blob: c1cf847eda47d27ba5a8806f704fd226e9d495cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/audio_sink.h"
#include <functional>
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#include "starboard/shared/internal_only.h"
struct SbAudioSinkPrivate {
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 12
// When |capability_changed| is true, it hints that the error is caused by a
// a transisent capability on the platform. The app should retry playback to
// recover from the error.
// TODO: Allow to pass an error message.
typedef void (*ErrorFunc)(bool capability_changed, void* context);
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12
typedef std::function<
void(int frames_consumed, SbTime frames_consumed_at, void* context)>
class Type {
virtual ~Type() {}
// |error_func| can be NULL to indicate that there is no error handling.
virtual SbAudioSink Create(
int channels,
int sampling_frequency_hz,
SbMediaAudioSampleType audio_sample_type,
SbMediaAudioFrameStorageType audio_frame_storage_type,
SbAudioSinkFrameBuffers frame_buffers,
int frame_buffers_size_in_frames,
SbAudioSinkUpdateSourceStatusFunc update_source_status_func,
ConsumeFramesFunc consume_frames_func,
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 12
ErrorFunc error_func,
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12
void* context) = 0;
virtual bool IsValid(SbAudioSink audio_sink) = 0;
virtual void Destroy(SbAudioSink audio_sink) = 0;
virtual ~SbAudioSinkPrivate() {}
virtual void SetPlaybackRate(double playback_rate) = 0;
virtual void SetVolume(double volume) = 0;
virtual bool IsType(Type* type) = 0;
// The following two functions will be called during application startup and
// termination.
static void Initialize();
static void TearDown();
// This function has to be called inside PlatformInitialize() and
// PlatformTearDown() to set or clear the primary audio sink type.
static void SetPrimaryType(Type* type);
static Type* GetPrimaryType();
// This function can only be called inside PlatformInitialize(). Once it is
// called, GetFallbackType() will return a valid Type that can be used to
// create audio sink stubs.
static void EnableFallbackToStub();
// Return a valid Type to create a fallback audio sink if fallback to stub is
// enabled. Otherwise return NULL.
static Type* GetFallbackType();
// Return a valid Type, choosing the Primary type if available, otherwise
// Fallback. If Fallback is not enabled, then returns NULL.
static Type* GetPreferredType();
static SbAudioSink Create(
int channels,
int sampling_frequency_hz,
SbMediaAudioSampleType audio_sample_type,
SbMediaAudioFrameStorageType audio_frame_storage_type,
SbAudioSinkFrameBuffers frame_buffers,
int frame_buffers_size_in_frames,
SbAudioSinkUpdateSourceStatusFunc update_source_status_func,
ConsumeFramesFunc consume_frames_func,
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 12
ErrorFunc error_func,
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12
void* context);
static SbAudioSink Create(
int channels,
int sampling_frequency_hz,
SbMediaAudioSampleType audio_sample_type,
SbMediaAudioFrameStorageType audio_frame_storage_type,
SbAudioSinkFrameBuffers frame_buffers,
int frame_buffers_size_in_frames,
SbAudioSinkUpdateSourceStatusFunc update_source_status_func,
SbAudioSinkConsumeFramesFunc sb_consume_frames_func,
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 12
ErrorFunc error_func,
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12
void* context);
// Individual implementation has to provide implementation of the following
// functions, which will be called inside Initialize() and TearDown().
static void PlatformInitialize();
static void PlatformTearDown();