blob: 934f4668002e7c0eea99113f3c056f4ba7d2e6e2 [file] [log] [blame]
load(libdir + 'asserts.js');
// globals:
a = b = get = set = eval = arguments = 10;
assertEq({arguments}.arguments, 10);
var o = {a, b: b, get, set: set};
assertEq(o.a, 10);
assertEq(o.b, 10);
assertEq(o.get, 10);
assertEq(o.set, 10);
var names = ['a', 'get', 'set', 'eval'];
// global
names.forEach(ident =>
assertEq(new Function('return {' + ident + '}.' + ident + ';')(), 10));
// local
names.forEach(ident =>
assertEq(new Function('var ' + ident + ' = 20; return {' + ident + '}.' + ident + ';')(), 20));
// scope
names.forEach(ident =>
assertEq(new Function('var ' + ident + ' = 30; return (function () {return {' + ident + '}.' + ident + ';})();')(), 30));
var reserved = [
// non-identifiers should also throw
var nonidents = [
reserved.concat(nonidents).forEach(ident =>
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => new Function('return {' + ident + '}'), SyntaxError));
var reservedStrict = [
// XXX: according to 12.1.1, these should only be errors in strict code:
// see
reservedStrict.forEach(ident =>
assertEq(new Function('var ' + ident + ' = 10; return {' + ident + '}.' + ident + ';')(), 10));
reservedStrict.concat(['let', 'yield']).forEach(ident =>
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => new Function('"use strict"; return {' + ident + '}'), SyntaxError));