blob: 28efbe0195fe7e3a0683ce3c211fd59b90a561d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/torque/server-data.h"
#include "src/torque/torque-compiler.h"
#include "test/unittests/test-utils.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace torque {
namespace {
struct TestCompiler {
SourceFileMap::Scope file_map_scope{""};
LanguageServerData::Scope server_data_scope;
void Compile(const std::string& source) {
TorqueCompilerOptions options;
options.output_directory = "";
options.collect_language_server_data = true;
options.force_assert_statements = true;
TorqueCompilerResult result = CompileTorque(source, options);
SourceFileMap::Get() = *result.source_file_map;
LanguageServerData::Get() = std::move(result.language_server_data);
} // namespace
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoTypeDefinition) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"type T1 generates 'TNode<Object>';\n"
"type T2 generates 'TNode<Object>';\n"
"macro SomeMacro(a: T1, b: T2): T1 { return a; }";
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for type 'T1' of argument 'a' on line 4.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {4, 19});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {2, 5}, {2, 7}}));
// Find the defintion for type 'T2' of argument 'b' on line 4.
maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {4, 26});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {3, 5}, {3, 7}}));
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoTypeDefinitionExtends) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"type T1 generates 'TNode<T1>';\n"
"type T2 extends T1 generates 'TNode<T2>';";
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for 'T1' of the extends clause on line 3.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {3, 16});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {2, 5}, {2, 7}}));
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoTypeDefinitionNoDataForFile) {
LanguageServerData::Scope server_data_scope;
SourceFileMap::Scope file_scope("");
SourceId test_id = SourceFileMap::AddSource("test.tq");
// Regression test, this step should not crash.
EXPECT_FALSE(LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(test_id, {0, 0}));
// TODO(almuthanna): This test was skipped because it causes a crash when it is
// ran on Fuchsia. This issue should be solved later on
// Ticket:
#if !defined(V8_TARGET_OS_FUCHSIA)
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoLabelDefinitionInSignature) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"macro Foo(): never labels Fail {\n"
" goto Fail;\n"
"macro Bar() labels Bailout {\n"
" Foo() otherwise Bailout;\n"
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for 'Bailout' of the otherwise clause on line 6.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {6, 18});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {5, 19}, {5, 26}}));
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoLabelDefinitionInTryBlock) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"macro Foo(): never labels Fail {\n"
" goto Fail;\n"
"macro Bar() {\n"
" try { Foo() otherwise Bailout; }\n"
" label Bailout {}\n"
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for 'Bailout' of the otherwise clause on line 6.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {6, 25});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {7, 8}, {7, 15}}));
// TODO(almuthanna): This test was skipped because it causes a crash when it is
// ran on Fuchsia. This issue should be solved later on
// Ticket:
#if !defined(V8_TARGET_OS_FUCHSIA)
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoDefinitionClassSuperType) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"type Tagged generates 'TNode<Object>' constexpr 'ObjectPtr';\n"
"extern class HeapObject extends Tagged {}";
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for 'Tagged' of the 'extends' on line 3.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {3, 33});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {2, 5}, {2, 11}}));
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoLabelDefinitionInSignatureGotoStmt) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"macro Foo(): never labels Fail {\n"
" goto Fail;\n"
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for 'Fail' of the goto statement on line 3.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {3, 7});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {2, 26}, {2, 30}}));
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoLabelDefinitionInTryBlockGoto) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"macro Bar() {\n"
" try { goto Bailout; }\n"
" label Bailout {}\n"
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for 'Bailout' of the goto statement on line 3.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {3, 13});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {4, 8}, {4, 15}}));
TEST(LanguageServer, GotoLabelDefinitionGotoInOtherwise) {
const std::string source =
"type void;\n"
"type never;\n"
"macro Foo(): never labels Fail {\n"
" goto Fail;\n"
"macro Bar() {\n"
" try { Foo() otherwise goto Bailout; }\n"
" label Bailout {}\n"
TestCompiler compiler;
// Find the definition for 'Bailout' of the otherwise clause on line 6.
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
auto maybe_position = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, {6, 30});
EXPECT_EQ(*maybe_position, (SourcePosition{id, {7, 8}, {7, 15}}));
TEST(LanguageServer, SymbolsArePopulated) {
// Small test to ensure that the GlobalContext is correctly set in
// the LanguageServerData class and declarables are sorted into the
// SymbolsMap.
const std::string source = R"(
type void;
type never;
macro Foo(): never labels Fail {
goto Fail;
TestCompiler compiler;
const SourceId id = SourceFileMap::GetSourceId("dummy-filename.tq");
const auto& symbols = LanguageServerData::SymbolsForSourceId(id);
} // namespace torque
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8