blob: c4655662a2bfd76313290fde46c1d7d8a0375870 [file] [log] [blame]
// frame.eval can evaluate code in a frame pushed in another context. Bug 749697.
// In other words, the debugger can see all frames on the stack, even though
// each frame is attached to a particular JSContext and multiple JSContexts may
// have frames on the stack.
var g = newGlobal();
g.eval('function f(a) { debugger; evaluate("debugger;", {newContext: true}); }');
var dbg = new Debugger(g);
var hits = 0;
dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function (frame1) {
dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function (frame2) {
assertEq(frame1.eval("a").return, 31);
assertEq(hits, 1);