blob: 4c0d05518617a4acdd7171abad33777720902ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Verifies that a directory of signed files matches a corresponding directory
# of unsigned files
import tempfile
import random
from subprocess import call
from signing import *
def check_repack(unsigned, signed, binary_checksums, fake_signatures=False,
"""Check that files `unsigned` and `signed` match. They will both be
unpacked and their contents compared.
Verifies that all non-signable files are unmodified and have the same
permissions. If fake_signatures is True, then the files in `signed` aren't
actually signed, so they're compared to the unsigned ones to make sure
they're identical as well.
If fake_signatures is False, then chktrust is used to verify that signed
files have valid signatures.
binary_checksums contains a dict of filenames to sha1sums. These are
stored and used for verification inside locales across installers and MARs
if not os.path.exists(unsigned):
return False, "%s doesn't exist" % unsigned
if not os.path.exists(signed):
return False, "%s doesn't exist" % signed
unsigned_dir = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
signed_dir = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
# Unpack both files
unpackfile(unsigned, unsigned_dir)
unpackfile(signed, signed_dir)
unsigned_files = sorted(
[f[len(unsigned_dir) + 1:] for f in findfiles(unsigned_dir)])
signed_files = sorted(
[f[len(signed_dir) + 1:] for f in findfiles(signed_dir)])
unsigned_dirs = sorted(
[d[len(unsigned_dir) + 1:] for d in finddirs(unsigned_dir)])
signed_dirs = sorted(
[d[len(signed_dir) + 1:] for d in finddirs(signed_dir)])
# Make sure the list of files are the same
if signed_files != unsigned_files:
new_files = ",".join(set(signed_files) - set(unsigned_files))
removed_files = ",".join(set(unsigned_files) - set(signed_files))
return False, """List of files differs:
Added: %(new_files)s
Missing: %(removed_files)s""" % locals()
# And the list of directories too
if signed_dirs != unsigned_dirs:
new_dirs = ",".join(set(signed_dirs) - set(unsigned_dirs))
removed_dirs = ",".join(set(unsigned_dirs) - set(signed_dirs))
return False, """List of directories differs:
Added: %(new_dirs)s
Missing: %(removed_dirs)s""" % locals()
# Check the directory modes
for d in unsigned_dirs:
ud = os.path.join(unsigned_dir, d)
sd = os.path.join(signed_dir, d)
if os.stat(sd).st_mode != os.stat(ud).st_mode:
return False, "Mode mismatch (%o != %o) in %s" % (os.stat(ud).st_mode, os.stat(sd).st_mode, d)
info = fileInfo(signed, product)
chkfiles = []
for f in unsigned_files:
sf = os.path.join(signed_dir, f)
uf = os.path.join(unsigned_dir, f)
b = os.path.basename(sf)
if info['format'] == 'mar':
# Need to decompress this first
# Check the file mode
if os.stat(sf).st_mode != os.stat(uf).st_mode:
return False, "Mode mismatch (%o != %o) in %s" % (os.stat(uf).st_mode, os.stat(sf).st_mode, f)
# Check the file signatures and also store the file checksums for
# comparison against the corresponding file in the installer/MAR
# pair
if not fake_signatures and shouldSign(uf):
d = os.path.dirname(sf)
nullfd = open(os.devnull, "w")
if 0 != call(['chktrust', '-q', b], cwd=d, stdout=nullfd):
return False, "Bad signature %s in %s (%s)" % (f, signed, cygpath(sf))
# store checksum for signed binary for later verification
binary_checksums[b] = sha1sum(sf)
log.debug("%s OK", b)
# Check the hashes
if f == "update.manifest":
sf_lines = sorted(open(sf).readlines())
uf_lines = sorted(open(uf).readlines())
if sf_lines != uf_lines:
return False, "update.manifest differs"
log.debug("%s OK", b)
elif f.endswith(".chk"):
elif sha1sum(sf) != sha1sum(uf):
return False, "sha1sum on %s differs" % f
log.debug("%s OK", b)
# We need to wait for all the .chk and their dlls to be unpacked /
# uncompressed before checking them
for f in chkfiles:
d = os.path.dirname(f)
b = os.path.basename(f)
nullfd = open(os.devnull, "w")
cmd = ['chktest', b.replace(".chk", ".dll")]
log.debug("Checking chk file %s" % cmd)
if 0 != call(cmd, cwd=d, stdout=nullfd):
return False, "Bad chk file %s" % f
log.debug("chk file OK")
return True, "OK"
import traceback
print traceback.format_exc()
def verify_checksums(sums):
""" Verify checksums for signed binaries across installer/MAR pairs """
valid_checksum = True"Verifying checksums of MARs and installers match")
for locale in sums.keys():
packages = sums[locale]"Comparing packages for locale: %s", locale)
for p in packages.keys():" - %s ", p)
# Use MARs as a base for comparison as the installer has files not
# common to the update
mar = [p for p in packages.keys() if p.endswith('.mar')]
if not mar:
log.error("Error, no update available for this locale")
valid_checksum = False
if not sums_are_equal(packages[mar[0]], [packages[s] for s in packages.keys()]):
log.error("Error: MARs and installer contents do not match")
valid_checksum = False
return valid_checksum
def setup_checksums(checksums, unsigned_file, product):
""" Set up dictionary nesting to uniquely identify the file being
info = fileInfo(unsigned_file, product)
if info['locale'] not in checksums.keys():
checksums[info['locale']] = {}
checksums[info['locale']][unsigned_file] = {}
pkg_checksums = checksums[info['locale']][unsigned_file]
# return reference to a sub-dict uniquely identifying this particular
# container
return pkg_checksums
def random_locale(choices, product):
""" Select a random locale from a list of product packages """
return fileInfo(random.choice(choices), product)['locale']
def random_partner(choices, locale, product):
""" Select a random partner name from a list of product packages """
return fileInfo(
[f for f in choices if locale == fileInfo(f, product)['locale']]
def filter_unsigned(choices, product, locales, partners=None):
""" filter unsigned packages list by locale and partner names """
def filter_locales(f):
""" match the list of locales """
return [l for l in locales if l == fileInfo(f, product)['locale']]
def filter_partners(f):
""" match plain packages or ones matching the given partner names """
if partners:
return not fileInfo(f, product)['leading_path'] or \
[p for p in partners if p == fileInfo(
f, product)['leading_path']]
return not fileInfo(f, product)['leading_path']
return [f for f in choices if filter_locales(f) and filter_partners(f)]
def get_valid_packages(choices, first_locale, product):
""" Get a list of packages that we can randomly select from without
collisions (first_locale), or missing items (locales with no partners """
valid_choices = [f for f in choices if first_locale not in f and
fileInfo(f, product)['leading_path']]
if valid_choices:
return valid_choices, False"No partner-repacks found, skipping...")
return [f for f in choices if first_locale not in f], True
def filter_quick(unsigned_packages, first_locale, product):
""" Trim down the list of files to verify to only the firstLocale (en-US
by default), one l10n repack (locale selected at random), one
partner-repack with firstLocale (selected at random) and one
partner-repack with the random locale"""
# Select a locale at random that is not the first_locale, and has at
# least one available partner repack built
valid_choices, skip_partners = get_valid_packages(unsigned_packages,
first_locale, product)
rand_locale = random_locale(valid_choices, product)
if skip_partners:
return filter_unsigned(unsigned_packages, product, (first_locale, rand_locale))
rand_first_partner = random_partner(
unsigned_packages, first_locale, product)
rand_locale_partner = random_partner(valid_choices, rand_locale, product)
return filter_unsigned(
unsigned_packages, product, [first_locale, rand_locale],
[rand_first_partner, rand_locale_partner])
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import os
import logging
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(
"%prog [--fake] [--product <product>] unsigned-dir signed-dir")
parser.add_option("", "--fake", dest="fake", action="store_true", help="Don't verify signatures, just compare file hashes")
parser.add_option("", "--abort-on-fail", dest="abortOnFail", action="store_true", help="Stop processing after the first error")
parser.add_option("", "--product", dest="product", help="product name")
parser.add_option("", "--first-locale", dest="first_locale",
help="first locale to check")
parser.add_option("", "--quick-verify", dest="quick", action="store_true",
help="Verify only first locale and one random additional locale")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="loglevel", action="store_const",
const=logging.WARNING, help="be quiet")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", action="store_const",
const=logging.DEBUG, help="be verbose")
except OSError, e:
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 2:
"Must specify two arguments: unsigned-dir, and signed-dir")
logging.basicConfig(level=options.loglevel, format="%(message)s")
# Compare each signed .mar/.exe to the unsigned .mar/.exe
unsigned_dir = args[0]
signed_dir = args[1]
unsigned_files = findfiles(unsigned_dir)
unsigned_files = sortFiles(filterFiles(unsigned_files, options.product),
options.product, options.first_locale)
# Perform a partial verification
if options.quick:
unsigned_files = filter_quick(unsigned_files, options.first_locale,
failed = False
all_checksums = {}
for uf in unsigned_files[:]:
sf = convertPath(uf, signed_dir)
repack_checksums = setup_checksums(all_checksums, uf, options.product)
# repack_checksums is a reference to a sub-dict in
# all_checksums[locale][format], so when check_repack fills it with
# the checksums of the package internals for the current file,
# all_checksums gets populated
result, msg = check_repack(uf, sf, repack_checksums, options.fake,
print sf, result, msg
if not result:
failed = True
if options.abortOnFail:
# Now that we have the checksums for the internals of every locale and
# format, we can verify them against each other across formats for each
# locale.
if not verify_checksums(all_checksums):
failed = True
if failed: