| <!DOCTYPE html> |
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| 3-clause BSD License [2]. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the |
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| <html> |
| <head> |
| <title>Shadow DOM Test: A_09_00_01</title> |
| <link rel="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="mailto:sgrekhov@unipro.ru"> |
| <link rel="help" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-shadow-dom-20130514/#html-elements-and-their-shadow-trees"> |
| <meta name="assert" content="HTML Elements and Their Shadow Trees: If the element can have fallback content, UA should allow the shadow tree to contain at least one insertion point."> |
| <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| <script src="../testcommon.js"></script> |
| <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/testharness.css"> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <div id="log"></div> |
| <script> |
| //test iframe |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('iframe'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'Iframe should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T01'); |
| |
| |
| //test object |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('object'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'object should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T02'); |
| |
| |
| //test video |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('video'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'video should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T03'); |
| |
| |
| //test audio |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('audio'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'audio should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T04'); |
| |
| |
| //test canvas |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('canvas'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'canvas should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T05'); |
| |
| |
| //test map |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| var img = d.createElement('img'); |
| img.setAttribute('usemap', '#theMap'); |
| img.setAttribute('width', '20px'); |
| img.setAttribute('height', '20px'); |
| d.body.appendChild(img); |
| |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('map'); |
| el.setAttribute('name', 'theMap'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'map should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T06'); |
| |
| |
| //test textarea |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('textarea'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'textarea should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T07'); |
| |
| |
| //test progress |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('progress'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'progress should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T08'); |
| |
| |
| //test meter |
| test(unit(function (ctx) { |
| |
| var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx); |
| |
| // create element |
| var el = d.createElement('meter'); |
| d.body.appendChild(el); |
| |
| el.innerHTML = '' + |
| '<span id="shadow">This is a node that should be distributed</span>' + |
| '<span id="flbk">This is a fallback content</span>'; |
| |
| var s = el.createShadowRoot(); |
| s.innerHTML = '<content select="#shadow"></content>'; |
| |
| assert_true(d.querySelector('#shadow').offsetTop > 0, 'meter should allow at least one insertion point'); |
| assert_equals(d.querySelector('#flbk').offsetTop, 0, 'Fallback content shouldn\'t be rendered'); |
| |
| }), 'A_09_00_01_T09'); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |