blob: 0b84feece0c4afd35dee0ef308490f204564198a [file] [log] [blame]
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/thunderbirdBuildDetails.php';
* Holds data related to the current version of Thunderbird.
* Q: We're releasing a new version of Thunderbird - what should I do?
* A:
* 1) Obtain a copy of:
* 2) Run it, providing the new version as an argument, and a list of any
* beta locales.
* 3) Replace the thunderbirdBuildDetails.class.php file with the generated file
* 4) Update history/thunderbirdHistory.class.php
class thunderbirdDetails extends thunderbirdBuildDetails {
* Array: primary_builds is defined in thunderbirdBuildDetails
* Array holding information about current available builds. Filesize
* is in megabytes. If you add a new language here, make sure it exists in
* localeDetails::languages too.
* If you don't want a download button to appear for a certain platform, just don't put that platform in the array
* If you want "Not Yet Available" to appear for the locale, set the version to null. If getDownloadBlockForLocale()
* is called, it will offer the most recent version that actually has a value.
* @var array
* Array: beta_builds is defined in thunderbirdBuildDetails
* Array holding information about currently available beta builds
* @var array
* Constructor.
function thunderbirdDetails() {
* Returns an HTML block with links for a certain locale
* @param string locale
* @param array options no functionality; for compatibility with firefoxDetails
* @return string HTML block
function getAncillaryLinksForLocale($locale, $options=array()) {
$_current_version = $this->getNewestVersionForLocale($locale);
$_release_notes = ___('Release Notes');
$_other_systems_and_languages = ___('Other Systems and Languages');
$_return = <<<HTML_RETURN
<p class="download-other">
<a class="ancillaryLink" href="{$locale}/thunderbird/{$_current_version}/releasenotes/">{$_release_notes}</a> -
<a class="ancillaryLink" href="{$locale}/thunderbird/all.html">{$_other_systems_and_languages}</a>
return $_return;
* Overload parent function. See parent for details.
function getDownloadBlockForLocale($locale, $options=array()) {
$options['product'] = array_key_exists('product', $options) ?
$options['product'] : 'thunderbird';
# Used on the sidebar only
$options['download_title'] = ___('Get Thunderbird');
return parent::getDownloadBlockForLocale($locale, $options);
* Convenience function to return a <table> of Thunderbird primary builds
* @param array options (more detail in getDownloadBlockForLocale())
* @return string HTML block
function getDownloadTableForPrimaryBuilds($options=array()) {
$options['product'] = array_key_exists('product', $options) ? $options['product'] : 'thunderbird';
$options['latest_version'] = LATEST_THUNDERBIRD_VERSION;
return $this->tweakString($this->_getDownloadTableFromBuildArray($this->primary_builds, $options), $options);
* Convenience function to return a <table> of Thunderbird beta builds
* @param array options (more detail in getDownloadBlockForLocale())
* @return string HTML block
function getDownloadTableForBetaBuilds($options=array()) {
$options['product'] = array_key_exists('product', $options) ? $options['product'] : 'thunderbird';
$options['latest_version'] = LATEST_THUNDERBIRD_VERSION;
return $this->tweakString($this->_getDownloadTableFromBuildArray($this->beta_builds, $options), $options);
* Return a <table> with the links to the older versions of all locales with
* primary builds. We keep links to a single previous version.
* @return string HTML block
function getDownloadTableForOlderPrimaryBuilds($options=array()) {
$options['product'] = array_key_exists('product', $options) ? $options['product'] : 'thunderbird';
$options['latest_version'] = LATEST_THUNDERBIRD_VERSION;
$options['product_version'] = 'oldest';
return $this->tweakString($this->_getDownloadTableFromBuildArray($this->primary_builds, $options), $options);
* Return a <table> with the links to the older versions of all locales with
* beta builds. We keep links to a single previous version.
* @return string HTML block
function getDownloadTableForOlderBetaBuilds($options=array()) {
$options['product'] = array_key_exists('product', $options) ? $options['product'] : 'thunderbird';
$options['latest_version'] = LATEST_THUNDERBIRD_VERSION;
$options['product_version'] = 'oldest';
return $this->tweakString($this->_getDownloadTableFromBuildArray($this->beta_builds, $options), $options);
* 20070827_TEMP
* Overload parent function. See parent for details.
function getNoScriptBlockForLocale($locale, $options=array()) {
$options['product'] = array_key_exists('product', $options) ? $options['product'] : 'thunderbird';
return parent::getNoScriptBlockForLocale($locale, $options);