blob: 55c2b4f7d133624243aa61daddbbaa0b787b5d89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/backend/spill-placer.h"
#include "src/base/bits-iterator.h"
#include "src/compiler/backend/register-allocator.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
SpillPlacer::SpillPlacer(LiveRangeFinder* finder,
TopTierRegisterAllocationData* data, Zone* zone)
: finder_(finder), data_(data), zone_(zone) {}
SpillPlacer::~SpillPlacer() {
if (assigned_indices_ > 0) {
void SpillPlacer::Add(TopLevelLiveRange* range) {
InstructionOperand spill_operand = range->GetSpillRangeOperand();
range->FilterSpillMoves(data(), spill_operand);
InstructionSequence* code = data_->code();
InstructionBlock* top_start_block =
RpoNumber top_start_block_number = top_start_block->rpo_number();
// Check for several cases where spilling at the definition is best.
// - The value is already moved on-stack somehow so the list of insertion
// locations for spilling at the definition is empty.
// - If the first LiveRange is spilled, then there's no sense in doing
// anything other than spilling at the definition.
// - If the value is defined in a deferred block, then the logic to select
// the earliest deferred block as the insertion point would cause
// incorrect behavior, so the value must be spilled at the definition.
// - We haven't seen any indication of performance improvements from seeking
// optimal spilling positions except on loop-top phi values, so spill
// any value that isn't a loop-top phi at the definition to avoid
// increasing the code size for no benefit.
if (range->GetSpillMoveInsertionLocations(data()) == nullptr ||
range->spilled() || top_start_block->IsDeferred() ||
(!FLAG_stress_turbo_late_spilling && !range->is_loop_phi())) {
range->CommitSpillMoves(data(), spill_operand);
// Iterate through the range and mark every block that needs the value to be
// spilled.
for (const LiveRange* child = range; child != nullptr;
child = child->next()) {
if (child->spilled()) {
// Add every block that contains part of this live range.
for (UseInterval* interval = child->first_interval(); interval != nullptr;
interval = interval->next()) {
RpoNumber start_block =
if (start_block == top_start_block_number) {
// Can't do late spilling if the first spill is within the
// definition block.
range->CommitSpillMoves(data(), spill_operand);
// Verify that we never added any data for this range to the table.
LifetimePosition end = interval->end();
int end_instruction = end.ToInstructionIndex();
// The end position is exclusive, so an end position exactly on a block
// boundary indicates that the range applies only to the prior block.
if (data()->IsBlockBoundary(end)) {
RpoNumber end_block =
while (start_block <= end_block) {
SetSpillRequired(code->InstructionBlockAt(start_block), range->vreg(),
start_block = start_block.Next();
} else {
// Add every block that contains a use which requires the on-stack value.
for (const UsePosition* pos = child->first_pos(); pos != nullptr;
pos = pos->next()) {
if (pos->type() != UsePositionType::kRequiresSlot) continue;
InstructionBlock* block =
RpoNumber block_number = block->rpo_number();
if (block_number == top_start_block_number) {
// Can't do late spilling if the first spill is within the
// definition block.
range->CommitSpillMoves(data(), spill_operand);
// Verify that we never added any data for this range to the table.
SetSpillRequired(block, range->vreg(), top_start_block_number);
// If we haven't yet marked anything for this range, then it never needs to
// spill at all.
if (!IsLatestVreg(range->vreg())) {
SetDefinition(top_start_block_number, range->vreg());
class SpillPlacer::Entry {
// Functions operating on single values (during setup):
void SetSpillRequiredSingleValue(int value_index) {
DCHECK_LT(value_index, kValueIndicesPerEntry);
uint64_t bit = uint64_t{1} << value_index;
void SetDefinitionSingleValue(int value_index) {
DCHECK_LT(value_index, kValueIndicesPerEntry);
uint64_t bit = uint64_t{1} << value_index;
// Functions operating on all values simultaneously, as bitfields:
uint64_t SpillRequired() const { return GetValuesInState<kSpillRequired>(); }
void SetSpillRequired(uint64_t mask) {
uint64_t SpillRequiredInNonDeferredSuccessor() const {
return GetValuesInState<kSpillRequiredInNonDeferredSuccessor>();
void SetSpillRequiredInNonDeferredSuccessor(uint64_t mask) {
uint64_t SpillRequiredInDeferredSuccessor() const {
return GetValuesInState<kSpillRequiredInDeferredSuccessor>();
void SetSpillRequiredInDeferredSuccessor(uint64_t mask) {
uint64_t Definition() const { return GetValuesInState<kDefinition>(); }
void SetDefinition(uint64_t mask) { UpdateValuesToState<kDefinition>(mask); }
// Possible states for every value, at every block.
enum State {
// This block is not (yet) known to require the on-stack value.
// The value must be on the stack in this block.
// The value doesn't need to be on-stack in this block, but some
// non-deferred successor needs it.
// The value doesn't need to be on-stack in this block, but some
// deferred successor needs it.
// The value is defined in this block.
template <State state>
uint64_t GetValuesInState() const {
STATIC_ASSERT(state < 8);
return ((state & 1) ? first_bit_ : ~first_bit_) &
((state & 2) ? second_bit_ : ~second_bit_) &
((state & 4) ? third_bit_ : ~third_bit_);
template <State state>
void UpdateValuesToState(uint64_t mask) {
STATIC_ASSERT(state < 8);
first_bit_ =
Entry::UpdateBitDataWithMask<(state & 1) != 0>(first_bit_, mask);
second_bit_ =
Entry::UpdateBitDataWithMask<(state & 2) != 0>(second_bit_, mask);
third_bit_ =
Entry::UpdateBitDataWithMask<(state & 4) != 0>(third_bit_, mask);
template <bool set_ones>
static uint64_t UpdateBitDataWithMask(uint64_t data, uint64_t mask) {
return set_ones ? data | mask : data & ~mask;
// Storage for the states of up to 64 live ranges.
uint64_t first_bit_ = 0;
uint64_t second_bit_ = 0;
uint64_t third_bit_ = 0;
int SpillPlacer::GetOrCreateIndexForLatestVreg(int vreg) {
DCHECK_LE(assigned_indices_, kValueIndicesPerEntry);
// If this vreg isn't yet the last one in the list, then add it.
if (!IsLatestVreg(vreg)) {
if (vreg_numbers_ == nullptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(assigned_indices_, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(entries_, nullptr);
// We lazily allocate these arrays because many functions don't have any
// values that use SpillPlacer.
entries_ =
for (size_t i = 0; i < data()->code()->instruction_blocks().size(); ++i) {
new (&entries_[i]) Entry();
vreg_numbers_ = zone_->NewArray<int>(kValueIndicesPerEntry);
if (assigned_indices_ == kValueIndicesPerEntry) {
// The table is full; commit the current set of values and clear it.
vreg_numbers_[assigned_indices_] = vreg;
return assigned_indices_ - 1;
void SpillPlacer::CommitSpills() {
void SpillPlacer::ClearData() {
assigned_indices_ = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data()->code()->InstructionBlockCount(); ++i) {
new (&entries_[i]) Entry();
first_block_ = RpoNumber::Invalid();
last_block_ = RpoNumber::Invalid();
void SpillPlacer::ExpandBoundsToInclude(RpoNumber block) {
if (!first_block_.IsValid()) {
first_block_ = block;
last_block_ = block;
} else {
if (first_block_ > block) {
first_block_ = block;
if (last_block_ < block) {
last_block_ = block;
void SpillPlacer::SetSpillRequired(InstructionBlock* block, int vreg,
RpoNumber top_start_block) {
// Spilling in loops is bad, so if the block is non-deferred and nested
// within a loop, and the definition is before that loop, then mark the loop
// top instead. Of course we must find the outermost such loop.
if (!block->IsDeferred()) {
while (block->loop_header().IsValid() &&
block->loop_header() > top_start_block) {
block = data()->code()->InstructionBlockAt(block->loop_header());
int value_index = GetOrCreateIndexForLatestVreg(vreg);
void SpillPlacer::SetDefinition(RpoNumber block, int vreg) {
int value_index = GetOrCreateIndexForLatestVreg(vreg);
void SpillPlacer::FirstBackwardPass() {
InstructionSequence* code = data()->code();
for (int i = last_block_.ToInt(); i >= first_block_.ToInt(); --i) {
RpoNumber block_id = RpoNumber::FromInt(i);
InstructionBlock* block = code->instruction_blocks()[i];
Entry& entry = entries_[i];
// State that will be accumulated from successors.
uint64_t spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor = 0;
uint64_t spill_required_in_deferred_successor = 0;
for (RpoNumber successor_id : block->successors()) {
// Ignore loop back-edges.
if (successor_id <= block_id) continue;
InstructionBlock* successor = code->InstructionBlockAt(successor_id);
const Entry& successor_entry = entries_[successor_id.ToSize()];
if (successor->IsDeferred()) {
spill_required_in_deferred_successor |= successor_entry.SpillRequired();
} else {
spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor |=
spill_required_in_deferred_successor |=
spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor |=
// Starting state of the current block.
uint64_t defs = entry.Definition();
uint64_t needs_spill = entry.SpillRequired();
// Info about successors doesn't get to override existing info about
// definitions and spills required by this block itself.
spill_required_in_deferred_successor &= ~(defs | needs_spill);
spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor &= ~(defs | needs_spill);
void SpillPlacer::ForwardPass() {
InstructionSequence* code = data()->code();
for (int i = first_block_.ToInt(); i <= last_block_.ToInt(); ++i) {
RpoNumber block_id = RpoNumber::FromInt(i);
InstructionBlock* block = code->instruction_blocks()[i];
// Deferred blocks don't need to participate in the forward pass, because
// their spills all get pulled forward to the earliest possible deferred
// block (where a non-deferred block jumps to a deferred block), and
// decisions about spill requirements for non-deferred blocks don't take
// deferred blocks into account.
if (block->IsDeferred()) continue;
Entry& entry = entries_[i];
// State that will be accumulated from predecessors.
uint64_t spill_required_in_non_deferred_predecessor = 0;
uint64_t spill_required_in_all_non_deferred_predecessors =
for (RpoNumber predecessor_id : block->predecessors()) {
// Ignore loop back-edges.
if (predecessor_id >= block_id) continue;
InstructionBlock* predecessor = code->InstructionBlockAt(predecessor_id);
if (predecessor->IsDeferred()) continue;
const Entry& predecessor_entry = entries_[predecessor_id.ToSize()];
spill_required_in_non_deferred_predecessor |=
spill_required_in_all_non_deferred_predecessors &=
// Starting state of the current block.
uint64_t spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor =
uint64_t spill_required_in_any_successor =
spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor |
// If all of the predecessors agree that a spill is required, then a
// spill is required. Note that we don't set anything for values that
// currently have no markings in this block, to avoid pushing data too
// far down the graph and confusing the next backward pass.
entry.SetSpillRequired(spill_required_in_any_successor &
spill_required_in_non_deferred_predecessor &
// If only some of the predecessors require a spill, but some successor
// of this block also requires a spill, then this merge point requires a
// spill. This ensures that no control-flow path through non-deferred
// blocks ever has to spill twice.
entry.SetSpillRequired(spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor &
void SpillPlacer::SecondBackwardPass() {
InstructionSequence* code = data()->code();
for (int i = last_block_.ToInt(); i >= first_block_.ToInt(); --i) {
RpoNumber block_id = RpoNumber::FromInt(i);
InstructionBlock* block = code->instruction_blocks()[i];
Entry& entry = entries_[i];
// State that will be accumulated from successors.
uint64_t spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor = 0;
uint64_t spill_required_in_deferred_successor = 0;
uint64_t spill_required_in_all_non_deferred_successors =
for (RpoNumber successor_id : block->successors()) {
// Ignore loop back-edges.
if (successor_id <= block_id) continue;
InstructionBlock* successor = code->InstructionBlockAt(successor_id);
const Entry& successor_entry = entries_[successor_id.ToSize()];
if (successor->IsDeferred()) {
spill_required_in_deferred_successor |= successor_entry.SpillRequired();
} else {
spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor |=
spill_required_in_all_non_deferred_successors &=
// Starting state of the current block.
uint64_t defs = entry.Definition();
// If all of the successors of a definition need the value to be
// spilled, then the value should be spilled at the definition.
uint64_t spill_at_def = defs & spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor &
for (int index_to_spill : base::bits::IterateBits(spill_at_def)) {
int vreg_to_spill = vreg_numbers_[index_to_spill];
TopLevelLiveRange* top = data()->live_ranges()[vreg_to_spill];
top->CommitSpillMoves(data(), top->GetSpillRangeOperand());
if (block->IsDeferred()) {
DCHECK_EQ(defs, 0);
// Any deferred successor needing a spill is sufficient to make the
// current block need a spill.
// Propagate data upward if there are non-deferred successors and they
// all need a spill, regardless of whether the current block is
// deferred.
entry.SetSpillRequired(~defs & spill_required_in_non_deferred_successor &
// Iterate the successors again to find out which ones require spills at
// their beginnings, and insert those spills.
for (RpoNumber successor_id : block->successors()) {
// Ignore loop back-edges.
if (successor_id <= block_id) continue;
InstructionBlock* successor = code->InstructionBlockAt(successor_id);
const Entry& successor_entry = entries_[successor_id.ToSize()];
for (int index_to_spill :
base::bits::IterateBits(successor_entry.SpillRequired() &
~entry.SpillRequired() & ~spill_at_def)) {
CommitSpill(vreg_numbers_[index_to_spill], block, successor);
void SpillPlacer::CommitSpill(int vreg, InstructionBlock* predecessor,
InstructionBlock* successor) {
TopLevelLiveRange* top = data()->live_ranges()[vreg];
LiveRangeBoundArray* array = finder_->ArrayFor(vreg);
LifetimePosition pred_end = LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex(
LiveRangeBound* bound = array->Find(pred_end);
InstructionOperand pred_op = bound->range_->GetAssignedOperand();
DCHECK_EQ(successor->PredecessorCount(), 1);
Instruction::GapPosition::START, pred_op,
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8