blob: 5aa2f8d6569630f7ceba13358e2e56942c5706cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "src/heap/heap.h"
#include "src/objects.h"
#include "src/snapshot/serializer-common.h"
#include "src/snapshot/snapshot-source-sink.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Used for platforms with embedded constant pools to trigger deserialization
// of objects found in code.
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64) || \
defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390) || \
class BuiltinDeserializer;
class Heap;
class StartupDeserializer;
// A Deserializer reads a snapshot and reconstructs the Object graph it defines.
class Deserializer : public SerializerDeserializer {
~Deserializer() override;
// Add an object to back an attached reference. The order to add objects must
// mirror the order they are added in the serializer.
void AddAttachedObject(Handle<HeapObject> attached_object) {
void SetRehashability(bool v) { can_rehash_ = v; }
// Create a deserializer from a snapshot byte source.
template <class Data>
Deserializer(Data* data, bool deserializing_user_code)
: isolate_(NULL),
can_rehash_(false) {
// We start the indicies here at 1, so that we can distinguish between an
// actual index and a nullptr in a deserialized object requiring fix-up.
bool ReserveSpace();
// Atomically reserves space for the two given deserializers. Guarantees
// reservation for both without garbage collection in-between.
static bool ReserveSpace(StartupDeserializer* startup_deserializer,
BuiltinDeserializer* builtin_deserializer);
bool ReservesOnlyCodeSpace() const;
void Initialize(Isolate* isolate);
void DeserializeDeferredObjects();
void RegisterDeserializedObjectsForBlackAllocation();
virtual Address Allocate(int space_index, int size);
// Deserializes into a single pointer and returns the resulting object.
Object* ReadDataSingle();
// This returns the address of an object that has been described in the
// snapshot by chunk index and offset.
HeapObject* GetBackReferencedObject(int space);
// Sort descriptors of deserialized maps using new string hashes.
void SortMapDescriptors();
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
SnapshotByteSource* source() { return &source_; }
const std::vector<Code*>& new_code_objects() const {
return new_code_objects_;
const std::vector<AccessorInfo*>& accessor_infos() const {
return accessor_infos_;
const std::vector<Handle<String>>& new_internalized_strings() const {
return new_internalized_strings_;
const std::vector<Handle<Script>>& new_scripts() const {
return new_scripts_;
const std::vector<TransitionArray*>& transition_arrays() const {
return transition_arrays_;
bool deserializing_user_code() const { return deserializing_user_code_; }
bool can_rehash() const { return can_rehash_; }
bool IsLazyDeserializationEnabled() const;
void VisitRootPointers(Root root, Object** start, Object** end) override;
void Synchronize(VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag) override;
void DecodeReservation(Vector<const SerializedData::Reservation> res);
void UnalignedCopy(Object** dest, Object** src) {
memcpy(dest, src, sizeof(*src));
void SetAlignment(byte data) {
DCHECK_EQ(kWordAligned, next_alignment_);
int alignment = data - (kAlignmentPrefix - 1);
DCHECK_LE(kWordAligned, alignment);
DCHECK_LE(alignment, kDoubleUnaligned);
next_alignment_ = static_cast<AllocationAlignment>(alignment);
// Fills in some heap data in an area from start to end (non-inclusive). The
// space id is used for the write barrier. The object_address is the address
// of the object we are writing into, or NULL if we are not writing into an
// object, i.e. if we are writing a series of tagged values that are not on
// the heap. Return false if the object content has been deferred.
bool ReadData(Object** start, Object** end, int space,
Address object_address);
// A helper function for ReadData, templatized on the bytecode for efficiency.
// Returns the new value of {current}.
template <int where, int how, int within, int space_number_if_any>
inline Object** ReadDataCase(Isolate* isolate, Object** current,
Address current_object_address, byte data,
bool write_barrier_needed);
void ReadObject(int space_number, Object** write_back);
// Special handling for serialized code like hooking up internalized strings.
HeapObject* PostProcessNewObject(HeapObject* obj, int space);
// May replace the given builtin_id with the DeserializeLazy builtin for lazy
// deserialization.
int MaybeReplaceWithDeserializeLazy(int builtin_id);
// Cached current isolate.
Isolate* isolate_;
// Objects from the attached object descriptions in the serialized user code.
std::vector<Handle<HeapObject>> attached_objects_;
SnapshotByteSource source_;
uint32_t magic_number_;
// The address of the next object that will be allocated in each space.
// Each space has a number of chunks reserved by the GC, with each chunk
// fitting into a page. Deserialized objects are allocated into the
// current chunk of the target space by bumping up high water mark.
Heap::Reservation reservations_[kNumberOfSpaces];
uint32_t current_chunk_[kNumberOfPreallocatedSpaces];
Address high_water_[kNumberOfPreallocatedSpaces];
int next_map_index_;
std::vector<Address> allocated_maps_;
ExternalReferenceTable* external_reference_table_;
std::vector<HeapObject*> deserialized_large_objects_;
std::vector<Code*> new_code_objects_;
std::vector<AccessorInfo*> accessor_infos_;
std::vector<Handle<String>> new_internalized_strings_;
std::vector<Handle<Script>> new_scripts_;
std::vector<TransitionArray*> transition_arrays_;
std::vector<byte*> off_heap_backing_stores_;
const bool deserializing_user_code_;
// TODO(jgruber): This workaround will no longer be necessary once builtin
// reference patching has been removed (through advance allocation).
bool deserializing_builtins_ = false;
AllocationAlignment next_alignment_;
// TODO(6593): generalize rehashing, and remove this flag.
bool can_rehash_;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t num_api_references_;
#endif // DEBUG
// Used to insert a deserialized internalized string into the string table.
class StringTableInsertionKey : public StringTableKey {
explicit StringTableInsertionKey(String* string);
bool IsMatch(Object* string) override;
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<String> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) override;
uint32_t ComputeHashField(String* string);
String* string_;
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8