blob: 488bc70d4bb1d1d51ad5e25fd9a30e8ea15944a6 [file] [log] [blame]
package Release::Patcher::Config;
use strict;
use MozBuild::Util qw(GetBuildIDFromFTP);
use Bootstrap::Util qw(GetBouncerToPatcherPlatformMap GetBouncerPlatforms GetBuildbotToFTPPlatformMap GetFTPToBuildbotPlatformMap GetEqualPlatforms);
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(GetProductDetails GetReleaseBlock BumpFilePath BumpURL);
sub GetProductDetails {
my %args = @_;
my $product = $args{'product'};
my $appVersion = $args{'appVersion'};
my $updateType = $args{'updateType'};
my $endOfUrl = '/releasenotes/';
if ($product eq 'seamonkey') {
$endOfUrl = '/';
elsif ($updateType eq 'major') {
$endOfUrl = '/details/index.html';
if ($product eq 'seamonkey') {
return '' . $product .
$appVersion . $endOfUrl;
elsif ($product eq 'thunderbird') {
return '' . $product . '/' .
$appVersion . $endOfUrl;
else {
return '' . $product . '/' .
$appVersion . $endOfUrl;
sub GetReleaseBlock {
my %args = @_;
my $version = $args{'version'};
my $appVersion = $args{'appVersion'};
my $prettyVersion = $args{'prettyVersion'};
my $product = $args{'product'};
my $buildStr = $args{'buildstr'};
my $stagingServer = $args{'stagingServer'};
my $localeInfo = $args{'localeInfo'};
my $platforms = $args{'platforms'};
my $schema = $args{'schema'};
my @marChannelIds = @{$args{"marChannelIds"}};
my $releaseBlock = {};
$releaseBlock->{'schema'} = $schema;
$releaseBlock->{'version'} = $appVersion;
$releaseBlock->{'extension-version'} = $appVersion;
$releaseBlock->{'prettyVersion'} = $prettyVersion;
my $candidateDir = '/pub/' . $product . '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $buildStr;
$releaseBlock->{'platforms'} = {};
my %platformFTPMap = GetBuildbotToFTPPlatformMap();
foreach my $os (@$platforms){
my $buildID = GetBuildIDFromFTP(os => $os,
releaseDir => $candidateDir,
stagingServer => $stagingServer);
if (exists($platformFTPMap{$os})){
my $ftp_platform = $platformFTPMap{$os};
$releaseBlock->{'platforms'}->{$ftp_platform} = $buildID;
} else {
die("ASSERT: GetReleaseBlock(): unknown OS $os");
$releaseBlock->{'locales'} = join(' ', sort (keys(%{$localeInfo})));
$releaseBlock->{'completemarurl'} = 'http://' . $stagingServer .
'/pub/' . $product . '/nightly/' . $version . '-candidates/' .
$buildStr . '/update/%platform%/%locale%/' . $product . '-' . $version .
$releaseBlock->{'checksumsurl'} = 'http://' . $stagingServer .
'/pub/' . $product . '/nightly/' . $version . '-candidates/' .
$buildStr . '/%platform%/%locale%/' . $product . '-' . $version .
if (@marChannelIds) {
$releaseBlock->{"mar-channel-ids"} = join(",", @marChannelIds);
$releaseBlock->{'exceptions'} = {};
my %platformMap = GetBouncerToPatcherPlatformMap();
my %FTPplatformMap = GetFTPToBuildbotPlatformMap();
foreach my $locale (keys(%{$localeInfo})) {
my $allPlatformsHash = {};
foreach my $platform (GetBouncerPlatforms()) {
$allPlatformsHash->{$platform} = 1;
foreach my $localeSupportedPlatform (@{$localeInfo->{$locale}}) {
die 'ASSERT: GetReleaseBlock(): platform in locale, but not in' .
' all locales? Invalid platform?' if
delete $allPlatformsHash->{$localeSupportedPlatform};
my @supportedPatcherPlatforms = ();
foreach my $platform (@{$localeInfo->{$locale}}) {
if (exists $FTPplatformMap{$platformMap{$platform}} &&
grep($FTPplatformMap{$platformMap{$platform}} eq $_, @{$platforms})){
push(@supportedPatcherPlatforms, $platformMap{$platform});
# Get platforms not mentioned in shipped-locales
my $equal_platforms = GetEqualPlatforms($platform);
if ($equal_platforms){
foreach my $equal_platform (@{$equal_platforms}){
push(@supportedPatcherPlatforms, $platformMap{$equal_platform})
if grep($FTPplatformMap{$platformMap{$equal_platform}} eq $_, @{$platforms});
if (keys(%{$allPlatformsHash}) > 0) {
$releaseBlock->{'exceptions'}->{$locale} =
join(', ', sort(@supportedPatcherPlatforms));
return $releaseBlock;
sub BumpFilePath {
my %args = @_;
my $oldFilePath = $args{'oldFilePath'};
my $product = $args{'product'};
my $marName = $args{'marName'};
my $oldMarName = $args{'oldMarName'};
my $version = $args{'version'};
my $oldVersion = $args{'oldVersion'};
# strip out everything up to and including 'buildN/'
my $newPath = $oldFilePath;
$newPath =~ s/.*\/build\d+\///;
# We need to handle partials and complete MARs differently
if ($newPath =~ m/\.partial\.mar$/) {
$newPath =~ s/($oldMarName|$marName)-(.+?)\.partial
or die("ASSERT: BumpFilePath() - Could not bump path: " .
"'$oldFilePath' from '$oldVersion' to '$version'");
} elsif ($newPath =~ m/\.complete\.mar$/) {
$newPath =~ s/($oldMarName|$marName)-(.+?)\.complete
or die("ASSERT: BumpFilePath() - Could not bump path: " .
"'$oldFilePath' from '$oldVersion' to '$version'");
} else {
die("ASSERT: BumpFilePath() - Unknown file type for '$oldFilePath'");
return $newPath;
sub BumpURL {
my %args = @_;
my $oldURL = $args{'oldURL'};
my $version = $args{'version'};
my $oldVersion = $args{'oldVersion'};
my $newURL = $oldURL;
$newURL =~ s/$oldVersion/$version/;
return $newURL;