blob: 8414991821b06ee47b179eeb5d255e250e546bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Parent Classes
// A class to view a collection in a DataTables table, with each row
// represented by a TableRowView instance, and with table rows being editable
// via TableRowFormView instances. The subclass should set this.model in
// initialize before callign the parent method, and should set the rowViewClass
// class variable to the appropriate subclass. Subclasses can also set
// defaultPageLength to affect pagination. The 'columns' attribute should be a
// list of coluns to display, giving 'id' (model attribute) and 'title'
// (display name). If a 'renderFn' attribute is supplied, it names a method
// that will be called with the row model, and should return an HTML string
// containing the appropriate content. The data in the model named by 'id'
// will still be used for sorting.
var TableView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
defaultPageLength: 50, // or 0 to disable pagination
initialize: function(args) {
this.editingRow = null; // row currently being edited
this.refresh = $.proxy(this, 'refresh');
this.render = $.proxy(this, 'render');
this.model.bind('refresh', this.refresh);
render: function() {
var self = this;
// dataTable likes to add sibling nodes, so add the table within
// the enclosing div, this.el
$(this.el).append('<table class="display" ' +
'cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"></table>');
// calculate the columns for the table; this is coordinated with
// the data for the table in refresh(), below
// hidden id column
var aoColumns = [ { bVisible: false } ];
// data columns
aoColumns = aoColumns.concat( {
var rv = { sTitle: col.title, sClass: 'col-' + };
if (col.renderFn) {
rv.bUseRendered = false;
rv.fnRender = function(oObj) {
var model = self.model.get(oObj.aData[0]);
return self[col.renderFn].apply(self, [ model ]);
if (col.sClass) {
rv.sClass = col.sClass;
return rv;
// and un-sortable 'edit' column
sTitle: 'Edit',
bSortable: false,
fnRender: function () { return '<button class="row-edit"/>'; }
// create an empty table
var dtArgs = {
aoColumns: aoColumns,
bJQueryUI: true,
bAutoWidth: false
if (this.defaultPageLength !== 0) {
var pl = this.defaultPageLength;
dtArgs['bPaginate'] = true;
dtArgs['iDisplayLength'] = pl;
dtArgs['aLengthMenu'] = [ [ pl, -1 ], [ pl, "All" ] ];
} else {
dtArgs['bPaginage'] = false;
this.dataTable = this.$('table').dataTable(dtArgs);
return this;
refresh : function (args) {
var self = this;
var newData = {
// put the model in the hidden column 0
var row = [ ];
// data columns
row = row.concat(
$.map(self.columns, function(col, i) {
return String(instance_model.get( || '');
// and the 'edit' column
return row;
// clear (without drawing) and add the new data
$.each(self.dataTable.fnGetNodes(), function (i, tr) {
var row = self.dataTable.fnGetData(tr);
var instance_model = self.model.get(row[0]);
var view = new self.rowViewClass({
model: instance_model,
el: tr,
dataTable: self.dataTable,
parentView: self
// A class to represent each row in a TableView; subclasses should set
// editViewClass, but need not do anything else.
var TableRowView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
this.dataTable = args.dataTable;
this.parentView = args.parentView;
this.editView = null;
this.refresh = $.proxy(this, 'refresh');
this.toggleEdit = $.proxy(this, 'toggleEdit');
this.model.bind('change', this.refresh);
events: {
'click .row-edit': 'toggleEdit'
render: function() {
// note that this.el is set by the parent view
var edit_button = this.$(".row-edit");
edit_button.button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-pencil' }, text: false });
return this;
refresh: function() {
var self = this;
var lastcol = self.parentView.columns.length - 1;
var rownum = this.dataTable.fnGetPosition(this.el);
$.each(self.parentView.columns, function (i, col) {
var val = self.model.get(;
if (val === null) { val = ''; } // translate null to a string
i+1, // 1-based column (column 0 is the hidden id)
false, // don't redraw
(i === lastcol)); // but update data structures on last col
// redraw once, now that everything is updated
toggleEdit: function(evt) {
var editingRow = this.parentView.editingRow;
if (editingRow == this) {
} else {
if (editingRow) {
doStopEdit: function() {
this.parentView.editingRow = null;
this.editView = null;
doStartEdit: function() {
var editRow = this.dataTable.fnOpen(this.el, '', 'edit-row');
var td = $('td', editRow);
this.editView = new this.editViewClass({ model: this.model, el: td });
this.parentView.editingRow = this;
// A class to represent the drop-down editing form for a table row. Subclasses
// should call the parent initialize method from initialize, and should also
// set this.formElements to a list of EditControlView instances.
var TableEditRowView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
this.render = $.proxy(this, 'render');
render: function() {
var self = this;
var div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'edit-row' });
$.each(this.formElements, function(i, elt) {
return this;
// A control contained in a TableEditRowView. List instances of subclasses in
// the formElements attribute of a TableEditRowView instance. Subclasses
// should implement 'render' and 'modelChanged', and handle events in whatever
// way is suitable.
var EditControlView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'edit-control',
initialize: function(args) {
this.column = args.column;
this.title = args.title;
this.model.bind('change:' + this.column,
$.proxy(this, 'modelChanged'));
// like EditControlView, but with a pre-built render method
// that adds a text element and handles modelChanged and
// controlChanged.
var TextEditControlView = EditControlView.extend({
events: {
'change :text': 'controlChanged'
modelChanged: function() {
controlChanged: function() {
var sets = {};
sets[this.column] = this.$(':text').val();
render: function() {
var el = $(this.el);
el.append($('<label/>', { text: this.title + ': ' }));
var input = $('<input/>', { name: this.column, type: 'text' });
return this;
// Similarly, an EditControlView that implements a select box, where
// the choices are taken from the collection named in the
// choice_collection argument. The display name is taken from the
// choice_collection_name_col column in the choice_collection model,
// which defaults to 'name'
var SelectEditControlView = EditControlView.extend({
choice_collection_name_col: 'name',
events: {
'change select': 'controlChanged'
initialize: function(args) {, args);
this.allow_null = args.allow_null;
this.choice_collection = args.choice_collection;
if (args.choice_collection_name_col) {
this.choice_collection_name_col = args.choice_collection_name_col;
modelChanged: function() {
var val = this.model.get(this.column);
// replace null with "null"
val = (val === null)? "null" : val;
controlChanged: function() {
var sets = {};
var val = this.$('select').val();
// replace "null" with null; otherwise parse the integer id
val = (val == "null")? null : parseInt(val, 10);
sets[this.column] = val;
render: function() {
var self = this;
var el = $(self.el);
el.append($('<label/>', { text: self.title + ': ' }));
var select = $('<select/>', { name: self.column });
self.choice_collection.each(function (model) {
$('<option/>', {
text: model.get(self.choice_collection_name_col)
if (this.allow_null) {
$('<option/>', { val: 'null', text: '' }).appendTo(select);
return self;
// like EditControlView, but displaying a checkbox and rendering a boolean.
// value.
var CheckboxEditControlView = EditControlView.extend({
events: {
'change :checkbox': 'controlChanged'
modelChanged: function() {
this.$(':checkbox').attr('checked', this.model.get(this.column));
controlChanged: function() {
var sets = {};
sets[this.column] = this.$(':checkbox').is(':checked')? true : false;
render: function() {
var el = $(this.el);
el.append($('<label/>', { text: this.title + ': ' }));
var input = $('<input/>', { name: this.column, type: 'checkbox' });
input.attr('checked', this.model.get(this.column));
return this;
// Slaves
var SlaveEditRowView = TableEditRowView.extend({
initialize: function(args) {, args);
this.formElements = [
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'distroid', title: 'Distro',
choice_collection: window.distros }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'bitsid', title: 'Bitlength',
choice_collection: window.bitlengths }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'speedid', title: 'Speed',
choice_collection: window.speeds }),
new TextEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'basedir', title: 'Basedir'}),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'dcid', title: 'Datacenter',
choice_collection: window.datacenters }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'trustid', title: 'Trustlevel',
choice_collection: window.trustlevels }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'envid', title: 'Environment',
choice_collection: window.environments }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'purposeid', title: 'Purposes',
choice_collection: window.purposes }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'poolid', title: 'Pool',
choice_collection: window.pools }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'locked_masterid', title: 'Locked Master',
choice_collection: window.masters,
choice_collection_name_col: 'nickname',
allow_null: true }),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'custom_tplid', title: 'TAC Template',
choice_collection: window.tac_templates,
choice_collection_name_col: 'name',
allow_null: true }),
new CheckboxEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'enabled', title: 'Enabled' }),
new TextEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'notes', title: 'Notes'})
var SlaveTableRowView = TableRowView.extend({
editViewClass: SlaveEditRowView
var BugRe = /(bug\#*\ *)(\d+)/ig;
var SlavesTableView = TableView.extend({
rowViewClass: SlaveTableRowView,
defaultPageLength: 10,
columns: [
{ id: "name", title: "Name",
renderFn: 'renderName'},
{ id: "distro", title: "Distro" },
{ id: "bitlength", title: "Bits" },
{ id: "speed", title: "Speed" },
{ id: "datacenter", title: "DC" },
{ id: "trustlevel", title: "Trust" },
{ id: "environment", title: "Environ" },
{ id: "purpose", title: "Purpose" },
{ id: "pool", title: "Pool" },
{ id: "current_master", title: "Current",
renderFn: 'renderMasterCurrent' },
{ id: "locked_master", title: "Locked",
renderFn: 'renderMasterLocked' },
{ id: "notes", title: "Notes",
renderFn: 'renderNotes' },
{ id: "enabled", renderFn: 'renderEnabled',
sClass: 'center', title: "Enab" }
initialize: function(args) {
this.model = window.slaves;, args);
renderName: function(model) {
var slavename = model.get('name');
return '<div id="' + slavename + '">' + slavename + '&nbsp;<span id="' + slavename + '-buglink"><img src="./icons/help.png" alt="Check bug status" title="Check bug status" onCLick="getBugByAlias(\'' + slavename + '\');" /></span></div>';
renderMaster: function(model, masterid) {
// handle an empty master quickly
if (masterid === null) {
return '';
var master_model = window.masters.get(masterid);
var fqdn = master_model.get('fqdn');
var port = master_model.get('http_port');
var nickname = master_model.get('nickname');
var slavename = model.get('name');
if (port === 0) {
return slavename; // that's odd, but OK..
var a = $('<a/>', {
href: 'http://' + fqdn + ':' + port + '/buildslaves/' + slavename,
text: nickname
// wrap that in a div and extract the contents as a string
return $('<div>').append(a).html();
renderMasterCurrent: function(model) {
return this.renderMaster(model, model.get('current_masterid'));
renderMasterLocked: function(model) {
return this.renderMaster(model, model.get('locked_masterid'));
renderNotes: function(model) {
var notes = model.get('notes');
if (notes) {
return notes.replace(BugRe,
"<a href='$2'>$1$2</a>");
} else {
return '';
renderEnabled: function (model) {
if (model.get('enabled')) {
return '&bull;';
} else {
return '';
// Masters
var MasterEditRowView = TableEditRowView.extend({
initialize: function(args) {, args);
this.formElements = [
new TextEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'nickname', title: 'Nickname'}),
new TextEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'fqdn', title: 'FQDN'}),
new TextEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'pb_port', title: 'PB Port'}),
new TextEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'http_port', title: 'HTTP Port'}),
new SelectEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'poolid', title: 'Pool',
choice_collection: window.pools }),
new CheckboxEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'enabled', title: 'Enabled' }),
new TextEditControlView({model: this.model,
column: 'notes', title: 'Notes'})
var MasterTableRowView = TableRowView.extend({
editViewClass: MasterEditRowView
var MastersTableView = TableView.extend({
rowViewClass: MasterTableRowView,
defaultPageLength: 0,
columns: [
{ id: "nickname", title: "Nickname" },
{ id: "fqdn", renderFn: "renderLink", title: "Link" },
{ id: "pb_port", title: "PB Port" },
{ id: "datacenter", title: "DC" },
{ id: "pool", title: "Pool" },
{ id: "notes", title: "Notes", },
{ id: "enabled", renderFn: 'renderEnabled',
sClass: 'center', title: "Enab" }
initialize: function(args) {
this.model = window.masters;, args);
renderLink: function(model) {
var fqdn = model.get('fqdn');
var port = model.get('http_port');
// shorten the hostname if possible
var hostname = fqdn.replace('', 'b.m.o');
hostname = hostname.replace('', 'm.o');
if (port === 0) {
return hostname;
var a = $('<a/>', {
href: 'http://' + fqdn + ':' + port,
text: hostname + ':' + port
// wrap that in a div and extract the contents as a string
return $('<div>').append(a).html();
renderEnabled: function (model) {
if (model.get('enabled')) {
return '&bull;';
} else {
return '';
// View Tabs
var ViewTabsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
this.viewSpecs = args.viewSpecs;
this.render = $.proxy(this, 'render');
render: function() {
var el = $(this.el);
$.each(this.viewSpecs, function (i, viewSpec) {
// skip views without titles
if (!viewSpec.title) {
var id = 'menu-' +;
var input = $('<input/>', {
type: 'radio',
name: 'viewmenu',
id: id
}); (elt) {
window.location.hash =;
el.append($('<label>', {
'for': id,
text: viewSpec.title
return this;
// Reports
var ReportTableView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
this.refresh = $.proxy(this, 'refresh');
this.render = $.proxy(this, 'render');
this.makeReportData = $.proxy(this, 'makeReportData');
render: function() {
// dataTable likes to add sibling nodes, so add the table within
// the enclosing div, this.el
$(this.el).append('<table class="display" ' +
'cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"></table>');
// create an empty table with the right columns
this.dataTable = this.$('table').dataTable({
aoColumns: this.makeReportColumns(),
bJQueryUI: true,
bPaginate: false,
bAutoWidth: false
return this;
refresh: function() {
var data = this.makeReportData();
// clear table without redrawing, then update with redraw
this.dataTable.fnAddData(data, true);
var SilosTableView = ReportTableView.extend({
initialize: function(args) {, args);
window.slaves.bind('refresh', this.refresh);
window.slaves.bind('change', this.refresh);
makeData: function() {
var pools = {};
var silo_info = [];
window.slaves.each(function (slave) {
var silo_tuple = [
var silokey = silo_tuple.join(':');
var this_silo;
if (!silo_info[silokey]) {
this_silo = silo_info[silokey] = {
'silo_tuple': silo_tuple,
'by_pool' : {}
} else {
this_silo = silo_info[silokey];
var pool = slave.get('pool');
this_silo.by_pool[pool] = (this_silo.by_pool[pool] || 0) + 1;
pools[pool] = 1;
// now pools is a mapping of { pool : 1 } for all pools containing
// >0 slaves and silo_info contains, for each silo, the display tuple
// and a count of slaves in each pool by name (with 0's omitted)
// convert to a sorted array
var pool_names = _.keys(pools).sort();
// make up the columns: silo components followed by pools
var columns = [
{ sTitle: 'Distro' },
{ sTitle: 'Bits' },
{ sTitle: 'Speed' },
{ sTitle: 'DC' },
{ sTitle: 'Trust' },
{ sTitle: 'Env' },
{ sTitle: 'Purp' }
columns = columns.concat(, function(pool) {
return { sTitle: pool };
this.reportColumns = columns;
// make up the data
var data =, function(silo_name) {
var silo = silo_info[silo_name];
var row = silo.silo_tuple;
row = row.concat(, function(pool) {
return String(silo.by_pool[pool] || '');
return row;
this.reportData = data;
makeReportData: function() {
return this.reportData;
makeReportColumns: function() {
return this.reportColumns;
// Dashboard
var DashboardView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'dashboard',
initialize: function(args) {
this.render = $.proxy(this, 'render');
render: function() {
$(this.el).load(window.slavealloc_base_url + 'ui/dashboard.html');
return this;