blob: abf2c7b3d8d24d372c02b6204b9c64c4cb1ca4c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Modifications Copyright 2017 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <deque>
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#include "starboard/shared/internal_only.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/player/decoded_audio_internal.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace shared {
namespace starboard {
namespace player {
namespace filter {
// A queue of AudioBuffers to support reading of arbitrary chunks of a media
// data source. Audio data can be copied into an DecodedAudio for output. The
// current position can be forwarded to anywhere in the buffered data.
// This class is not inherently thread-safe. Concurrent access must be
// externally serialized.
class DecodedAudioQueue {
// Clears the buffer queue.
void Clear();
// Appends |decoded_audio| to this queue.
void Append(const scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio>& decoded_audio);
// Reads a maximum of |frames| frames into |dest| from the current position.
// Returns the number of frames read. The current position will advance by the
// amount of frames read. |dest_frame_offset| specifies a starting offset into
// |dest|. On each call, the frames are converted from their source format
// into the destination DecodedAudio.
int ReadFrames(int frames, int dest_frame_offset, DecodedAudio* dest);
// Copies up to |frames| frames from current position to |dest|. Returns
// number of frames copied. Doesn't advance current position. Starts at
// |source_frame_offset| from current position. |dest_frame_offset| specifies
// a starting offset into |dest|. On each call, the frames are converted from
// their source format into the destination DecodedAudio.
int PeekFrames(int frames,
int source_frame_offset,
int dest_frame_offset,
DecodedAudio* dest);
// Moves the current position forward by |frames| frames. If |frames| exceeds
// frames available, the seek operation will fail.
void SeekFrames(int frames);
// Returns the number of frames buffered beyond the current position.
int frames() const { return frames_; }
// Definition of the buffer queue.
typedef std::deque<scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio> > BufferQueue;
// An internal method shared by ReadFrames() and SeekFrames() that actually
// does reading. It reads a maximum of |frames| frames into |dest|. Returns
// the number of frames read. The current position will be moved forward by
// the number of frames read if |advance_position| is set. If |dest| is NULL,
// only the current position will advance but no data will be copied.
// |source_frame_offset| can be used to skip frames before reading.
// |dest_frame_offset| specifies a starting offset into |dest|.
int InternalRead(int frames,
bool advance_position,
int source_frame_offset,
int dest_frame_offset,
DecodedAudio* dest);
BufferQueue::iterator current_buffer_;
BufferQueue buffers_;
int current_buffer_offset_;
// Number of frames available to be read in the buffer.
int frames_;
DecodedAudioQueue(const DecodedAudioQueue&) = delete;
void operator=(const DecodedAudioQueue&) = delete;
} // namespace filter
} // namespace player
} // namespace starboard
} // namespace shared
} // namespace starboard