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<title>Shadow DOM Test: A_04_03_05</title>
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var A_04_03_05_T01 = async_test('A_04_03_05_T01');
A_04_03_05_T01.step(function () {
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = '../../resources/bobs_page.html';
iframe.onload = A_04_03_05_T01.step_func(function () {
try {
var d = iframe.contentDocument;
var ul = d.querySelector('ul.stories');
var s = ul.createShadowRoot();
//make shadow subtree
var subdiv1 = document.createElement('div');
subdiv1.innerHTML = '<ul><content select="li[title]"></content></ul>';
//The order of DOM elements should be the following:
//li2. Other elements invisible
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li2').offsetTop > 0,
'Attribute should be a valid insertion point matching criteria, element should be visible');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li1').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 1: Elements that don\'t mach insertion point criteria participate in distribution');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li3').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 2: Elements that don\'t mach insertion point criteria participate in distribution');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li4').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 3: Elements that don\'t mach insertion point criteria participate in distribution');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li5').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 4: Elements that don\'t mach insertion point criteria participate in distribution');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li6').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 5: Elements that don\'t mach insertion point criteria participate in distribution');
} finally {