blob: 9b2a6246cb37fbe92f6345ea9fccb86a54e1a4bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A class that represents an edge of a graph, including node-to-node connection,
// and node-to-param connection.
export class EdgeView {
* @param {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodesConnectionData | !WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeParamConnectionData} data
* @param {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.EdgeTypes} type
constructor(data, type) {
const {edgeId, sourcePortId, destinationPortId} = generateEdgePortIdsByData(data, type); = edgeId;
this.type = type;
this.sourceId = data.sourceId;
this.destinationId = data.destinationId;
this.sourcePortId = sourcePortId;
this.destinationPortId = destinationPortId;
* Generates the edge id and source/destination portId using edge data and type.
* @param {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodesConnectionData | !WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeParamConnectionData} data
* @param {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.EdgeTypes} type
* @return {?{edgeId: string, sourcePortId: string, destinationPortId: string}}
export const generateEdgePortIdsByData = (data, type) => {
if (!data.sourceId || !data.destinationId) {
console.error(`Undefined node message: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
return null;
const sourcePortId = WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.generateOutputPortId(data.sourceId, data.sourceOutputIndex);
const destinationPortId = getDestinationPortId(data, type);
return {
edgeId: `${sourcePortId}->${destinationPortId}`,
sourcePortId: sourcePortId,
destinationPortId: destinationPortId,
* Get the destination portId based on connection type.
* @param {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodesConnectionData | !WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.NodeParamConnectionData} data
* @param {!WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.EdgeTypes} type
* @return {string}
function getDestinationPortId(data, type) {
if (type === EdgeTypes.NodeToNode) {
return WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.generateInputPortId(data.destinationId, data.destinationInputIndex);
} else if (type === EdgeTypes.NodeToParam) {
return WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.generateParamPortId(data.destinationId, data.destinationParamId);
} else {
console.error(`Unknown edge type: ${type}`);
return '';
* Supported edge types.
* @enum {symbol}
export const EdgeTypes = {
NodeToNode: Symbol('NodeToNode'),
NodeToParam: Symbol('NodeToParam'),
/* Legacy exported object */
self.WebAudio = self.WebAudio || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
WebAudio = WebAudio || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer = WebAudio.GraphVisualizer || {};
* @constructor
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.EdgeView = EdgeView;
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.generateEdgePortIdsByData = generateEdgePortIdsByData;
* Supported edge types.
* @enum {symbol}
WebAudio.GraphVisualizer.EdgeTypes = EdgeTypes;