all the child nodes
parseLocalizableStringFromNode(node[key], filePath);
function handleCommonUIString(node, filePath, argumentNodes) {
if (argumentNodes === undefined)
argumentNodes = node.arguments.slice(1);
const firstArgType = node.arguments[0].type;
switch (firstArgType) {
case esprimaTypes.LITERAL:
const message = node.arguments[0].value;
addString(message, escodegen.generate(node), filePath, node.loc, argumentNodes);
case esprimaTypes.TEMP_LITERAL:
handleTemplateLiteral(node.arguments[0], escodegen.generate(node), filePath, argumentNodes);
function handleTemplateLiteral(node, code, filePath, argumentNodes) {
if (node.expressions.length === 0) {
// template literal does not contain any variables, parse the value
addString(node.quasis[0].value.cooked, code, filePath, node.loc, argumentNodes);
argumentNodes = node.expressions;
let processedMsg = '';
for (let i = 0; i < node.quasis.length; i++) {
processedMsg += node.quasis[i].value.cooked;
if (i < node.expressions.length) {
// add placeholder for variable so that
// the ph tag gets generated
processedMsg += '%s';
addString(processedMsg, code, filePath, node.loc, argumentNodes);
function addString(str, code, filePath, location, argumentNodes) {
const ids = localizationUtils.getIDSKey(str);
// In the case of duplicates, the corresponding grdp message should be added
// to the shared strings file only if the duplicate strings span across different
// grdp files
const existingString = frontendStrings.get(ids);
if (existingString) {
if (!existingString.isShared && existingString.grdpPath !== fileToGRDPMap.get(filePath)) {
existingString.isShared = true;
existingString.grdpPath = localizationUtils.SHARED_STRINGS_PATH;
const currentString =
{string: str, code: code, isShared: false, filepath: filePath, grdpPath: fileToGRDPMap.get(filePath)};
if (location)
currentString.location = location;
if (argumentNodes && argumentNodes.length > 0)
currentString.arguments = => escodegen.generate(argNode));
frontendStrings.set(ids, currentString);
* The following functions parse <message>s and their IDS keys from
* devtools frontend grdp files.
async function parseIDSKeys() {
// NOTE: this function assumes that no <message> tags are present in the parent
const grdpFilePaths = await parseGRDFile();
await parseGRDPFiles(grdpFilePaths);
async function parseGRDFile() {
const fileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(localizationUtils.GRD_PATH);
const grdFileDir = path.dirname(localizationUtils.GRD_PATH);
const partFileRegex = /<part file="(.*?)"/g;
let match;
const grdpFilePaths = new Set();
while ((match = partFileRegex.exec(fileContent)) !== null) {
if (match.index === partFileRegex.lastIndex)
// match[0]: full match
// match[1]: part file path
grdpFilePaths.add(path.resolve(grdFileDir, match[1]));
return grdpFilePaths;
function parseGRDPFiles(grdpFilePaths) {
const promises = Array.from(grdpFilePaths, grdpFilePath => parseGRDPFile(grdpFilePath));
return Promise.all(promises);
function trimGrdpPlaceholder(placeholder) {
const exampleRegex = new RegExp('<ex>.*?<\/ex>', 'gms');
// $1s<ex>my example</ex> -> $1s
return placeholder.replace(exampleRegex, '').trim();
function convertToFrontendPlaceholders(message) {
// <ph name="phname">$1s<ex>my example</ex></ph> and <ph name="phname2">$2.3f</ph>
// match[0]: <ph name="phname1">$1s</ph>
// match[1]: $1s<ex>my example</ex>
let placeholderRegex = new RegExp('<ph[^>]*>(.*?)<\/ph>', 'gms');
let match;
while ((match = placeholderRegex.exec(message)) !== null) {
const placeholder = match[0];
const placeholderValue = trimGrdpPlaceholder(match[1]);
const newPlaceholderValue = placeholderValue.replace(/\$[1-9]/, '%');
message =
message.substring(0, match.index) + newPlaceholderValue + message.substring(match.index + placeholder.length);
// Modified the message, so search from the beginning of the string again.
placeholderRegex.lastIndex = 0;
return message;
async function parseGRDPFile(filePath) {
const fileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(filePath);
function stripWhitespacePadding(message) {
let match = message.match(/^'''/);
if (match)
message = message.substring(3);
match = message.match(/(.*?)'''$/);
if (match)
message = match[1];
return message;
// Example:
// <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_md5_hash" desc="Description of this message">
// Message text here with optional placeholders <ph name="phname">$1s</ph>
// </message>
// match[0]: the entire '<message>...</message>' block.
// match[1]: 'IDS_DEVTOOLS_md5_hash'
// match[2]: 'Description of this message'
// match[3]: ' Message text here with optional placeholders <ph name="phname">$1s</ph>\n '
const messageRegex = new RegExp('<message[^>]*name="([^"]*)"[^>]*desc="([^"]*)"[^>]*>\s*\r?\n(.*?)<\/message>', 'gms');
let match;
while ((match = messageRegex.exec(fileContent)) !== null) {
const line = localizationUtils.lineNumberOfIndex(fileContent, match.index);
const actualIDSKey = match[1];
const description = match[2];
let message = match[3];
message = convertToFrontendPlaceholders(message.trim());
message = stripWhitespacePadding(message);
message = localizationUtils.sanitizeStringIntoFrontendFormat(message);
const ids = localizationUtils.getIDSKey(message);
addMessage(ids, actualIDSKey, filePath, line, description);
function addMessage(expectedIDSKey, actualIDSKey, grdpPath, line, description) {
if (!IDSkeys.has(expectedIDSKey))
IDSkeys.set(expectedIDSKey, []);
IDSkeys.get(expectedIDSKey).push({actualIDSKey, grdpPath, location: {start: {line}, end: {line}}, description});
* The following functions compare frontend localizable strings
* with grdp <message>s and report error of resources to add,
* remove or modify.
function getAndReportResourcesToAdd() {
const keysToAddToGRD = getMessagesToAdd();
if (keysToAddToGRD.size === 0)
let errorStr = 'The following frontend string(s) need to be added to GRD/GRDP file(s).\n';
errorStr += 'Please refer to auto-generated message(s) below and modify as needed.\n\n';
// Example error message:
// third_party/devtools-frontend/front_end/network/NetworkDataGridNode.js Line 973: ls`(disk cache)`
// Add a new message tag for this string to third_party\devtools-frontend\front_end\network\network_strings.grdp
// <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_ad86890fb40822a3b12627efaca4ecd7" desc="Fill in the description.">
// (disk cache)
// </message>
for (const [key, stringObj] of keysToAddToGRD) {
errorStr += `${localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(stringObj.filepath)}${
localizationUtils.getLocationMessage(stringObj.location)}: ${stringObj.code}\n`;
errorStr += `Add a new message tag for this string to ${
errorStr += localizationUtils.createGrdpMessage(key, stringObj);
return errorStr;
function getAndReportResourcesToRemove() {
const keysToRemoveFromGRD = getMessagesToRemove();
if (keysToRemoveFromGRD.size === 0)
let errorStr =
'\nThe message(s) associated with the following IDS key(s) should be removed from its GRD/GRDP file(s):\n';
// Example error message:
// third_party/devtools-frontend/front_end/accessibility/accessibility_strings.grdp Line 300: IDS_DEVTOOLS_c9bbad3047af039c14d0e7ec957bb867
for (const [ids, messages] of keysToRemoveFromGRD) {
message => errorStr += `${localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(message.grdpPath)}${
localizationUtils.getLocationMessage(message.location)}: ${ids}\n\n`);
return errorStr;
function getAndReportIDSKeysToModify() {
const messagesToModify = getIDSKeysToModify();
if (messagesToModify.size === 0)
let errorStr = '\nThe following GRD/GRDP message(s) do not have the correct IDS key.\n';
errorStr += 'Please update the key(s) by changing the "name" value.\n\n';
for (const [expectedIDSKey, messages] of messagesToModify) {
message => errorStr += `${localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(message.grdpPath)}${
message.location)}:\n${message.actualIDSKey} --> ${expectedIDSKey}\n\n`);
return errorStr;
function getMessagesToAdd() {
// If a message with ids key exists in grdpPath
function messageExists(ids, grdpPath) {
const messages = IDSkeys.get(ids);
return messages.some(message => message.grdpPath === grdpPath);
const difference = [];
for (const [ids, frontendString] of frontendStrings) {
if (!IDSkeys.has(ids) || !messageExists(ids, frontendString.grdpPath))
difference.push([ids, frontendString]);
return new Map(difference.sort());
// Return a map from the expected IDS key to a list of messages
// whose actual IDS keys need to be modified.
function getIDSKeysToModify() {
const messagesToModify = new Map();
for (const [expectedIDSKey, messages] of IDSkeys) {
for (const message of messages) {
if (expectedIDSKey !== message.actualIDSKey) {
if (messagesToModify.has(expectedIDSKey))
messagesToModify.set(expectedIDSKey, [message]);
return messagesToModify;
function getMessagesToRemove() {
const difference = new Map();
for (const [ids, messages] of IDSkeys) {
if (!frontendStrings.has(ids)) {
difference.set(ids, messages);
const expectedGrdpPath = frontendStrings.get(ids).grdpPath;
const messagesInGrdp = [];
const messagesToRemove = [];
messages.forEach(message => {
if (message.grdpPath !== expectedGrdpPath)
if (messagesToRemove.length === 0 && messagesInGrdp.length === 1)
if (messagesInGrdp.length > 1) {
// If there are more than one messages with ids in the
// expected grdp file, keep one with the longest
// description and delete all the other messages
const longestDescription = getLongestDescription(messagesInGrdp);
let foundMessageToKeep = false;
for (const message of messagesInGrdp) {
if (message.description === longestDescription && !foundMessageToKeep) {
foundMessageToKeep = true;
difference.set(ids, messagesToRemove);
return difference;
function getLongestDescription(messages) {
let longestDescription = '';
messages.forEach(message => {
if (message.description.length > longestDescription.length)
longestDescription = message.description;
return longestDescription;
module.exports = {