blob: 52f1a39fe945bc379b257a5c2d03a9f08a07baa8 [file] [log] [blame]
from fabric.api import run
from fabric.context_managers import cd, hide, show
from fabric.context_managers import settings
from fabric.colors import green, yellow, red
OK = green('[OK] ')
FAIL = red('[FAIL]')
INFO = yellow('[INFO]')
def per_host(fn):
fn.per_host = True
return fn
def per_device(fn):
fn.per_device = True
return fn
def use_json(fn):
fn.needs_device_dict = True
return fn
def show_revision(foopy):
with hide('stdout', 'stderr', 'running'):
tools_rev = run('hg -R /builds/tools ident -i')
print "%-14s %12s" % (foopy, tools_rev)
def status(device):
device_dir = '/builds/%s' % device
stat_buildbot = "not running"
stat_disabled = "enabled"
stat_error = ""
with hide('stdout', 'stderr', 'running'):
with cd(device_dir):
with settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True):
pid_exists = not run('test -e "$(echo %s/"' % device_dir).failed
if pid_exists:
if not run('kill -0 `cat %s/`' % device_dir).failed:
stat_buildbot = "running"
if not run('test -e "$(echo %s/disabled.flg)"' % device_dir).failed:
stat_disabled = "disabled"
stat_error = run('cat %s/disabled.flg' % device_dir)
if not run('test -e "$(echo %s/error.flg)"' % device_dir).failed:
stat_error = run('cat %s/error.flg' % device_dir)
print "%s - %12s - %10s - %s" % (device, stat_buildbot, stat_disabled, repr(stat_error[:65].replace('\r\n', '--')))
def reboot(device, json):
bank, relay = json['relayid'].split(":")
run("python /builds/sut_tools/ powercycle %s %s %s ; sleep 5" % (json['relayhost'], bank, relay))
print OK, "Powercycled %s" % device
def update(foopy, revision='default'):
with show('running'):
with cd('/builds/tools'):
run('hg pull && hg update -r %s' % revision)
run('find /builds/tools -name \\*.pyc -exec rm {} \\;')
with hide('stdout', 'stderr', 'running'):
tools_rev = run('hg ident -i')
print OK, "updated %s tools to %12s" % (foopy, tools_rev)
def create_error(device):
with show('running'):
with cd('/builds'):
run('touch /builds/%s/error.flg' % device)
print OK, "ran on %s" % device
def stop(device):
with show('running'):
with cd('/builds/%s' % device):
run('echo "disable please" > ./disabled.flg')
print OK, "Stopped %s" % (device)
def enable(device):
with show('running'):
with cd('/builds/%s' % device):
run('rm -f ./disabled.flg')
print OK, "enabled %s" % device
def remove_error(device):
with show('running'):
with cd('/builds/%s' % device):
run('rm -f ./error.flg')
print OK, "Removed error flag for %s" % (device)
def create_device_dirs(device):
from fabric.api import env
with settings(warn_only=True, user='root'):
run("mkdir /builds/%s" % device)
with settings(user='root'):
run("chown cltbld.cltbld /builds/%s" % device)
def what_master(device):
import re
with hide('stdout', 'stderr', 'running'):
with cd('/builds'):
tac_path = './%s/buildbot.tac' % device
tac_exists = False
with settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True):
tac_exists = not run('test -e "$(echo %s)"' % tac_path).failed
if tac_exists:
output = run('cat %s | grep "^buildmaster_host"' % tac_path)
m ='^buildmaster_host\s*=\s*([\'"])(.*)[\'"]', output, re.M)
if not m:
print FAIL, "Failed to parse buildbot.tac:", repr(output)
master = "No Master"
master =
master = "No Master"
print OK, "%s uses %s" % (device, master)
actions = [