blob: f22b09da3a8df5702fb71fcbc222f6d883341c60 [file] [log] [blame]
import textwrap
from twisted.web import resource, server, util
from slavealloc.daemon.http import ui, gettac, api
def redirectTo(path, request):
if path[0] == '/':
path = + path[1:]
return util.redirectTo(path, request)
class RootResource(resource.Resource):
"root (/, or base_url) resource for the HTTP service"
addSlash = True
isLeaf = False
def render_GET(self, request):
# if we're running the UI, redirect there
return redirectTo('/ui', request)
# otherwise, return some simple text
request.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
return textwrap.dedent("""\
This allocator instance is not running the web UI.
Use the URI format /gettac/SLAVENAME to request a TAC file.
class Site(server.Site):
def __init__(self, allocator, base_url='/', run_allocator=False, run_ui=False):
root = resource.Resource()
server.Site.__init__(self, root)
if base_url and base_url[-1] != '/':
base_url += '/'
self.base_url = base_url
# let resources know what we're running
self.run_allocator = run_allocator
self.run_ui = run_ui
# resources will use this to find the allocator, if it's enabled
self.allocator = allocator
# set up the top-level URI and the omnipresent API
root.putChild('', RootResource())
root.putChild('api', api.makeRootResource())
# set up sub-URI's as necessary
if run_allocator:
root.putChild('gettac', gettac.makeRootResource())
if run_ui:
root.putChild('ui', ui.makeRootResource(self))