blob: e2595bcc07dc8dd11b2cdd77f37ebf64635ce0d5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Config::General;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use Getopt::Long;
use Storable;
use Bootstrap::Util qw(LoadLocaleManifest);
use Release::Patcher::Config qw(GetProductDetails GetReleaseBlock BumpFilePath BumpURL);
use Release::Versions qw(GetPrettyVersion);
# we disable this for bug 498273
# my $RELEASE_CANDIDATE_CHANNELS = ['betatest', 'DisableCompleteJump'];
my %config;
my @DEFAULT_PLATFORMS = ('linux', 'macosx', 'win32');
if (defined $config{'run-tests'}) {
} else {
sub ProcessArgs {
"product|p=s", "brand|r=s", "version|v=s", "old-version|o=s",
"partial-version=s@", "prompt-wait-time=s", "mar-channel-id=s@",
"app-version|a=s", "build-number|b=s", "patcher-config|c=s",
"staging-server|t=s", "ftp-server|f=s", "bouncer-server|d=s",
"use-beta-channel|u", "shipped-locales|l=s", "releasenotes-url|n=s",
"platform=s@", "marname=s", "oldmarname=s", "schema|s=s",
"help|h", "run-tests"
if ($config{'help'}) {
print <<__USAGE__;
Usage: [options]
This script depends on the MozBuild::Util and Bootstrap::Util modules.
-p The product name (eg. firefox, thunderbird, seamonkey, etc.)
-r The brand name (eg. Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, etc.)
If not specified, a first-letter-uppercased product name is assumed.
-v The current version of the product (eg. 3.1a1, 3.0rc1)
-a The current 'app version' of the product (eg. 3.1a1, 3.0). If not
specified is assumed to be the same as version
--partial-version An older version (that is already in the patcher config)
that should receive a partial update.
-b The current build number of this release. (eg, 1, 2, 3)
-c The path and filename of the config file to be bumped.
-f The FTP server to serve beta builds from. Typically is
-t The staging server to serve test builds from. Typically is
-d The hostname of the Bouncer server to serve release builds from.
Typically is
-u When not passed, the Beta channel will be considered the channel for final
release. Specifically, this will cause the 'beta' channel snippets to
point at the Bouncer server (rather than FTP). When passed, the
'release' channel will be considered the channel for final release.
This means that 'release' channel snippets will point to bouncer and
'beta' channel ones will point to FTP.
Generally, Alphas and Betas do not pass this, final and point releases do.
-l The path and filename to the shipped-locales file for this release.
-n Release notes URL.
--platform The list of platforms (multiple). Default to:
--platform linux --platform macosx --platform win32
--marname Optional MAR prefix (firefox, mozilladeveloperpreview) for this
release. Default value is set to the product name.
--oldmarname Optional MAR prefix (firefox, mozilladeveloperpreview) for the
previous release. Default value is set to --marname.
-s The schema version to write to the release block for version, which controls
the style of snippets used (bug 459972), defaults to 2.
--prompt-wait-time The amount of time to wait before prompting the user to update
to this release. Not specifying this will use the default value
as specified in the application.
-h This usage message.
--run-tests will run the (very basic) unit tests included with this script.
my $error = 0;
# Just some input validation, not necessary if we're only running tests
if (! defined $config{'run-tests'}) {
for my $arg ('product', 'version', 'old-version', 'build-number',
'staging-server', 'ftp-server', 'bouncer-server') {
if (! defined $config{$arg}) {
print "$arg must be defined.\n";
$error = 1;
if (! defined $config{'patcher-config'} or
! -w $config{'patcher-config'}) {
print "patcher config file must exist and be writable.\n";
$error = 1;
if (! defined $config{'shipped-locales'} or
! -e $config{'shipped-locales'}) {
print "shipped locales file must exist.\n";
$error = 1;
if ($error) {
# set sane defaults
if (! defined $config{'brand'}) {
$config{'brand'} = ucfirst($config{'product'});
if (! defined $config{'app-version'}) {
$config{'app-version'} = $config{'version'};
if (! defined $config{'use-beta-channel'}) {
$config{'use-beta-channel'} = 0;
if (! defined $config{'platform'}) {
$config{'platform'} = \@DEFAULT_PLATFORMS;
if (! defined $config{'marname'}) {
$config{'marname'} = $config{'product'};
if (! defined $config{'oldmarname'}) {
$config{'oldmarname'} = $config{'marname'};
if (! defined $config{'schema'}) {
$config{'schema'} = 2;
sub BumpPatcherConfig {
my $product = $config{'product'};
my $brand = $config{'brand'};
my $version = $config{'version'};
my $oldVersion = $config{'old-version'};
my @partialVersions = ();
if (defined($config{'partial-version'})){
@partialVersions = @{$config{'partial-version'}};
my @marChannelIds = ();
if (defined($config{'mar-channel-id'})){
@marChannelIds = @{$config{'mar-channel-id'}};
my $appVersion = $config{'app-version'};
my $build = $config{'build-number'};
my $patcherConfig = $config{'patcher-config'};
my $stagingServer = $config{'staging-server'};
my $ftpServer = $config{'ftp-server'};
my $bouncerServer = $config{'bouncer-server'};
my $useBetaChannel = $config{'use-beta-channel'};
my $configBumpDir = '.';
my $releaseNotesUrl = $config{'releasenotes-url'};
my $platforms = $config{'platform'};
my $schema = $config{'schema'};
my $promptWaitTime = $config{'prompt-wait-time'};
my $prettyVersion = GetPrettyVersion(version => $version,
product => $product);
my $localeInfo = {};
if (not LoadLocaleManifest(localeHashRef => $localeInfo,
manifest => $config{'shipped-locales'})) {
die "Could not load locale manifest";
my $patcherConfigObj;
if (Config::General->VERSION ge '2.40') {
$patcherConfigObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile => $patcherConfig, -SaveSorted => 1);
} else {
# remove this branch when ESR17 reaches EOL
$patcherConfigObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile => $patcherConfig);
my %rawConfig = $patcherConfigObj->getall();
die "ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig(): null rawConfig"
if (0 == scalar(keys(%rawConfig)));
my $appObj = $rawConfig{'app'}->{$brand};
die "ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig(): null appObj" if (! defined($appObj));
my $currentUpdateObj = $appObj->{'current-update'};
if ($promptWaitTime) {
$currentUpdateObj->{'promptWaitTime'} = $promptWaitTime;
else {
# Add the release we're replacing to the past-releases array, but only if
# it's a new release; we used to determine this by looking at the build
# value, but that can be misleading because sometimes we may not get to
# the update step before a respin; so what we really need to compare is
# whether our current version in bootstrap.cfg is in the to clause of the
# patcher config file/object; we now control this via doOnetimePatcherBumps.
# More complicated than it needs to be because it handles the (uncommon)
# case that there is no past-update yet (e.g. Firefox 3.0)
my $doOnetimePatcherBumps = ($currentUpdateObj->{'to'} ne $version);
# Don't try to modify past-update if this is the first time
# we're doing updates (as proxied by undefined "from")
if ($doOnetimePatcherBumps && defined($currentUpdateObj->{'from'})) {
my $pastUpdateObj = $appObj->{'past-update'};
# no existing past-update's, initialize
if (! defined($pastUpdateObj)) {
$appObj->{'past-update'} = $pastUpdateObj = [];
# one prior past-update, convert to array
elsif (ref($pastUpdateObj) ne 'ARRAY') {
my $oldSinglePastUpdateStr = $pastUpdateObj;
$appObj->{'past-update'} = $pastUpdateObj = [];
push(@{$pastUpdateObj}, $oldSinglePastUpdateStr);
my @pastUpdateChannels = (split(/[\s,]+/,
if (grep(/^$currentUpdateObj->{'from'} /, @{$pastUpdateObj})) {
print "WARNING: we already have a past-update for $currentUpdateObj->{'from'}" .
", not adding another\n";
} else {
push(@{$pastUpdateObj}, join(' ', $currentUpdateObj->{'from'},
$currentUpdateObj->{'to'}, @pastUpdateChannels));
# Now we can replace information in the "current-update" object; start
# with the to/from versions, the rc channels, then the information for
# the partial and complete update patches
# Only bump the to/from versions if we're really a new release. We used
# to determine this by looking at the build value, but now we use
# doOnetimePatcherBump
if ($doOnetimePatcherBumps) {
$currentUpdateObj->{'to'} = $version;
$currentUpdateObj->{'from'} = $oldVersion;
if (defined($currentUpdateObj->{'openURL'})) {
$currentUpdateObj->{'openURL'} = BumpURL(
oldURL => $currentUpdateObj->{'openURL'},
version => $appVersion,
oldVersion => $oldVersion
$currentUpdateObj->{'details'} = $releaseNotesUrl ||
GetProductDetails(product => $product, appVersion => $appVersion,
updateType => 'minor');
# we disable this for bug 498273, except for ensuring the block is empty
#if ($useBetaChannel) {
$currentUpdateObj->{'rc'} = {};
#foreach my $c (@{$RELEASE_CANDIDATE_CHANNELS}) {
# $currentUpdateObj->{'rc'}->{$c} = "$build";
# When useBetaChannel is true we need to make sure that we separate
# the release and beta channel snippets by setting beta-dir
if ($useBetaChannel) {
$currentUpdateObj->{'beta-dir'} = 'beta';
my $buildStr = 'build' . $build;
my @oldPartialVersions = keys(%{$currentUpdateObj->{'partials'}});
my $oldPaths;
if ($#oldPartialVersions > 0) {
$oldPaths = $currentUpdateObj->{'partials'}->{$oldPartialVersions[0]};
} else {
print "WARNING: No old partials, using default values\n";
$oldPaths = {path => "update/%platform%/%locale%/${product}-doesnotexist.partial.mar"};
$oldPaths->{"betatest-url"} = $oldPaths->{"path"};
$currentUpdateObj->{'partials'} = {};
for my $partialVersion (@partialVersions) {
my $partialUpdate = {};
$partialUpdate->{'url'} = 'http://' . $bouncerServer . '/?product=' .
$product. '-' . $version . '-partial-' .
$partialVersion .
my $pPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $oldPaths->{'path'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $partialVersion
$partialUpdate->{'path'} = catfile($product, 'nightly', $version .
'-candidates', $buildStr, $pPath);
my $pBetatestPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $oldPaths->{'betatest-url'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $partialVersion
$partialUpdate->{'betatest-url'} =
'http://' . $stagingServer. '/pub/' . $product .
'/nightly/' . $version . '-candidates/' . $buildStr . '/' .
$partialUpdate->{'esrtest-url'} = $partialUpdate->{'betatest-url'};
if ($useBetaChannel) {
my $pBetaPath;
if (defined($oldPaths->{'beta-url'})) {
$pBetaPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $oldPaths->{'beta-url'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $partialVersion
} else {
# ensures this exists
$pBetaPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $oldPaths->{'betatest-url'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $partialVersion
$partialUpdate->{'beta-url'} =
'http://' . $ftpServer . '/pub/' . $product. '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $buildStr . '/' .
$currentUpdateObj->{'partials'}{$partialVersion} = $partialUpdate;
# Now the same thing, only complete update
my $completeUpdate = {};
$completeUpdate->{'url'} = 'http://' . $bouncerServer . '/?product=' .
$product . '-' . $version .
my $cPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $currentUpdateObj->{'complete'}->{'path'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $oldVersion
$completeUpdate->{'path'} = catfile($product, 'nightly', $version .
'-candidates', $buildStr, $cPath);
my $cBetatestPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $currentUpdateObj->{'complete'}->{'betatest-url'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $oldVersion
$completeUpdate->{'betatest-url'} =
'http://' . $stagingServer . '/pub/' . $product .
'/nightly/' . $version . '-candidates/' . $buildStr . '/' .
$completeUpdate->{'esrtest-url'} = $completeUpdate->{'betatest-url'};
if ($useBetaChannel) {
my $cBetaPath;
if (defined($currentUpdateObj->{'complete'}->{'beta-url'})) {
$cBetaPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $currentUpdateObj->{'complete'}->{'beta-url'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $oldVersion
} else {
# ensures this exists
$cBetaPath = BumpFilePath(
oldFilePath => $currentUpdateObj->{'complete'}->{'betatest-url'},
product => $product,
marName => $config{'marname'},
oldMarName => $config{'oldmarname'},
version => $version,
oldVersion => $oldVersion
$completeUpdate->{'beta-url'} =
'http://' . $ftpServer . '/pub/' . $product. '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $buildStr . '/' . $cBetaPath;
$currentUpdateObj->{'complete'} = $completeUpdate;
# Now, add the new <release> stanza for the release we're working on
$appObj->{'release'}->{$version} = GetReleaseBlock(
version => $version,
appVersion => $appVersion,
prettyVersion => $prettyVersion,
product => $product,
buildstr => $buildStr,
stagingServer => $stagingServer,
localeInfo => $localeInfo,
platforms => $platforms,
schema => $schema,
marChannelIds => \@marChannelIds,
sub RunUnitTests {
my $workdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
my $product = 'firefox';
my $brand = 'Firefox';
my $version = '';
my $appVersion = '';
my $prettyVersion = "";
my $oldVersion = '';
my $oldOldVersion = '';
my $build = '1';
my $patcherConfig = catfile($workdir, 'moztest-patcher2.cfg');
my $stagingServer = '';
my $ftpServer = '';
my $bouncerServer = '';
# create shipped-locales
my $shippedLocales = catfile($workdir, 'shipped-locales');
open (SHIPPED_LOCALES, ">$shippedLocales");
print SHIPPED_LOCALES "af\n";
print SHIPPED_LOCALES "en-US\n";
print SHIPPED_LOCALES "gu-IN linux win32\n";
print SHIPPED_LOCALES "ja linux win32\n";
print SHIPPED_LOCALES "ja-JP-mac osx\n";
my $localeInfo = {};
if (not LoadLocaleManifest(localeHashRef => $localeInfo,
manifest => $shippedLocales)) {
die "Could not load locale manifest";
# We need to create before and after reference patcher configs by hand.
# The before one will be printed to $patcherConfig and then bumped.
# When that is complete we will read it in again and compare it
# against the after reference config. If the two are identical, victory!
my $beforeConfig = {};
my $bCurrentUpdate = {};
my $bReleases = {};
my $afterConfig = {};
my $aCurrentUpdate = {};
my $aReleases = {};
my $bumpedAfterConfig = {};
# create the before config
$bCurrentUpdate->{'beta-dir'} = "beta";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'channel'} = "beta release";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'testchannel'} = "betatest releasetest";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'details'} = "$product/$oldVersion/releasenotes/";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'from'} = $oldOldVersion;
$bCurrentUpdate->{'to'} = $oldVersion;
$bCurrentUpdate->{'complete'} = {};
$bCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'beta-url'} = "http://$ftpServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'betatest-url'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'path'} = "$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'url'} = "http://$bouncerServer/?product=$product-$oldVersion-complete&os=%bouncer-platform%&lang=%locale%";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'partial'} = {};
$bCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'beta-url'} = "http://$ftpServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldOldVersion-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'betatest-url'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldOldVersion-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'path'} = "$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldOldVersion-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'url'} = "http://$bouncerServer/?product=$product-$oldVersion-partial-$oldOldVersion&os=%bouncer-platform%&lang=%locale%";
$bCurrentUpdate->{'rc'} = {};
$bCurrentUpdate->{'rc'}->{'DisableCompleteJump'} = $build;
$bCurrentUpdate->{'rc'}->{'beta'} = $build;
$bCurrentUpdate->{'rc'}->{'betatest'} = $build;
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion} = {};
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'completemarurl'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldOldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldOldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'} = {};
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'gu-IN'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja-JP-mac'} = "mac";
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'extension-version'} = $oldOldVersion;
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'locales'} = 'af en-US gu-IN ja ja-JP-mac uk';
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'prettyVersion'} = $oldOldVersion;
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'schema'} = '1';
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'version'} = $oldOldVersion;
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'} = {};
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'}{'linux-i686'} = '2008070712';
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'}{'win32'} = '2008070712';
$bReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'}{'mac'} = '2008070712';
$bReleases->{$oldVersion} = {};
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'completemarurl'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'} = {};
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'gu-IN'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja-JP-mac'} = "mac";
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'extension-version'} = $oldVersion;
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'locales'} = 'af en-US gu-IN ja ja-JP-mac uk';
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'prettyVersion'} = $oldVersion;
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'schema'} = '1';
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'version'} = $oldVersion;
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'} = {};
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'}{'linux-i686'} = '2008070824';
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'}{'win32'} = '2008070824';
$bReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'}{'mac'} = '2008070824';
$beforeConfig->{'app'} = {};
$beforeConfig->{'app'}->{$brand} = {};
$beforeConfig->{'app'}->{$brand}->{'current-update'} = $bCurrentUpdate;
$beforeConfig->{'app'}->{$brand}->{'release'} = $bReleases;
# now create the after config
$aCurrentUpdate->{'beta-dir'} = "beta";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'channel'} = "beta release";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'testchannel'} = "betatest releasetest";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'details'} = "$product/$version/releasenotes/";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'from'} = $oldVersion;
$aCurrentUpdate->{'to'} = $version;
$aCurrentUpdate->{'complete'} = {};
$aCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'beta-url'} = "http://$ftpServer/pub/$product/nightly/$version-candidates/build$build/$product-$version.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'betatest-url'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$version-candidates/build$build/$product-$version.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'path'} = "$product/nightly/$version-candidates/build$build/$product-$version.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'complete'}->{'url'} = "http://$bouncerServer/?product=$product-$version-complete&os=%bouncer-platform%&lang=%locale%";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'partial'} = {};
$aCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'beta-url'} = "http://$ftpServer/pub/$product/nightly/$version-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion-$version.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'betatest-url'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$version-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion-$version.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'path'} = "$product/nightly/$version-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion-$version.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'partial'}->{'url'} = "http://$bouncerServer/?product=$product-$version-partial-$oldVersion&os=%bouncer-platform%&lang=%locale%";
$aCurrentUpdate->{'rc'} = {};
$aCurrentUpdate->{'rc'}->{'DisableCompleteJump'} = $build;
$aCurrentUpdate->{'rc'}->{'beta'} = $build;
$aCurrentUpdate->{'rc'}->{'betatest'} = $build;
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion} = {};
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'completemarurl'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldOldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldOldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'} = {};
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'gu-IN'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja-JP-mac'} = "mac";
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'extension-version'} = $oldOldVersion;
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'locales'} = 'af en-US gu-IN ja ja-JP-mac uk';
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'prettyVersion'} = $oldOldVersion;
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'schema'} = '1';
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'version'} = $oldOldVersion;
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'} = {};
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'}{'linux-i686'} = '2008070712';
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'}{'win32'} = '2008070712';
$aReleases->{$oldOldVersion}{'platforms'}{'mac'} = '2008070712';
$aReleases->{$oldVersion} = {};
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'completemarurl'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$oldVersion-candidates/build$build/$product-$oldVersion.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'} = {};
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'gu-IN'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'exceptions'}{'ja-JP-mac'} = "mac";
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'extension-version'} = $oldVersion;
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'locales'} = 'af en-US gu-IN ja ja-JP-mac uk';
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'prettyVersion'} = $oldVersion;
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'schema'} = '1';
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'version'} = $oldVersion;
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'} = {};
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'}{'linux-i686'} = '2008070824';
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'}{'win32'} = '2008070824';
$aReleases->{$oldVersion}{'platforms'}{'mac'} = '2008070824';
$aReleases->{$version} = {};
$aReleases->{$version}{'completemarurl'} = "http://$stagingServer/pub/$product/nightly/$version-candidates/build$build/$product-$version.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar";
$aReleases->{$version}{'exceptions'} = {};
$aReleases->{$version}{'exceptions'}{'gu-IN'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$aReleases->{$version}{'exceptions'}{'ja'} = "linux-i686, win32";
$aReleases->{$version}{'exceptions'}{'ja-JP-mac'} = "mac";
$aReleases->{$version}{'extension-version'} = $version;
$aReleases->{$version}{'locales'} = 'af en-US gu-IN ja ja-JP-mac uk';
$aReleases->{$version}{'prettyVersion'} = $version;
$aReleases->{$version}{'schema'} = '1';
$aReleases->{$version}{'version'} = $version;
$aReleases->{$version}{'platforms'} = {};
$aReleases->{$version}{'platforms'}{'linux-i686'} = '2008070204';
$aReleases->{$version}{'platforms'}{'win32'} = '2008070205';
$aReleases->{$version}{'platforms'}{'mac'} = '2008070205';
$afterConfig->{'app'} = {};
$afterConfig->{'app'}->{$brand} = {};
$afterConfig->{'app'}->{$brand}->{'current-update'} = $aCurrentUpdate;
$afterConfig->{'app'}->{$brand}->{'release'} = $aReleases;
# The patcher config we're bumping does not contain any past-update lines.
# Patcher doesn't deal with this well - it will insert an empty
# past-update line along with the valid one. Rather than fix this bug we'll
# just test patcher's existing behaviour.
$afterConfig->{'app'}->{$brand}->{'past-update'} = [
"$oldOldVersion $oldVersion betatest releasetest beta release"
# Now it's time to write out the before config and bump it
my $beforeObj = new Config::General($beforeConfig);
# We need to build up the global config object before calling
# BumpPatcherConfig
$config{'product'} = $product;
$config{'marname'} = $product;
$config{'oldmarname'} = $product;
$config{'brand'} = $brand;
$config{'version'} = $version;
$config{'old-version'} = $oldVersion;
$config{'app-version'} = $appVersion;
$config{'build-number'} = $build;
$config{'patcher-config'} = $patcherConfig;
$config{'staging-server'} = $stagingServer;
$config{'ftp-server'} = $ftpServer;
$config{'bouncer-server'} = $bouncerServer;
$config{'use-beta-channel'} = 1;
$config{'shipped-locales'} = $shippedLocales;
$config{'platform'} = \@DEFAULT_PLATFORMS;
# Now, read the newly bumped patcher config file back in
my $bumpedConfigObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile => $patcherConfig);
my %bumpedConfig = $bumpedConfigObj->getall;
if (deeply_equal(\%bumpedConfig, $afterConfig)) {
print "PASS\n";
} else {
print "FAIL\n";
print "Bumped patcher config written to bumped-patcher.cfg\n";
my $afterConfigObj = new Config::General($afterConfig);
print "Reference patcher config written to reference-patcher.cfg\n";
print "Please examine them to debug the problem.\n";
# Taken from
sub deeply_equal {
my ( $a_ref, $b_ref ) = @_;
local $Storable::canonical = 1;
return Storable::freeze( $a_ref ) eq Storable::freeze( $b_ref );