blob: c9827a5746d8dbd52980ed6708a7b9a434dd84c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// All iterators of the same collection type share their immediate prototype.
// Those prototype objects in turn inherit directly from %IteratorPrototype%.
load(libdir + "iteration.js");
// Get %IteratorPrototype%.
var iterProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()));
function test(obj0, obj1) {
var iter0 = obj0[Symbol.iterator](), iter1 = obj1[Symbol.iterator]();
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(iter0);
assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(iter1), proto);
assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(proto), iterProto);
test([], [1]);
test(new Map(), new Map([[1, 1]]));
test(new Set(), new Set([1]));