blob: 501c882ff811d9cc04bd9965fe2916dc1113c44e [file] [log] [blame]
// Different representations of the same number or string are treated as the same Map key.
var m = new Map;
var test = function test(a, b) {
m.set(a, 'secret');
assertEq(m.get(b), 'secret');
m.set(b, 'password');
assertEq(m.get(a), 'password');
assertEq(a, b);
// Float and integer representations of the same number are the same key.
test(9, Math.sqrt(81));
// Ordinary strings and ropes are the same key.
var a = Array(1001).join('x');
var b = Array(501).join('x') + Array(501).join('x');
test(a, b);
// Two structurally different ropes with the same characters are the same key.
a = "";
b = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
a = Array(501).join('x') + a;
b = b + Array(501).join('x');
test(a, b);