| # Full list is tracked through meta bug 793882 |
| |
| #################### |
| # Intended leaks # |
| #################### |
| |
| { |
| PR_SetEnv requires its argument to be leaked, but does not appear on stacks. (See bug 793534.) |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_ZL9SaveToEnvPKc |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| PR_SetEnv requires its argument to be leaked, but does not appear on stacks. (See bug 793549.) |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_ZL13SaveWordToEnvPKcRK19nsACString_internal |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| PR_SetEnv requires its argument to be leaked, but does not appear on stacks. (See bug 944133.) |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN13CrashReporter14SetRestartArgsEiPPc |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| PR_SetEnv requires its argument to be leaked, but does not appear on stacks. (See bug 793548.) |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| ... |
| fun:_Z12ToNewCStringRK19nsACString_internal |
| fun:_ZN13CrashReporter14SetupExtraDataEP7nsIFileRK19nsACString_internal |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| We purposely leak the StatisticsReporter object |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:moz_xmalloc |
| fun:operator new |
| fun:_Z21XRE_CreateStatsObjectv |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| #################################### |
| # Leaks in third party libraries # |
| #################################### |
| |
| { |
| See bug 793535 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:calloc |
| fun:_dlerror_run |
| fun:dlsym |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| See bug 793611 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:memalign |
| fun:tls_get_addr_tail |
| fun:__tls_get_addr |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| See bug 793611 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:memalign |
| fun:tls_get_addr_tail |
| fun:___tls_get_addr |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| ################# |
| # Other leaks # |
| ################# |
| |
| { |
| Bug 794369 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:moz_xmalloc |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN20mozJSComponentLoader10LoadModuleERN7mozilla12FileLocationE |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| Bug 794370 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:moz_xmalloc |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN22nsComponentManagerImpl15RegisterFactoryERK4nsIDPKcS4_P10nsIFactory |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| Bug 794372 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:moz_xmalloc |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN22nsComponentManagerImpl22RegisterCIDEntryLockedEPKN7mozilla6Module8CIDEntryEPNS_11KnownModuleE |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| Bug 794374 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:moz_xmalloc |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN22nsComponentManagerImpl17ManifestComponentERNS_25ManifestProcessingContextEiPKPc |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| Bug 1017112 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| ... |
| fun:PK11_InitPin |
| fun:_ZN11nsPK11Token12InitPasswordEPKDs |
| ... |
| } |