blob: ffd7e016330be5c297000c728e96b54590934352 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
TOOLS_WASM_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd ${TOOLS_WASM_DIR}/../..
rm -rf test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus
tools/dev/ x64.release all
mkdir -p test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus
# wasm
./tools/ -j8 --variants=default --timeout=10 --arch=x64 \
--mode=release --no-presubmit --extra-flags="--dump-wasm-module \
--dump-wasm-module-path=./test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus/" unittests
./tools/ -j8 --variants=default --timeout=10 --arch=x64 \
--mode=release --no-presubmit --extra-flags="--dump-wasm-module \
--dump-wasm-module-path=./test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus/" wasm-spec-tests/*
./tools/ -j8 --variants=default --timeout=10 --arch=x64 \
--mode=release --no-presubmit --extra-flags="--dump-wasm-module \
--dump-wasm-module-path=./test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus/" mjsunit/wasm/*
./tools/ -j8 --variants=default --timeout=10 --arch=x64 \
--mode=release --no-presubmit --extra-flags="--dump-wasm-module \
--dump-wasm-module-path=./test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus/" \
$(cd test/; ls cctest/wasm/test-*.cc | \
sed -es/wasm\\///g | sed -es/[.]cc/\\/\\*/g)
# Delete items over 20k.
for x in $(find ./test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus/ -type f -size +20k)
rm $x
# Upload changes.
cd test/fuzzer -a -b v8-wasm-fuzzer wasm_corpus