blob: 96e2308cee7e7530095a834b690727b2cdf3feaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/debug/wasm/gdb-server/gdb-server.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <functional>
#include "src/api/api-inl.h"
#include "src/api/api.h"
#include "src/debug/debug.h"
#include "src/debug/wasm/gdb-server/gdb-server-thread.h"
#include "src/utils/locked-queue-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
namespace gdb_server {
static const uint32_t kMaxWasmCallStack = 20;
// A TaskRunner is an object that runs posted tasks (in the form of closure
// objects). Tasks are queued and run, in order, in the thread where the
// TaskRunner::RunMessageLoop() is called.
class TaskRunner {
// Class Task wraps a std::function with a semaphore to signal its completion.
// This logic would be neatly implemented with std::packaged_tasks but we
// cannot use <future> in V8.
class Task {
Task(base::Semaphore* ready_semaphore, std::function<void()> func)
: ready_semaphore_(ready_semaphore), func_(func) {}
void Run() {
// A semaphore object passed by the thread that posts a task.
// The sender can Wait on this semaphore to block until the task has
// completed execution in the TaskRunner thread.
base::Semaphore* ready_semaphore_;
// The function to run.
std::function<void()> func_;
: process_queue_semaphore_(0),
is_terminated_(false) {}
// Starts the task runner. All tasks posted are run, in order, in the thread
// that calls this function.
void Run() {
is_terminated_ = false;
int loop_number = ++nested_loop_count_;
while (nested_loop_count_ == loop_number && !is_terminated_) {
std::shared_ptr<Task> task = GetNext();
if (task) {
// Terminates the task runner. Tasks that are still pending in the queue are
// not discarded and will be executed when the task runner is restarted.
void Terminate() {
DCHECK_LT(0, nested_loop_count_);
is_terminated_ = true;
// Posts a task to the task runner, to be executed in the task runner thread.
template <typename Functor>
auto Append(base::Semaphore* ready_semaphore, Functor&& task) {
queue_.Enqueue(std::make_shared<Task>(ready_semaphore, task));
std::shared_ptr<Task> GetNext() {
while (!is_terminated_) {
if (queue_.IsEmpty()) {
std::shared_ptr<Task> task;
if (queue_.Dequeue(&task)) {
return task;
return nullptr;
LockedQueue<std::shared_ptr<Task>> queue_;
v8::base::Semaphore process_queue_semaphore_;
int nested_loop_count_;
std::atomic<bool> is_terminated_;
GdbServer::GdbServer() { task_runner_ = std::make_unique<TaskRunner>(); }
template <typename Functor>
auto GdbServer::RunSyncTask(Functor&& callback) const {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
v8::base::Semaphore ready_semaphore(0);
task_runner_->Append(&ready_semaphore, callback);
// static
std::unique_ptr<GdbServer> GdbServer::Create() {
std::unique_ptr<GdbServer> gdb_server(new GdbServer());
// Spawns the GDB-stub thread where all the communication with the debugger
// happens.
gdb_server->thread_ = std::make_unique<GdbServerThread>(gdb_server.get());
if (!gdb_server->thread_->StartAndInitialize()) {
"Cannot initialize thread, GDB-remote debugging will be disabled.\n");
return nullptr;
return gdb_server;
GdbServer::~GdbServer() {
// All Isolates have been deregistered.
if (thread_) {
// Waits for the GDB-stub thread to terminate.
void GdbServer::RunMessageLoopOnPause() { task_runner_->Run(); }
void GdbServer::QuitMessageLoopOnPause() { task_runner_->Terminate(); }
std::vector<GdbServer::WasmModuleInfo> GdbServer::GetLoadedModules() {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
std::vector<GdbServer::WasmModuleInfo> modules;
RunSyncTask([this, &modules]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
for (const auto& pair : scripts_) {
uint32_t module_id = pair.first;
const WasmModuleDebug& module_debug = pair.second;
modules.push_back({module_id, module_debug.GetModuleName()});
return modules;
bool GdbServer::GetModuleDebugHandler(uint32_t module_id,
WasmModuleDebug** wasm_module_debug) {
// Always executed in the isolate thread.
ScriptsMap::iterator scriptIterator = scripts_.find(module_id);
if (scriptIterator != scripts_.end()) {
*wasm_module_debug = &scriptIterator->second;
return true;
wasm_module_debug = nullptr;
return false;
bool GdbServer::GetWasmGlobal(uint32_t frame_index, uint32_t index,
uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_size,
uint32_t* size) {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
bool result = false;
RunSyncTask([this, &result, frame_index, index, buffer, buffer_size, size]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
result = WasmModuleDebug::GetWasmGlobal(GetTarget().GetCurrentIsolate(),
frame_index, index, buffer,
buffer_size, size);
return result;
bool GdbServer::GetWasmLocal(uint32_t frame_index, uint32_t index,
uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_size,
uint32_t* size) {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
bool result = false;
RunSyncTask([this, &result, frame_index, index, buffer, buffer_size, size]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
result = WasmModuleDebug::GetWasmLocal(GetTarget().GetCurrentIsolate(),
frame_index, index, buffer,
buffer_size, size);
return result;
bool GdbServer::GetWasmStackValue(uint32_t frame_index, uint32_t index,
uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_size,
uint32_t* size) {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
bool result = false;
RunSyncTask([this, &result, frame_index, index, buffer, buffer_size, size]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
result = WasmModuleDebug::GetWasmStackValue(GetTarget().GetCurrentIsolate(),
frame_index, index, buffer,
buffer_size, size);
return result;
uint32_t GdbServer::GetWasmMemory(uint32_t frame_index, uint32_t offset,
uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t size) {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
uint32_t bytes_read = 0;
RunSyncTask([this, &bytes_read, frame_index, offset, buffer, size]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
bytes_read = WasmModuleDebug::GetWasmMemory(
GetTarget().GetCurrentIsolate(), frame_index, offset, buffer, size);
return bytes_read;
uint32_t GdbServer::GetWasmModuleBytes(wasm_addr_t wasm_addr, uint8_t* buffer,
uint32_t size) {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
uint32_t bytes_read = 0;
RunSyncTask([this, &bytes_read, wasm_addr, buffer, size]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
WasmModuleDebug* module_debug;
if (GetModuleDebugHandler(wasm_addr.ModuleId(), &module_debug)) {
bytes_read = module_debug->GetWasmModuleBytes(wasm_addr, buffer, size);
return bytes_read;
bool GdbServer::AddBreakpoint(uint32_t wasm_module_id, uint32_t offset) {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
bool result = false;
RunSyncTask([this, &result, wasm_module_id, offset]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
WasmModuleDebug* module_debug;
if (GetModuleDebugHandler(wasm_module_id, &module_debug)) {
int breakpoint_id = 0;
if (module_debug->AddBreakpoint(offset, &breakpoint_id)) {
breakpoints_[wasm_addr_t(wasm_module_id, offset)] = breakpoint_id;
result = true;
return result;
bool GdbServer::RemoveBreakpoint(uint32_t wasm_module_id, uint32_t offset) {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
bool result = false;
RunSyncTask([this, &result, wasm_module_id, offset]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
BreakpointsMap::iterator it =
breakpoints_.find(wasm_addr_t(wasm_module_id, offset));
if (it != breakpoints_.end()) {
int breakpoint_id = it->second;
WasmModuleDebug* module_debug;
if (GetModuleDebugHandler(wasm_module_id, &module_debug)) {
module_debug->RemoveBreakpoint(offset, breakpoint_id);
result = true;
return result;
std::vector<wasm_addr_t> GdbServer::GetWasmCallStack() const {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
std::vector<wasm_addr_t> result;
RunSyncTask([this, &result]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
result = GetTarget().GetCallStack();
return result;
void GdbServer::AddIsolate(Isolate* isolate) {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
if (isolate_delegates_.find(isolate) == isolate_delegates_.end()) {
isolate_delegates_[isolate] =
std::make_unique<DebugDelegate>(isolate, this);
void GdbServer::RemoveIsolate(Isolate* isolate) {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
auto it = isolate_delegates_.find(isolate);
if (it != isolate_delegates_.end()) {
for (auto it = scripts_.begin(); it != scripts_.end();) {
if (it->second.GetIsolate() == isolate) {
it = scripts_.erase(it);
} else {
void GdbServer::Suspend() {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
auto it = isolate_delegates_.begin();
if (it != isolate_delegates_.end()) {
Isolate* isolate = it->first;
v8::Isolate* v8Isolate = (v8::Isolate*)isolate;
// Executed in the isolate thread.
[](v8::Isolate* isolate, void*) {
if (v8::debug::AllFramesOnStackAreBlackboxed(isolate)) {
} else {
void GdbServer::PrepareStep() {
// Executed in the GDBServerThread.
wasm_addr_t pc = GetTarget().GetCurrentPc();
RunSyncTask([this, pc]() {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
WasmModuleDebug* module_debug;
if (GetModuleDebugHandler(pc.ModuleId(), &module_debug)) {
void GdbServer::AddWasmModule(uint32_t module_id,
Local<debug::WasmScript> wasm_script) {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
DCHECK_EQ(Script::TYPE_WASM, Utils::OpenHandle(*wasm_script)->type());
v8::Isolate* isolate = wasm_script->GetIsolate();
std::make_pair(module_id, WasmModuleDebug(isolate, wasm_script)));
if (FLAG_wasm_pause_waiting_for_debugger && scripts_.size() == 1) {
TRACE_GDB_REMOTE("Paused, waiting for a debugger to attach...\n");
Target& GdbServer::GetTarget() const { return thread_->GetTarget(); }
// static
std::atomic<uint32_t> GdbServer::DebugDelegate::id_s;
GdbServer::DebugDelegate::DebugDelegate(Isolate* isolate, GdbServer* gdb_server)
: isolate_(isolate), id_(id_s++), gdb_server_(gdb_server) {
true, kMaxWasmCallStack, v8::StackTrace::kOverview);
// Register the delegate
GdbServer::DebugDelegate::~DebugDelegate() {
// Deregister the delegate
void GdbServer::DebugDelegate::ScriptCompiled(Local<debug::Script> script,
bool is_live_edited,
bool has_compile_error) {
// Executed in the isolate thread.
if (script->IsWasm()) {
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(isolate_), script->GetIsolate());
void GdbServer::DebugDelegate::BreakProgramRequested(
// Executed in the isolate thread.
Local<v8::Context> paused_context,
const std::vector<debug::BreakpointId>& inspector_break_points_hit) {
isolate_, WasmModuleDebug::GetCallStack(id_, isolate_));
void GdbServer::DebugDelegate::ExceptionThrown(
// Executed in the isolate thread.
Local<v8::Context> paused_context, Local<Value> exception,
Local<Value> promise, bool is_uncaught,
debug::ExceptionType exception_type) {
if (exception_type == v8::debug::kException && is_uncaught) {
isolate_, WasmModuleDebug::GetCallStack(id_, isolate_));
bool GdbServer::DebugDelegate::IsFunctionBlackboxed(
// Executed in the isolate thread.
Local<debug::Script> script, const debug::Location& start,
const debug::Location& end) {
return false;
} // namespace gdb_server
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8