blob: 18032c4ebdabac1beac85f5a72baa6d962f99170 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Allows use of MSVC build tools."""
import sys
from import abstract
from import common
def QuoteArguments(args):
return ['\"{0}\"'.format(arg.replace('"', '\\"')) for arg in args]
class CompilerBase(object):
"""A base class for MSVC-based compilers."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._path = common.GetPath('msvc', **kwargs)
self._gyp_defines = kwargs.get('gyp_defines', [])
self._gyp_include_dirs = kwargs.get('gyp_include_dirs', [])
self._gyp_cflags = kwargs.get('gyp_cflags', [])
def GetPath(self):
return self._path
def GetExtraFlags(self):
# Not used.
return []
def GetMaxConcurrentProcesses(self):
# Run as many concurrent processes as possible.
return None
def GetHeaderDependenciesFilePath(self):
def GetHeaderDependenciesFormat(self):
return 'msvc'
def GetRspFilePath(self):
return None
def GetRspFileContent(self):
return None
def GetCommand(self, path, extra_flags, flags, shell):
del extra_flags # Not used.
del shell # Not used.
self._command_flags = flags
return ('{path} /nologo /showIncludes {flags} /c $in /Fo$out'.format(
path=path, flags=flags))
def GetFlags(self, defines, include_dirs, cflags):
defines = defines + self._gyp_defines
quoted_defines = QuoteArguments(defines)
define_flags = ['/D{0}'.format(define) for define in quoted_defines]
include_dirs = include_dirs + self._gyp_include_dirs
quoted_include_dirs = QuoteArguments(include_dirs)
include_dir_flags = [
'/I{0}'.format(include_dir) for include_dir in quoted_include_dirs
if self._gyp_cflags:
cflags = self._gyp_cflags
return define_flags + include_dir_flags + cflags
class CCompiler(CompilerBase, abstract.CCompiler):
"""Compiles C sources using MSVC."""
def GetDescription(self):
return 'CC $out'
class CxxCompiler(CompilerBase, abstract.CxxCompiler):
"""Compiles C++ sources using MSVC."""
def GetDescription(self):
return 'CXX $out'
class AssemblerWithCPreprocessor(abstract.AssemblerWithCPreprocessor):
"""Compiles assembler sources that contain C preprocessor directives."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._path = common.GetPath('masm', **kwargs)
self._arch = kwargs.get('arch', 'environment.x64')
self._gyp_defines = kwargs.get('gyp_defines', [])
self._gyp_include_dirs = kwargs.get('gyp_include_dirs', [])
def GetPath(self):
return self._path
def GetExtraFlags(self):
# Not used.
return []
def GetMaxConcurrentProcesses(self):
# Run as much concurrent processes as possible.
return None
def GetHeaderDependenciesFilePath(self):
def GetHeaderDependenciesFormat(self):
def GetRspFilePath(self):
def GetRspFileContent(self):
def GetCommand(self, path, extra_flags, flags, shell):
del extra_flags # Not used.
del shell # Not used.
return ('{python} gyp-win-tool asm-wrapper {arch} {path} {flags} /c /Fo '
'$out $in'.format(
python=sys.executable, arch=self._arch, path=path, flags=flags))
def GetDescription(self):
return 'ASM $in'
def GetFlags(self, defines, include_dirs, cflags):
del cflags # Not used.
defines = defines + self._gyp_defines
quoted_defines = QuoteArguments(defines)
define_flags = ['/D{0}'.format(define) for define in quoted_defines]
include_dirs = include_dirs + self._gyp_include_dirs
quoted_include_dirs = QuoteArguments(include_dirs)
include_dir_flags = [
'/I{0}'.format(include_dir) for include_dir in quoted_include_dirs
return define_flags + include_dir_flags
class StaticLinkerBase(object):
"""A base class for MSVC-based static linkers."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._path = common.GetPath('ar', **kwargs)
self._arch = kwargs.get('arch', 'environment.x64')
self._gyp_libflags = kwargs.get('gyp_libflags', [])
self._max_concurrent_processes = kwargs.get('max_concurrent_processes',
def GetPath(self):
return self._path
def GetExtraFlags(self):
# Not used.
return []
def GetMaxConcurrentProcesses(self):
return self._max_concurrent_processes
def GetDescription(self):
return 'LIB $out'
def GetRspFilePath(self):
return '$out.rsp'
def GetRspFileContent(self):
return '$in_newline ' + self._command_flags
def GetCommand(self, path, extra_flags, flags, shell):
del extra_flags # Not used.
del shell # Not used.
self._command_flags = flags
return ('{python} gyp-win-tool link-wrapper {arch} {path} /nologo '
'/ignore:4221 /OUT:$out @$out.rsp'.format(
python=sys.executable, arch=self._arch, path=path))
def GetFlags(self):
return self._gyp_libflags
class StaticLinker(StaticLinkerBase, abstract.StaticLinker):
"""Creates self-contained archives using LIB.exe."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(StaticLinker, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class StaticThinLinker(StaticLinkerBase, abstract.StaticThinLinker):
"""Creates thin archives using LIB.exe."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(StaticThinLinker, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class DynamicLinkerBase(object):
"""A base class for MSVC-based executable and shared library linkers."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._path = common.GetPath('ld', **kwargs)
self._max_concurrent_processes = kwargs.get(
'max_concurrent_processes', common.EstimateMaxConcurrentLinkers())
self._arch = kwargs.get('arch', 'environment.x64')
self._gyp_ldflags = kwargs.get('gyp_ldflags', [])
def GetPath(self):
return self._path
def GetExtraFlags(self):
# Not used.
return []
def GetMaxConcurrentProcesses(self):
return self._max_concurrent_processes
def GetFlags(self, ldflags):
del ldflags # Not used.
return self._gyp_ldflags
class ExecutableLinker(DynamicLinkerBase, abstract.ExecutableLinker):
"""Links executables using LINK.exe."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ExecutableLinker, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def GetDescription(self):
return 'LINK $out'
def GetRspFilePath(self):
return '$out.rsp'
def GetRspFileContent(self):
return '$in_newline ' + self._command_flags
def GetCommand(self, path, extra_flags, flags, shell):
del extra_flags # Not used.
del shell # Not used.
self._command_flags = flags
return ('{python} gyp-win-tool link-wrapper {arch} {path} /nologo '
'/OUT:$out /PDB:$out.pdb @$out.rsp'.format(
python=sys.executable, arch=self._arch, path=path))
class SharedLibraryLinker(DynamicLinkerBase, abstract.SharedLibraryLinker):
"""Links shared libraries using LINK.exe."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(SharedLibraryLinker, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def GetDescription(self):
return 'LINK(DLL) $dll'
def GetRspFilePath(self):
return '$dll.rsp'
def GetRspFileContent(self):
return '$in_newline ' + self._command_flags
def GetCommand(self, path, extra_flags, flags, shell):
del extra_flags # Not used.
del shell # Not used.
self._command_flags = flags
return ('{python} gyp-win-tool link-wrapper {arch} {path} /nologo '
'$implibflag /DLL /OUT:$dll /PDB:$dll.pdb @$dll.rsp'.format(
python=sys.executable, arch=self._arch, path=path))
def GetRestat(self):
return True