blob: 989db1c04c61291559579b291e8ece0e9a0ea2aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include 'src/builtins/builtins-proxy-gen.h'
namespace proxy {
extern macro ProxiesCodeStubAssembler::AllocateProxyRevokeFunction(
implicit context: Context)(JSProxy): JSFunction;
// Proxy.revocable(target, handler)
transitioning javascript builtin
ProxyRevocable(js-implicit context: NativeContext)(
target: JSAny, handler: JSAny): JSProxyRevocableResult {
try {
// 1. Let p be ? ProxyCreate(target, handler).
const targetJSReceiver =
Cast<JSReceiver>(target) otherwise ThrowProxyNonObject;
const handlerJSReceiver =
Cast<JSReceiver>(handler) otherwise ThrowProxyNonObject;
const proxy: JSProxy = AllocateProxy(targetJSReceiver, handlerJSReceiver);
// 2. Let steps be the algorithm steps defined in Proxy Revocation
// Functions.
// 3. Let revoker be CreateBuiltinFunction(steps, « [[RevocableProxy]] »).
// 4. Set revoker.[[RevocableProxy]] to p.
const revoke: JSFunction = AllocateProxyRevokeFunction(proxy);
// 5. Let result be ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%).
// 6. Perform CreateDataProperty(result, "proxy", p).
// 7. Perform CreateDataProperty(result, "revoke", revoker).
// 8. Return result.
return NewJSProxyRevocableResult(proxy, revoke);
} label ThrowProxyNonObject deferred {
ThrowTypeError(MessageTemplate::kProxyNonObject, 'Proxy.revocable');