blob: 21521ae52504c650c8eeaf9e4aaae93c7e972d5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Stepping out of a finally should not appear to
// step backward to some earlier statement.
var g = newGlobal();
g.eval(`function f() {
debugger; // +0
var x = 0; // +1
try { // +2
x = 1; // +3
throw 'something'; // +4
} catch (e) { // +5
x = 2; // +6
} finally { // +7
x = 3; // +8
} // +9
x = 4; // +10
}`); // +11
var dbg = Debugger(g);
let foundLines = '';
dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function(frame) {
let debugLine = frame.script.getOffsetLocation(frame.offset).lineNumber;
frame.onStep = function() {
// Only record a stop when the offset is an entry point.
let foundLine = this.script.getOffsetLocation(this.offset).lineNumber;
if (foundLine != debugLine && this.script.getLineOffsets(foundLine).indexOf(this.offset) >= 0) {
foundLines += "," + (foundLine - debugLine);
assertEq(foundLines, ",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10");